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Donors and Friends

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ZiF main building from the side, blooming trees, green lawn
Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Donors and Friends of ZiF

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Donations can be made to the bank account:

DE32 4805 0161 0043 0104 79


Please send us your address via mail for a receipt.


Manuela Lenzen

+49 521 106-2785

Donors and Friends of ZiF e.V. was founded to be a non-profit body to maintain and consolidate ZiF's importance as a supraregional research institution and international meeting place of science. It offers a platform to former fellows, convenors and those interested in the work at ZiF who wish to maintain contact and identify themselves with the aims and objectives of ZiF.

You can join the Donors and Friends and become a club member with a minimal annual contribution of 30 EUR (personal membership) or 260 EUR (institutional memberships and associations). There is also the option of a 'membership for life' by making a single contribution of at least ten annual dues.
Membership fees and donations are tax deductible conforming to German law.

If you wish to take an active part in supporting the Donors and Friends, please contact the committee.


  • Prof. Dr. Peter Weingart (Chairman)
  • Audrey Hörmann (Vice Chairwoman)
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Carrier
  • Prof. Dr. Helge Ritter
  • Prof. Dr. Véronique Zanetti

Executive Secretary

  • Dr. Manuela Lenzen
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