Technical Details
total number of nodes: 28
number of GPUs: 224
number of CPUs: 56
number of CPU cores: 560
total amount of GPU-memory: 7.2 TB
total amount of CPU-memory: 10.8 TB
peak performance GPUs (single): 3.52 PFlops
peak performance GPUs (double): 1.75 PFlops
peak performance CPUs: 19.25 TFlops
14x19“ Racks incl. cold aisle containment
8x NVIDIA Tesla V100 (32GB ECC)
7.8 TFlops Peak double precision
15.7 TFlops Peak single precision
Memory Bandwidth: 900 GB/s
NVLink Interconnect Bandwidth 300 GB/s
Dual 10-core Intel Xeon CPUs
384 GB Memory
Storage System:
Backup System:
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