Faculty of Technology / AG Biomathematik und Theoretische Bioinformatik
modelling, simulation, data analysis
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Lehrstuhl für Ökonometrie
Time series analysis (in particular integrated processes and multidimensional time series)
Spatio-temporal processes
Discrete choice modelling (with focus on mobility behaviour)
Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Department / Literaturwissenschaft / SFB 1288 "Practices of comparing. Ordering and changing the world"
Current research topics
Faculty of Educational Science / AG 9 - Medienpädagogik, Forschungsmethoden und Jugendforschung / Professuren
Quantitative and Mixed-Methods in Educational Research (e.g. Multilevel models; Structural Equation Modeling, Triangulation)
Surveys in school related topics (e.g. Interprofessional collaboration; External evaluation; Stress and Strain in Schools)
Methodology of replication studies
Spatial analysis with administrative data
Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Fields of Study / Departments / German studies / Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen und Lehrbeauftragte
Data Literacy and Digitality
Research Data Management in the Humanities
Computational Literary Studies
Multilingualism in Literature
Faculty of Sociology / People / Academic Staff
Educational & Skill Mismatches
Social Inequality
Labour Markets
Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
Modelling human interaction in dialogue based on multimodal corpora
Sustaintable management of multimodal research data
Human-agent interaction
quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods research
sustainability and ESD (education for sustainable development)
social media research
data literacy
Faculty of Technology / AG Semantische Datenbanken
Development of new techniques that allow humans to interact with technical devices, machines including robots as well as to access large knowledge resources in an intuitive fashion
Current research fields: Multimodal and Multilingual Interaction with the Web of Data; Learning Man-Machine-Interfaces; Technical Memories; Computational Models of Language Acquisition; Knowledge-based Dialog Systems; Smart Homes/Products; Open Science; Ontology-based Interpretation of Natural Language; Processing Big Unstructured Data
MSc Data Science (Coordination)
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Chair of Business Administration: Marketing
Marketing (research) and smart systems
Data and web mining in marketing (research)
Quantitative methods in marketing (research)
Model-based consumer behavior and brand image analysis
Faculty of Biology / Neurobiologie
Individualität und Interaktion
Neuronale Mechanismen der visuellen Verhaltenskontrolle von Insekten
Anwendung von Prinzipien der biologischen Informationsverarbeitung auf künstliche Systeme
School of Public Health / AG 5 Gesundheitsökonomie und Gesundheitsmanagement
Public Health
Discrete Choice Modelling
Faculty of Mathematics
Mathematics and data science
Faculty of Physics / Numerical Simulations and Field Theory on the Lattice
Physics of elementary particles
Lattice field theory
Simulation algorithms
High-performance computing
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Lehrstuhl für Data Science
Stochastic modelling and statistical inference
Applications from biomedicine and environmental and social sciences
Faculty of Educational Science / AG 9 - Medienpädagogik, Forschungsmethoden und Jugendforschung / Akad. Mittelbau
Mixed-Methods in Educational Research
Competence Center for Research Data
Anne Gärtner
Forschungsdatenmanagerin für das Kompetenzzentrum Forschungsdaten an der Universität Bielefeld
Faculty of Mathematics
Stochastic analysis, in particular, stochastic partial differential equations
Stochastic dynamics
Nonlinear partial differential equations
Mathematics of machine learning, in particular, learning algorithms (stochastic gradient descent) and non-convex optimization
Information geometry
Faculty of Law / Lehrstühle und Institute Rechtswissenschaft / Öffentliches Recht / Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Gusy
data protection and privacy law
transparency law and information law
Faculty of Technology / AG Machine Learning
machine learning
deep learning
data visualization
hybrid symbolic-subsymbolic models
explainable models
computational learing theory
biomedical applications of data science
Faculty of Technology / Ambient Intelligence
Auditory Display
Multi-modal (visual and audiohaptic) data presentation
Auditory Data Science
Augmented-/Mixed Reality
Data Mining
Ambient Intelligence for Smart Environments
data-driven optimization
multi-objective optimization and decision-making
privacy-preserving machine learning
robust and interpretable machine learning
learning and optimization for healthcare
Faculty of Physics
Lattice Field Theory
Computational Physics
Parallel and GPU computing
HPC and GPU Clusters
Data Analysis
Dezernat für digitale Transformation und Prozessorganisation (DT / P) / Dezernat für digitale Transformation und Prozessorganisation / Leitung
Information technologies and processes
IT controlling
University Library / Head Office / Library Director
Faculty of Sociology / People / Academic Staff
Survey Methodology
Record Linkage
Social Media Research
New methods/data sources in the social sciences
Further information: http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/soz/personen/kuehne/
Faculty of Physics
Operation of LOFAR-Station DE609 Norderstedt
Automation of data taking and pre-processing
Data and metadata management
Long term archiving and retrieval
Directorate for University Development
Data Science and university development
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Datenanalyse
Time Series Analysis
Ecological and Economic Applications
MSc Statistical Science (Coordination)
MSc Data Science (Coordination)
Faculty of Chemistry
eKVV Chemie
Webseiten der Fakultät für Chemie
EDV und Computertechnik Chemie (EDV-Betreuer)
Softwareentwicklung Datenauswertung
Mitglied "Runder Tisch Storage"
Mitglied "DTM-AG"
Faculty of Sociology / People / Former Staff Members
Social structure analysis
Empirical social justice research
Organizational studies
Methods in empirical social research (in particular, attitude research)
Faculty of Psychology
Work, Research Interests and Further Information:
Internet of Things
Marketing (research) and smart systems
Quantitative methods in marketing (research)
Data and web mining in marketing (research)
Quantitative Methods for Psychology
Structural Equation Modeling and Multilevel Modeling
Causal Inference and Methods for Personalised Interventions
Exceptional Model Mining
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Datenanalyse
Time series analysis (in particular continuous-time modelling)
Data Literacy
Applications in ecology, economics, educational research and public health
Statistical Modelling and Data Science
Probabilistic Forecasting
Statistical/Machine Learning
Applications in Meteorology, Environmental and Educational Sciences, Epidemiology
SFB 1288 "Practices of comparing. Ordering and changing the world" / SFB 1288 Teilprojekt INF - Dateninfrastruktur und Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities
Digital Cultural Heritage
Cultural Analytics
Data Infrastructure und Digital Humanities (project within the Collaborative Research Center 1288 "Practices of Comparison")
University Library / Head Office
Analysis and visualisation of Open APC Data (INTACT)
Data repositories and research data management
Center for Biotechnology - CeBiTec / Research Group A. Pühler
Genetic inprovement of the acarbose producer Actinoplanes sp. (industrial project)
Genetic improvement of the xanthan producer Xanthomonas campestris (industrial project)
Analysis of microbial communities residing in biogas production plants (BMEL project)
Analysis of the phytopathogenic interaction between the fungus Rhizoctonia solani and lettuce (BMBF project)
Coordination of the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (BMBF large project)
School of Public Health / AG 3 Epidemiologie & International Public Health
Health Monitoring
Faculty of Sociology / People / Professors
Methodology and application of structural equation models and latent class analysis both cross-sectionally and longitudinally
Growth curve and growth mixture models and the development of techniques related to multiple imputation of missing data in complex survey designs
Longitudinal development of adolescents' delinquent behavior and relationships of group-focused emnity to individual and contextual variables
University Library / Academic Services
Research data management
Chair of Business Administration: Marketing / Competence Center for Research Data
Research data management
Quantitative Research in Marketing
Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence / Researchers
Religionen in Deutschland ? Wahrnehmungen durch Jugendliche
Institution Centered Conflicts Research
Gewalt bezogene Normen, Einstellungen und Überzeugungen junger Männer in hoch riskanten urbanen Stadtteilen
Soziologische Analyse des bewegungsförmigen Rechtsextremismus
Soziale Konstellationen zur Erklärung von Gewalt
Demokratische Kulturen in Sportvereinen
BiFans - Bielefelder Fußballfan-Studie
BMBF Forschungsverbund TARGET
ZuGleich Zugehörigkeit und Gleichwertigkeit
Violence Research and Development
Die Dynamiken von Peer-Netzwerken und deren Einfluss auf Jugenddelinquenz
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Datenanalyse
Statsitical methods in epidemiology and clinical research
Statistical consulting
SFB 1288 "Practices of comparing. Ordering and changing the world" / SFB 1288 Teilprojekt INF - Dateninfrastruktur und Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities
Faculty of Physics / Theory and Phenomenology of Heavy-Ion Collisions
Non-equilibrium dynamics
High-Energy QCD & Heavy-Ion Collisions
Phase transitions & Dynamic critical phenomena
Faculty of Law / Lehrstühle und Institute Rechtswissenschaft / Bürgerliches Recht / Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Schrader
Law of Digitalisation and Innovation
Patent and Copyright Law
Liability Law for Self-Driving Cars
AI and Moral Conflicts
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History
Digital Humanities
Text Mining
Research Data Management in the Humanities
Data Infrastructure und Digital Humanities (project within the Collaborative Research Center 1288 "Practices of Comparison")
Faculty of Physics / Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Analyse kosmologischer Daten aus den Bereichen: Kosmischer Mikrowellenhintergrund und grossskalige Himmelsdurchmusterungen im Radiofrequenzbereich (LOFAR & MeerKAT)
Betrieb der LOFAR-Station DE609 Norderstedt
Entwicklung und Implementierung neuer Analysemethoden
Faculty of Technology / Computational Metagenomics
Computational metagenomics
Scaling out bioinformatics applications in cloud computing environments
Competence Center for Research Data
Research data management
Multiple annotated linguistic corpora
Metadata and annotation standards
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Lehrstuhl für BWL, Decision and Operation Technologies
Prescriptive Analytics / Decision Support
Discrete Optimization
Intelligent Optimization Methods
Faculty of Sociology / People / Acadamic Staff in Research Projects
Statistical modeling in the social sciences
Intergenerational transmission of different aspects of social stratification
Female employment after Migration
Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in the social sciences
Social Media Research
Faculty of Sociology / People / Acadamic Staff in Research Projects
Medienpädagogik und soziale Ungleichheit
Critical Code Studies
Creative Technologies und Coding Literacy
Prof. Dr. Dan Verständig
Professur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Allgemeine Medienpädagogik
Faculty of Physics / AG Radioastronomy
radio astronomy, pulsar timing
time series analysis
next-generation radio telescopes
ionised interstellar-medium studies
Medical School OWL / AG Interaktive Robotik in Medizin und Pflege
Robot learning in interaction with non-expert users
Co-construction for explainability and transparency, adaptivity, and configurability
Participatory transfer of assistive, interactive robots into medical and care practice
University Library / Academic Services
Research data management
Information and data infrastructure
Dr. Johanna Vompras
Forschungsdatenmanagerin für das Kompetenzzentrum Forschungsdaten an der Universität Bielefeld
Faculty of Sociology / People / Acadamic Staff in Research Projects
Quantitave Methods in Empirical Social Research
LGB/Same-sex couples
Social Inequality
Managing Director BiCDaS
Data Literacy Education
Experimental Psychology
Vision Science
Eye Movements
Perception in the Far Periphery of the Visual Field
Dr. Katharina Weiß
Managerin Scientific Data Services
Geschäftsführerin Bielefeld Center for Data Science (BiCDaS)
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Dean`s office and Administration
MSc Statistical Science (Coordination)
Center for Statistics (Administration)
Competence Center for Research Data
Research data management
Open Science
Semantic Web / Linked Data
Electronic lab notebooks (ELN)