This workshop brings together philosophers, biologists and medical scientists with two goals: first, to foster and deepen the engagement of philosophy with biology and medicine by discussing examples of research projects in which philosophy contributes to biology or medicine; and second, to reflect on the PhilInBioMed approach ( and to develop it further.
Keynote speakers:
Keynote Duo 1: Sex and Gender in Medical Research
Keynote Duo 2: Major Transitions in Evolution
Keynote Duo 3: Animal Personality
You can find the detailed program with all contributed and flash talks here.
Conveners: Marie I. Kaiser (Bielefeld University), Lara Keuck (Bielefeld University), Alkistis Elliott-Graves (Bielefeld University), Thomas Pradeu (University of Bordeaux), Fridolin Gross (University of Bordeaux)
Room: Plenarsaal, ZiF
Registration: (Taugheda Helterhof)
Funding: This workshop is generously funded by the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), by the Medical School OWL at Bielefeld University, and by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)