The cooperation group explores the interaction between economic incentives, institutional features, and epistemic aspirations of science. It brings together economics, sociology, and philosophy of science and seeks to investigate, in particular, the interrelatedness between the social conditions under which science operates and the nature and content of the knowledge produced. Major topical areas concern the incentives operative in the scientific community and their impact on the research process, the influence of social and economic demands, as imposed on research by society, on the research outcomes, and strategies for producing practically fruitful, innovative outcomes. The cooperation group traces the interrelation between the social framework, for one, and the cognitive content of the knowledge gained and the procedures of confirmation invoked, for another. Thus, the interaction between the mentioned fields of economics, sociology, and philosophy of science is a novel feature of the cooperation group.
Justus Liebig University Gießen (GER)
His research is concerned with philosophy of science, methodology of economics, economics of science, the theory of rationality and the causes of cooperative behavior.
Economics (focus on Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
University of Kassel (GER)
His research and teaching activities focus on the economics of science and innovation, entrepreneurship, and regional development. He is particularly interested in the importance of individual mobility for the transfer of knowledge across regions and organizations.
History and Philosophy of Science
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (GER)
He is interested in methodology in general, and in heuristics, the economy of research, and philosophy of statistics in particular.