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Bielefeld Graduate School in Theoretical Sciences

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Doctoral programme in Mathematics

In the framework of the BGTS, the Faculty of Mathematics operates a doctoral programme (Promotionsstudiengang) in Mathematics. The official study regulations can be found here (in German).


If you want to enroll in the programme, please fill the form "Antrag auf Annahme" (Acceptance as a doctoral candidate).
Together with this form please submit a

supervision agreement (German)

supervision agreement (English)

to the Faculty of Mathematics (Prüfungsamt). This agreement should contain a passage in which you commit youself to a quality control after one year of your doctoral studies. For instance, you can use the template linked here.
After that you can enroll at the Student Office of Bielefeld University. More information can be found here (currently only in German available).

The categories

Doctoral students in the programme are required to earn 30 credit points (CP) in the following categories.

Activities in this category are, for instance, research oriented lectures and seminars taking place within the framework of the participating programmes, faculties and institutions.
A selection of these activities can be found here.
Also the participation in workshops, conferences or summer schools can be credited.

As a joint interdisciplinary event for all BGTS members the BGTS Colloquium takes place once per semester. Moreover, there are regular interdisciplinary seminars and colloquia, e.g. in Mathematical Physics.

There are many opportunities to gain useful qualifications beside the subject-specific training. Examples are teaching or the organisation of scientific events.
In addition, Bielefeld University's Personnel development program (PEP) offers a wide range of transferable skills courses. These are open to doctoral students of Bielefeld University.

Students can earn credit points for giving talks in seminars or workshops as well as for poster presentations at conferences.

Credit points

For all lectures and seminars which you can find in the electronic course catalogue (ekVV), please proceed as follows:

Enroll for the lecture/seminar in the ekVV.
Tell the lecturer/organiser at the beginning of the lecture/seminar that you will need a confirmation.
Ask the lecturer/organiser at the end of the lecture/seminar to confirm your participation in the ekVV.

For all activites which are not available in the ekVV (e.g. external conferences) please write an e-mail to the BGTS office (; for students in the IRTG 2235: containing the following:

Name of the activity (e.g. title of the conference)
Further details, if applicable (e.g. title of your talk at the conference)
Time (when/from when to when did it take place), location/university
The category (e.g. "subject-specific qualification", see above)
A confirmation of your participation/accomplishment (several possible forms, see below)
Your student number (Matrikelnummer)

Activity Credit points Confirmation
Lectures (participation and/or examination) 2 CP / 2 semester hours Lecturer confirms in the ekVV
Seminars, colloquia (participation) 1 CP / 2 semester hours Organiser confirms in the ekVV
Conferences, Summer Schools etc. 1 CP / event Confirmation by organiser, link to online participant list, certificate of participation
Research stays (at least one week) 1 CP / month E.g. invitation/confirmation by host institute or supervisor
BGTS colloquium 1 CP / year BGTS office confirms in the ekVV
Teaching 1 CP / 2 semester hours E.g. link to the ekVV or confirmation by lecturer
Organisation of workshops, reading groups etc. 1 CP / activity E.g. link to homepage
Courses on transferable skills 1 CP / day (max. 3 CP / course) E.g. PEP certificate
Talk in an external seminar, at a conference etc. 2 CP / talk E.g. link to online announcement, confirmation by organiser
Talk in a seminar at Bielefeld University 2 CP / talk Organiser confirms in the ekVV
Poster presentation at a conference, summer school etc. 1 CP / poster presentation E.g. link to online announcement, confirmation by organiser
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