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Campus der Universität Bielefeld

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The Language Proficiency Test is a test for students of English to show their mastery of the English language after improving their English in the basic modules of their studies, and through engaging with the language in their free time. The Language Proficiency Test is mandatory and cannot be replaced by any other certificate or test; it is the Modulprüfung for BM1. Students should take the test during their first four semesters whenever they feel ready to attempt it.

Details and Procedures

The written test takes one hour and the 10-minute orals take place on dates close to the date of the written test. An interview schedule will be sent by e-mail before the written test.

Written task:

In the 60-minute written test, students write a summary of a German text and complete tasks related to grammar, usage and lexical control. There are no theoretical questions that require "rules" to be stated or metalinguistic knowledge to be displayed.


The interview will be an informal conversation in which the students can talk for about 10 minutes about a topic that interests them. Candidates should think of something they would like to talk about to the examiners for the first few minutes of the test. From there, the conversation will develop naturally. This is not a "Referat", and candidates should not learn a text about their topic by heart. They will be assessed on

  • GRAMMAR (e.g. appropriateness, variety of structures, effectiveness, repairs, accuracy);
  • PRONUNCIATION (including features such as weak forms, 'th' sounds and other phonemes, word stress, appropriate intonation, absence of final devoicing and fluency);
  • LEXIS (e.g. range of appropriate lexical resources, successful paraphrases, absence of false friends, correct collocations, idiomatic usage);
  • DISCOURSE ORGANISATION, CONTENT (e.g. cohesion, coherence, flexibility, variety, density rather than padding)
  • GENERAL IMPRESSION ( e.g. ease, assurance, resources, strategies)

Auntie Alligator’s List of Don’ts. 

Plagiarism is using someone else's intellectual property and pretending it is your own; it is regarded as an extremely serious offence in any academic community. While many students worry about accidentally committing plagiarism, very few actually do it. 

  • For examples of what constitutes plagiarism and what does not, please see the “Plagiarism” section on the Using English for Academic Purposes website http://www.uefap.com/writing/writfram.htm (link used with kind permission of Andy Gillett).

For guidelines on how to cite and reference sources accurately and correctly in your papers, presentations, and theses in the various sub-disciplines of Anglistik, see “Academic Writing.”

Unethical practices that constitute plagiarism include 

  • copying and pasting from internet sources or copying passages from books and 
  • using them in an academic paper without citing the source. 

It is equally unethical to hand in a paper bought from a website or that someone was paid to write, or to present work that a friend or relative has written as if it were one’s own. 

It is also intellectual theft to use parts of other writers’ texts or their ideas without citing the source. 

Deliberate plagiarism is very rare but it is easily spotted and it is easy to trace the real source of the material. In Anglistik Bielefeld, the academic community of students, teachers, and researchers condemns deliberate plagiarism as a practice that undermines us all as scholars, and appropriate action is taken if it occurs. 

Since this can have very serious consequences, we would like to invite you

  • to carefully read the above-linked page about instances of plagiarism and
  • to take extra care as you incorporate others’ ideas and words in your own work.

How to English (HtE) Workshops are designed to welcome you to the Anglistik program at Bielefeld University. Taking place over several days at the beginning of each semester, the hands-on HtE workshops are packed with vital information and study guidance. The event consists of workshops, input sessions, and forums for students at all stages of their studies, plus opportunities for all of us, staff and students alike, to socialise and exchange ideas.

Information on the Fächerspezifische Bestimmungen (FsB)

FsB are the regulations which apply to your BA studies.

For the FsB for the BA programmes from 10.01.2017, plus further information, please follow this link: BA Anglistik, 2017 

Students who began their degrees before 2017 are advised to consult the academic advisor or contact the Prüfungsamt if they think these regulations deviate from the ones they have been following.

The eKVV is the electronic course catalogue and the key to signing up for the courses you plan to attend in the coming semester. What you find on the EKVV is a list of the courses offered in your field, followed in each case with the course instructor’s contact details and a course description (including respective tasks and module requirements).

The eKVV further allows you to find out more about the courses that were offered in your field in the previous semesters. On eKVV, you also have the possibility to view your weekly schedule in your built-in calendar, inform yourself about the modules where the courses belong, follow on updates and news (e.g., regarding the current Corona situation), and do a lot more.

ARCHIV - How to English Workshops

How to English (HtE) Workshops are designed to welcome you to the Anglistik program at Bielefeld University. Taking place over several days at the beginning of each semester, the hands-on HtE workshops are packed with vital information and study guidance. The event consists of workshops, input sessions, and forums for students at all stages of their studies, plus opportunities for all of us, staff and students alike, to socialise and exchange ideas.


How to English (HtE) Workshops are designed to welcome you to the Anglistik program at Bielefeld University. Taking place over several days at the beginning of each semester, the hands-on HtE workshops are packed with vital information and study guidance. The event consists of workshops, input sessions, and forums for students at all stages of their studies, plus opportunities for all of us, staff and students alike, to socialise and exchange ideas.

230663 How to English Week (WS) (SoSe 2022): Link 'LernraumPlus' website
(to be published at the end of March)

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