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Longitudinal Data Analysis

Longitudinal Data Analysis in Social Science Logo
Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Fakultät für Soziologie

Thursday, 03/16/2023


Longitudinal Modeling and Missing Data Handling In Blimp

Craig Enders, Plenarsaal, Room 222, Chair: Kristian Kleinke


Coffee Break


Session C-1: Multiple Imputation with Longitudinal Data I 

             ​Chair: Simon Grund, Room: 222, "Plenarsaal"

Multiple imputation of missing data in longitudinal analyses with many variables (Grund, Simon; Lüdtke, Oliver; Robitzsch, Alexander)

Robust multiple imputation based on quantile forests (Kleinke, K.; Fritsch, M.)

Multiple imputiation of incomplete panel data based on a piecewise growth curve model (Kleinke, K.; Reinecke, J.)

Session E-2: Continuous-Time Modeling II

            Chair: Manuel Voelkle, Room: 231 M, "Long Table"

Some remarks about the history and philosophical background of continuous time modeling in social science (Oud, Johan H.L.)

A moderator variable approach to control for cohort differences in accelerated longitudinal designs (Cáncer, Pablo F.; Ferrer, Emilio; Estrada, Eduardo)

Continuous-Discrete Filtering using the Duncan-Mortensen-Zakai (DMZ) Equation: Smooth Likelihood Surface (Singer, Hermann)


Lunch Break


Latent state-trait analysis: State of the art and future directions

Christian Geiser, Plenarsaal, Room 222, Chair: Axel Mayer


Coffee Break


Session D-1: Causal Inference and Causal Mediation

             Chair: Daniel Seddig, Room: 222, "Plenarsaal"

Causal Effect Estimation in Large-Scale Assessment Data: Using a Multi-Group Structural Equation Model with Categorical Indicators in EffectLiteR (Sengewald, Marie-Ann; Mayer, Axel)

Stochastic covariates-based treatment effects from non-linear regression models (Kiefer, Christoph)

A simulation study of different approaches to mediation analysis in presence of unobserved heterogeneity and reverse causality (Becker, Dominik)

The Parametric g-Formula for Latent Markov Models (Clouth, Felix J.; Bijlsma, Maarten J.; Pauws, Steffen; Vermunt, Jeroen K.)        

Session C-2: Multiple Imputation with Longitudinal Data II

             Chair: Kristian Kleinke, Room: 231 M, "Long Table"

Imputation of missing longitudinal data using the broken stick model (van Buuren, Stef)

The Performance of Multiple Imputation in Social Surveys with Missing Data from Planned Missingness and Item Nonresponse (Axenfeld, Julian)


Session H-1: Measurement Invariance and IRT-Modeling

             Chair: Heinz Leitgöb, Room: 222, "Plenarsaal"

The decomposition of true change and response shifts in latent constructs across time (Leitgöb, Heinz; Seddig, Daniel)

Assessing Individual Change with Item Response Models (Alexandrowicz, Rainer; Keller Ferdinand)  

Alignment of longitudinal models (Asparouhouv, Tihomir)

Session G-1: Growth Curve and Multi-Level Modeling I

             Chair: Thomas Blank, Room: 231 M, "Long Table"

Recent advances in accelerated longitudinal designs to study psychological development (Estrada, Eduardo)

Specifying composites in growth curve analysis (Yu, Xi; Schuberth, Florian; Henseler, Jörg)

Examining Nonlinear Science Achievement Growth Using Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten 2011 (Reid, Tingting)


Poster Session and Exhibition


Conference Dinner



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