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Institute for World Society Studies Logo
Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld


Introductory Literature – World Society Studies

  • Heintz, Bettina/ Münch, Richard / Tyrell, Hartmann (Eds.) (2005). Weltgesellschaft. Theoretische und empirische Problemlagen (Sonderheft der Zeitschrift für Soziologie). Stuttgart: Lucius&Lucius.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Stichweh, Rudolf (Eds.) (2007). Weltstaat und Weltstaatlichkeit. Beobachtungen globaler politischer Strukturbildung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
  • Nacke, Stefan/ Werron, Tobias/ Unkelbach, René (Eds.) (2008). Weltereignisse. Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Recent Publications (2024)


  • Albert, Mathias, Dina Brode-Roger and Lisbeth Iversen (eds.) (2024, In Press). Svalbard Imaginaries. The Making of an Arctic Archipelago, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Nguyen, Minh, Phill Wilcox and Jake Lin (eds.) (2024, In Press). The Good Life in Late Socialism: Aspirations, Politics and Possibilities. positions: asia critique 32 (1).


  • Egbert, Simon and Maximilian Heimstädt (2024, Submitted). Predictive Policing – The methodological challenges of algorithmic ‘chains of translation’ and the need for a team-based digital ethnography, in: Avis, Maya, Maria Sapignoli, and Daniel Marciniak (eds.). Digital Technologies and States of Surveillance: Ethnographies in Policing and Justice, Abingdon, New York: Routledge.
  • Nguyen, Minh, Phill Wilcox and Jake Lin (2024, In Press). Special issue introduction The Good Life in Late Socialism: Aspirations, Politics and Possibilities. positions: asia critique 32 (1).
  • Regazzoni, Lisa (2024, Accepted). The Elementary Particles of Historicity. Outline of a Theory of Intentionality – Thing by Thing. History & Theory.

Further Publications


  • Albert, Mathias, Hauke Brunkhorst, Iver B. Neumann and Stephan Stetter (2023). The Social Evolution of World Politics, Bielefeld: transcript.
  • Bender, Saskia, Oliver Flügel-Martinsen and Michaela Vogt (eds.) (2023). Verdeckungen. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf gesellschaftliche Ein- und Ausschlüsse, BiUP General, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press ; transcript Verlag.
  • Davy, Ulrike and Albert H.Y.Chen (eds.) (2023). Law and Social Policy in the Global South. Brazil, China, India, South Africa, London: Routledge.
  • Epple, Angelika, Thomas Sandkühler and Jürgen Zimmerer (eds.) (2023). Historical Culture by Restitution? A Debate on Art, Museums, and Justice, Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag.
  • Franke, Ulrich and Martin Koch (eds.) (2023). Inter-Organizational Relations and World Order: Re-Pluralizing the Debate, Bristol: Bristol University Press.
  • Hölzle, Eva Rozalia and Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka (eds.) (2023). The Price of Belonging: Perspectives from Asia, Social Sciences in Asia, Vol. 43, Leiden, Boston: Brill.
  • Kaltmeier, Olaf and Edgardo Lander (2023). Refeudalization and the Crisis of Civilization. Political essays by Olaf Kaltmeier and Edgardo Lander, New York: Routledge.
  • Preuß, Karlson (2023). Die Erfindung des 19. Jahrhunderts im westlichen Rechtsdenken. Ein wissens- und professionssoziologischer Beitrag zur Rechtshistoriographie, Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.
  • Simon, Zoltán Boldizsár and Marek Tamm (2023). The Fabric of Historical Time. Elements in Historical Theory and Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wilcox, Phill, Jonathan Rigg and Minh Nguyen (eds.) (2023). Rural Life in Late Socialism: Politics of Development and Imaginaries of the Future, Leiden: Brill.


  • Albert, Mathias (2023). Where Would We Be Without the Fog Lifting in Austerlitz? Ruminations on the Uses of History and Sociology in IR, in: Stetter, Stephan and Klaus Schlichte (eds.). The Historicity of International Politics. Imperialism and the Presence of the Past, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 139-156.
  • Albert, Mathias (2023). Concluding commentary: Inter-disciplinary vistas – research on Svalbard in a local to global continuum. Polar Record 59:e4.
  • Bieler, Andreas and Madelaine Moore (2023). Water Grabbing, Capitalist Accumulation and Resistance: Conceptualising the Multiple Dimensions of Class Struggle. Global Labour Journal 14 (1): 2-20.
  • Brankovic, Jelena, Julian Hamann and Leopold Ringel (2023). The institutionalization of rankings in higher education: continuities, interdependencies, engagement. Higher Education.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2023). Decolonizing Equality. The Legacies of Anti-Colonial Struggles at International Labour Conferences, 1920–1940. Human Rights Law Review, 23(3): 1-25.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2023). Law and Social Policy in the Global South. Setting the Stage, in: Davy, Ulrike and Albert H.Y. Chen (eds.). Law and Social Policy in the Global South. Brazil, China, India, South Africa, Abdingdon: Routledge: 1-15.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2023). Southern Welfare. From Social Insurance to Social Security, in: Davy, Ulrike and Albert H. Y. Chen (eds.). Law and Social Policy in the Global South. Brazil, China, India, South Africa, Abdingdon: Routledge: 169-251.
  • Elmuradov, Aziz (2023). Making Sense of Central Asia. Sources of Epistemic Uncertainty, in: Dall’Agnola, Jasmin and Aijan Sharshenova (eds.). Researching Central Asia. Navigating Positionality in the Field, Springer Cham: 11-19.
  • Epple, Angelika, Thomas Sandkühler and Jürgen Zimmerer (2023). Restitution and Historical Culture in the (Post)Colonial Context. Facets of a Challenging Debate, in: Sandkühler, Thomas, Angelika Epple and Jürgen Zimmerer (eds.). Historical Culture by Restitution? A Debate on Art, Museums, and Justice, Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag: 7-39.
  • Faist, Thomas and Rosa Brandhorst (2023). Transnationalismus: Transnationalisierung, Transnationale Soziale Räume, Transnationalität, in: Röder, Antje and Darius Zifonun (eds.). Handbuch Migrationssoziologie, Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 1-29.
  • Faist, Thomas, Kerstin Schmidt and Christian Ulbricht (2023). Citizenship in the Context of Immigration – Comparative Perspectives, in: Bean, Frank D. and Susan K Brown (eds.). Selected Topics in Migration Studies, Cham: Springer: 77-85.
  • Franke, Ulrich and Martin Koch (2023). Introduction: Examining Inter-organizational Relations, in: Franke, Ulrich and Martin Koch (eds.). Inter-Organizational Relations and World Order, Bristol: Bristol University Press: 1-32.
  • Franke, Ulrich and Martin Koch (2023). World Sports and Russia’s War Against Ukraine, in: Franke, Ulrich and Martin Koch (eds.). Inter-Organizational Relations and World Order, Bristol: Bristol University Press: 171-193.
  • Hamann, Julian and Leopold Ringel (2023). The discursive resilience of university rankings. Higher Education.
  • Herschinger, Eva and Martin Koch (2023). Inter-Organizational Relations in Counterterrorism, in: Franke, Ulrich and Martin Koch (eds.). Inter-Organizational Relations and World Order, Bristol: Bristol University Press: 55-76.
  • Hölzle, Eva Rozalia and Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka (2023). Price of Belonging—An Introduction, in: Hölzle, Eva Rozalia and Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka (eds.). The Price of Belonging: Perspectives from Asia, Social Sciences in Asia 43, Leiden, Boston: Brill: 1-24.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra (2023). Editorial: Relational aspects and institutional characteristics in global social policy research. Global Social Policy 23 (2): 221-223.
  • Koch, Martin and Martin Geiger (2023). Internationale Organisationen, in: Scharrer, Tabea, Birgit Glorius, Olaf Kleist, and Marcel Berlinghoff (eds.). Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium, Baden-Baden: Nomos: 389-398.
  • Koch, Martin (2023). Mission G20: Organizing world politics. PuntOorg International Journal 8 (2): 199-220.
  • Leisering, Lutz (2023). The state of social protection around the world, in: Patel, Leila, Sophie Plagerson, and Isaac Chinyoka (eds.). Handbook on Social Protection and Social Development in the Global South, Edward Elgar Publishing: 64-96.
  • Lin, Jake and Jingyu Mao (2023). More equitable fiscal systems are needed to improve welfare provision for migrant workers in China and Vietnam. Melbourne Asia Review 14.
  • Mao, Jingyu (2023). Bringing emotional reflexivity and emotional regime to understanding ‘the hukou puzzle’ in contemporary China. Emotions and Society: 1-17.
  • Mao, Jingyu (2023). Doing Ethnicity: Multi-layered Ethnic Scripts in Contemporary China. China Quarterly: PII S0305741023000681.
  • Mao, Jingyu and Yan Zhu (2023). ‘Friends are those who can help you out’: unpacking the understanding and experiences of friendship among young migrant workers in China. Families, Relationships and Societies.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula (2023). Transnationale Arbeitsmärkte als Gegenstand von Forschung und sozioökonomischer Bildung – Ein marktsoziologischer Zugang, in: Engartner, Tim, Andrea Szukala, and Birgit Weber (eds.). Sozioökonomie und Wirtschaftssoziologie im Spiegel sozialwissenschaftlicher Bildung, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden: 103-112.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula (2023). Multinationals, Transnationals, Global Players. Zur Besonderheit grenzüberschreitend operierender Organisationen, in: Apelt, Maja and Veronika Tacke (eds.). Handbuch Organisationstypen, 2. vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden: 27-51.
  • Müller, Thomas (2023). Satellites and the Changing Politics of Transparency in World Politics. Politics and Governance 11 (3): 178–188.
  • Müller, Thomas and Janne Mende (eds.) (2023). Publics in Global Politics. Politics and Governance 11 (3): 91-225.
  • Müller, Thomas (2023). Collective Hegemony After Decolonization: Persistence Despite Delegitimation, in: Schlichte, Klaus and Stephan Stetter (eds.). The Historicity of International Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 66-83.
  • Müller, Thomas (2023). Political Cleavages and the Competition over Epistemic Authority, in: Franke, Ulrich and Martin Koch (eds.). Inter-Organizational Relations and World Order: Re-Pluralizing the Debate, Bristol: Bristol University Press: 101-123.
  • Nguyen, Minh and Lan Wei (2023). Peasant Traders, Migrant Workers and “Supermarkets”: Low-end Provisions and the Reproduction of Migrant Labor in China. Economic Anthropology: 1-11.
  • Nguyen, Minh (2023, In Press). The Entrepreneurial Self of Market Socialism: Life Insurance Agents in Rural Central Vietnam” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory.
  • Nguyen, Minh and Jake Lin (2023, Accepted). Rural-urban Migration, the Commodification of Labour and Welfare in China and Vietnam, in: Delgado Wise, Raúl, Branka Likić-Brborić, Ronaldo Munck, and Carl-Ulrik Schierup (eds.). Handbook of Migration and Development, Edward Elgar.
  • Palmer, Wayne, Michele Ford and Benni Yusriza (2023, Accepted). Regulating recruitment and contracting of migrant fishers from Indonesia. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal.
  • Palmer, Wayne and Nicola Piper (2023). Regulatory (Mal)Integration: Its Implications for Migrant Workers’ Ability to Access Employment Rights in Indonesia. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.
  • Petzke, Martin (2023). The culture of official statistics. Symbolic domination and “bourgeois” assimilation in quantitative measurements of immigrant integration in Germany. Theory and Society 52 (2): 213-242.
  • Regazzoni, Lisa (2023, Accepted). The Gallic Past and French Historical Research in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century, London; New York: Routledge.
  • Ringel, Leopold (2023). The Janus Face of Valuation: Global Performance Indicators as Powerful and Criticized Public Measures. Politics and Governance 11 (3).
  • Simon, Zoltán Boldizsár (2023). The Anthropocene and the Planet. History and Theory 62 (2): 320-333.
  • Simon, Zoltán Boldizsár (2023). Does the Past Still Matter?, in: Dover, Paul M. (ed.). Engaging with the Past and Present: The Relationship between Past and Present across the Disciplines, London and New York: Routledge: 43-55.
  • Sommer, Theresa, Holger Straßheim and Lars Wenzel (2023). Crisis Management and Ethical Expertise: The Role of Ethics Advice during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. Risks, Hazards& Crisis in Public Policy: 1-19.
  • Straßheim, Holger (2023). Ironie der Evidenz. Politisch-epistemische Verdeckung: das Beispiel der randomisierten Kontrollstudien, in: Bender, Saskia, Oliver Flügel-Martinsen and Michaela Vogt (eds.). Verdeckungen. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf gesellschaftliche Ein- und Ausschlüsse, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press: 83—109.
  • Sukhampha, Rangsan, Prin Khwanriang and Krisana Vaisamruat (2023). Women on the frontline of Covid-19: understanding local women village health volunteers in the northern province of Thailand. BMC Health Services Research 23 (1): 298.
  • Sunca, Yasin (2023). Decolonial Politics: State, Statelessness, and Coexistence in Peace. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding.
  • Vasilache, Andreas (2023). Sovereignty, Discipline, Governmentality, and Pastorate: The Ménage à Quatre of Contemporary Authoritarian and Right-Wing Populist Power. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 48 (4): 242–267.
  • Werron, Tobias, Jelena Brankovic and Leopold Ringel (2023). Theorizing together. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory: 1-22.
  • Werron, Tobias and Marc Jacobsen (2023). Der methodologische Nationalismus als Verdeckungsmechanismus. Eine theoretische Neuinterpretation, in: Bender, Saskia, Oliver Flügel-Martinsen and Michaela Vogt (eds.). Verdeckungen. Interdisziplinäre Perspektive auf gesellschaftliche Ein- und Ausschlüsse, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press: 137-159.
  • Wilcox, Phill (2023). Between Separatism and Integration: Difference as (Not) Belonging and Being Hmong in Contemporary Laos, in: Hölzle, Éva Rozália and Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka (eds.). The Price of Belonging: Perspectives from Asia 43, Leiden: Brill:122-140.
  • Winkel, Heidemarie (2023). The Many Altars of Feminism. Secular Feminist Thought in Europe and its Relation to Islamic Feminis. Special Issue of Journal of African Gender Studies (JAGS), Fatima Sadiqi (guest ed.): Islamic Feminisms 1 (1-2): 217-236.


  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2022). Network Governance of the UN Human Rights Council. Diplomatic, Institutional, and Organizational Actors. Global Institutions. London: Routledge.
  • Davy, Ulrike and Antje Flüchter (eds.) (2022). Imagining Unequals, Imagining Equals. Concepts of Equality in History and Law, 1st ed. BiUP General, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press.
  • Elmuradov, Aziz (2022). Russia and EU in the New World Disorder. Revisiting Sovereignty and Balance of Power in the study of Russian Foreign Policy. Post-Soviet Politics. London: Routledge.
  • Faist, Thomas (2022). Exit. Warum Menschen aufbrechen. Globale Migration im 21. Jahrhundert, 1st ed. München: C.H. Beck.
  • Faist, Thomas, Tobias Gehring and Susanne U. Schultz (2022). Mobility instead of exodus. Migration and Flight in and from Africa. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
  • Flüchter, Antje, Cornelia Aust and Claudia Jarzebowski (eds.) (2022). Verglichene Körper. Normieren, Urteilen, Entrechten in der Vormoderne, Vol. 35. Studien zur Alltags- und Kulturgeschichte, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  • Kaltmeier, Olaf (2022). Parques nacionales argentinos. Una historia de conservación y colonización de la naturaleza, Buenos Aires: UNSAM Edita.
  • Kaltmeier, Olaf and Sarah Corona Berkin (eds.) (2022). Producción de conocimientos en tiempos de crisis. Dialogando desde la horizontalidad, CALAS, Guadalajara: Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara.
  • Kaltmeier, Olaf (2022). Resistencia Mapuche. Reflexiones en torno al poder Siglos XVI al XXI, Santiago de Chile: Pehuén.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula, Thomas Welskopp and Anna Zaharieva (eds.) (2022). In search of the global labor market, Paperback-Ausgabe 2023, Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Chicago: Haymarket Books.
  • Scheele, Alexandra, Julia Roth and Heidemarie Winkel (eds.) (2022). Global Contestations of Gender Rights, 1st ed. BiUP General, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press.
  • Simon, Zoltán Boldizsár and Lars Deile (eds.) (2022). Historical Understanding: Past, Present, and Future, London: Bloomsbury.


  • Albert, Mathias, Kerrin Langer and Thomas Müller (2022). Practices of comparison and the making of international orders. Journal of International Relations and Development 25: 834-859.
  • Albert, Mathias (2022). Polar- und Weltpolitik: Einleitung zum Forum. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 29 (1): 86-95.
  • Albert, Mathias and Sebastian Knecht (2022). The Arctic is what Scientists Make of it: Integrating Geopolitics into Informed Decisionmaking, in: Berkmann, Paul, Oran R. Young, Alexander N. Vylegzhanin, Ole Øvretveit and David A. Balton (eds.). Building Common Interests in the Arctic Ocean with Global Inclusion, Informed Decisionmaking for Sustainability. Cham: Springer: 2: 365-382.
  • Auethapornpipat, Ruji and Wayne Palmer (2022). Indonesia’s Promotion of UN Migrant Protection Norms in ASEAN. Pacific Affairs 95 (1): 75-97.
  • Behrend, Andrea, Thomas Kirsch, Minh Nguyen, Anna Lisa Ramella, Thomas Stolduka, Magnus Treiber and Asta Vonderau (eds.) (2022). Fieldwork Meets Crisis. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology 147 (1/2).
  • Berten, John (2022). The Future as Epistemic Condition: How International Organisations Anticipate Futures of Social Policy. Global Society 36 (2): 206-222.
  • Brankovic, Jelena, Leopold Ringel and Tobias Werron (2022). Spreading the gospel: Legitimating university rankings as boundary work. Research Evaluation: rvac035.
  • Bühler, Martin and Tobias Werron (2022). What is Global about Global Markets? A Historical-Sociological Approach, in: Mense-Petermann, Ursula, Thomas Welskopp and Anna Zaharieva (eds.). In Search of the Global Labor Market, Studies in Critical Social Sciences . Leiden; Boston: Brill: 219: 260-280.
  • Daphi, Priska, Felix Anderl and Nicole Deitelhoff (2022). Bridges or Divides? Conflicts and Synergies of Coalition Building across Countries and Sectors in the Global Justice Movement. Social Movement Studies 21 (1-2): 8-24.
  • Davy, Ulrike and Antje Flüchter (2022). Concepts of Equality: Why, Who, What for?, in: Davy, Ulrike and Antje Flüchter (eds.). Imagining Unequals, Imagining Equals. Concepts of Equality in History and Law, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press: 11–30.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2022). Minority Protection under the League of Nations: Universal and Particular Equality in: Davy, Ulrike and Antje Flüchter (eds.). Imagining Unequals, Imagining Equals. Concepts of Equality in History and Law, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press: 131–165.
  • Eppert, Kerstin, Nicole Bögelein, Viktoria Roth and Anja Schmidt-Kleinert (2022). Courtroom Ethnography in the Context of Terrorism: A Multi-Level Approach. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 21 (8): 1-11.
  • Epple, Angelika (2022). Globalization/s, in: van den Akker, Chiel (ed.). The Routledge Companion to History and Theory, New York: Routledge: 481-497.
  • Faist, Thomas (2022). Migration aus grenzübergreifender Perspektive: Transnationalisierung, transnationale soziale Räume, Transnationalität, in: Stock, Miriam, Nazli Hodaie, Stefan Immerfall and Margarete Menz (eds.). Arbeitstitel: Migrationsgesellschaft. Pädagogik – Profession – Praktik, MiGS: Migration – Gesellschaft – Schule. Wiesbaden: Springer: 35-66.
  • Faist, Thomas (2022). Ambiguities of the welfare state and the paradoxes of immigration politics, in: Kettunen, Pauli, Saara Pellander and Miika Tervonen (eds.). Nationalism and Democracy in the Welfare State, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar: 209-238.
  • Faist, Thomas (2022). The Transnational Social Question, in: Delanty, Gerard and Stephen B. Turner (eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory, Second edition, London: Routledge: 478-488.
  • Flüchter, Antje (2022). Den Körper vergleichen – die Menschen ordnen? Die Bedeutung körperbezogener Vergleichspraktiken zwischen Ethnographie, Physiognomie und Rassentheorie, in: Flüchter, Antje, Cornelia Aust and Claudia Jarzebowski (eds.). Verglichene Körper. Normieren, Urteilen, Entrechten in der Vormoderne, Studien zur Alltags- und Kulturgeschichte, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag: 35:229-260.
  • Flüchter, Antje, Cornelia Aust and Claudia Jarzebowski (2022). Verglichene Körper. Normieren, Urteilen, Entrechten in der Vormoderne, in: Flüchter, Antje, Cornelia Aust and Claudia Jarzebowski (eds.). Verglichene Körper. Normieren, Urteilen, Entrechten in der Vormoderne, Studien zur Alltags- und Kulturgeschichte, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag:9-22.
  • Flüchter, Antje (2022). Hierarchy as Order - Equality as Chaos? Early Modern Perceptions of Social Differentiation in India and the Mughal Empire, in: Davy, Ulrike and Antje Flüchter (eds.). Imagining Unequals, Imagining Equals. Concepts of Equality in History and Law, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press: 31-70.
  • Haji Mohammadian, Mehran (2023). Retirement in Iran: From the Establishment of the Pension System to the Emergence of a New Life Course, Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.
  • Hofferberth, Matthias, Daniel Lambach, Martin Koch, Anna Holzscheiter, Maryam Zarnegar Deloffre, Nina Reiners and Karsten Ronit (2022). Forum: The Why and How of Global Governors: Relational Agency in World Politics. International Studies Review 24 (4): viac054.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra (2022). What is (successfully) “social” in global social policy and how does it diffuse?. Global Social Policy 22 (1): 3-7.
  • Kaltmeier, Olaf and Leon Enrique Avila Romero (2022). Land and Freedom: Anarchists and Indians in the Crossfire of Colonial Expansion and Social Revolution in Latin America from 1848 to 1917, in: Weinhauer, Klaus and Stefan Berger (eds.). Rethinking Revolutions from 1905 to 1934. Democracy, Social Justice and National Liberation around the World, Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements, Cham: Palgrave Macmilan: 109-135.
  • Kaltmeier, Olaf (2022). Refeudalización, in: Rufer, Mario (ed.). La colonialidad y sus nombres. Conceptos clave, México : Siglo XXI Editores: 257-274.
  • Koch, Martin (2022). Supranationale Organisationen, in: Lütz, Susanne and Anja Menzel (eds.). Internationale Organisationen: Konzepte, Theorien und Fallbeispiele, 1st ed., Springer VS: 129-192.
  • Kramer, Kirsten (2022). Mediterraner Menschen- und Warenhandel. Ökonomische Zirkulationen in Cervantes’ Novelle El amante liberal, in: Nickenig, Annika and Urs Urban (eds.). Dinge – Gaben – Waren. Der Gegenstand ökonomischen Handelns in den romanischen Literaturen der Frühen Neuzeit, 1st ed., Berlin/Heidelberg: J. B. Metzler: 137-157.
  • Meinhof, Marius (2022). Pflicht zum Kinderkriegen? Debatten über kindliche Treue und Reproduktion in China. Sexuologie 29 (1-2): 63-72.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula, Thomas Welskopp and Anna Zaharieva (2022). Introduction. In Search of the Global Labor Market: Conceptual Meanings, Empirical Evidence, and Open Questions, in: Mense-Petermann, Ursula, Thomas Welskopp and Anna Zaharieva (eds.). In Search of the Global Labor Market, Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Leiden: Brill: 219: 1-12.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula and Helen Schwenken (2022). Analytical Capacities and 'Blind Spots' of the Market Concept in Analyzing Cross-Border Labor Migration, in: Mense-Petermann, Ursula, Thomas Welskopp and Anna Zaharieva (eds.). In Search of the Global Labor Market, Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Leiden: Brill: 219:145-162.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula (2022). Transnational Labor Markets and the Role of Market Makers—The Case of Eastern European Service Contract Workers in the German Meat Industry, in: Mense-Petermann, Ursula, Thomas Welskopp and Anna Zaharieva (eds.). In Search of the Global Labor Market, Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Leiden: Brill: 219:183-197.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula (2022). Post-merger Integration and Subsidiary Roles in Chinese MNCs – The Case of Chinese M&As in Germany. Critical Perspectives on International Business.
  • Missbach, Antje and Wayne Palmer (2022). Facilitated but unauthorised return: the role of smugglers in return migration and clandestine border crossings between Malaysia and Indonesia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies: 1-18.
  • Missbach, Antje and Wayne Palmer (2022). Scapegoating juvenile ‘people smugglers’ from Indonesia: poverty, crime, and punishment. Pacific Geographies 57 (February): 4-10.
  • Moore, Madelaine (2022). A time of reproductive unrest: the articulation of capital accumulation, social reproduction, and the Irish state. New Political Economy.
  • Müller, Thomas (2022). Self-Binding via Benchmarking: Collective Action, Desirable Futures, and NATO’s Two Percent Goal. Global Society 36 (2): 170-187.
  • Neuhaus, Till and Marc Jacobsen (2022). The Troubled History of Grades and Grading: A Historical Comparison of Germany and the United States. Formazione & insegnamento: rivista internazionale di scienze dell'educazione e della formazione = European journal of research on education and teaching 20 (3): 588-601.
  • Palmer, Wayne and Carol Tan (2022). I'm Keeping My Baby: Migrant domestic worker rights at the intersection of labour and immigration laws. TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia: 1-11.
  • Petzke, Martin (2022). Symbolic revolutions. Mobilizing a neglected Bourdieusian concept for historical sociology. Theory and Society 51 (3): 487-510.
  • Portella Sampaio, Daniela (2022). Diplomatic culture and institutional design: Analyzing sixty years of Antarctic Treaty governance. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 94 (suppl 1): e20210539.
  • Pykett, Jessica, Holger Straßheim, Sarah Ball, Robert Dingwall, Robert Lepenies, Theresa Sommer and Lars Wenzel (2022). Ethical moments and institutional expertise in UK Government Covid-19 pandemic policy responses: where, when and how is ethical advice sought? Evidence and Policy.
  • Preuß, Karlson (2022). ‘Legal Formalism’ and Western legal thought. Jurisprudence: an international journal of legal and political thought.
  • Regazzoni, Lisa (2022). Unintentional Monuments, or the Materializing of an Open Past. History and Theory 61 (2): 242-268.
  • Reischauer, Georg and Leopold Ringel (2022). Unmanaged Transparency in a Digital Society: Swiss army knife or double-edged sword?. Organization Studies 44 (1): 77-104.
  • Roth, Julia, Alexandra Scheele and Heidemarie Winkel (2022). Global contestations of gender rights. Introduction, in: Scheele, Alexandra, Julia Roth and Heidemarie Winkel (eds.). Global Contestations of Gender Rights, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press: 9-19.
  • Roth, Julia, Alexandra Scheele and Heidemarie Winkel (eds.) (2022). Geschlecht – Gewalt – Global. Gewalt im Zentrum weltweiter Angriffe auf Frauen- und Geschlechterrechte. Femina Politica (Special): Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft 31 (2): 9-29.
  • Ruck, Kate, Marie Frost Arndal, Nicole Biebow, Justiina Dahl, Stig Flått, Mats Granskog, Svenja Holste et al. (2022). International access to research infrastructure in the Arctic. Polar Record 58: e30.
  • Sack, Detlef and EK Sarter (2022). To comply or to be committed? Public procurement and labour rights in global supply chains. Global Social Policy: .
  • Sadiqi, Fatima and Heidemarie Winkel (2022). Politicizations of religion in Marocco and Germany. Between fundamentalist contestations and feminist renegotiations, in: Scheele, Alexandra, Julia Roth, and Heidemarie Winkel (eds.). Global Contestations of Gender Rights, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press: 287-306.
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  • Böger, Tobias and Lutz Leisering (2020). A new pathway to universalism? Explaining the spread of ‘social’ pensions in the global South, 1967-2011. Journal of International Relations and Development.
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  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2020). Why the OSCE Refuses to Monitor Belarusian Elections. Eurasia.Expert, 27 July 2020 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
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  • Dönecke, Anna Luise (2020). “Le chapeau ou la toque“: Rechtliche Vielfalt und soziale Diversität in Pondichéry im 18. Jahrhundert, in: Brauner, Christina and Antje Flüchter (eds.). Recht und Diversität. Lokale Konstellationen und globale Perspektiven von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart, Bielefeld: transcript: 87-118.
  • Dönecke, Anna Luise (2020). From Serial Sources to Modeled Data: Changing Perspectives on 18th-Century Court Records from French Pondicherry, in: Schwandt, Silke (ed.). Digital Methods for the Humanities: Challenges, Ideas, Perspectives, Bielefeld: transcript: 217-237.
  • Epple, Angelika (2020). ‘Relational turn’? Global Historical Sociology and the merging of history, sociology, and IR. Cambridge Review of International Affairs.
  • Epple, Angelika, Antje Flüchter and Thomas Müller (2020). Praktiken des Vergleichens: Modi und Formationen. Ein Bericht von Unterwegs, Bielefeld.
  • Erdoğan, Cansu (2020). Expanding Supplementary Voluntary Private Health Insurance in Turkey: How and Why?. working paper series How ‘Social’ is Turkey? 5, Bielefeld University.
  • Erdoğan, Cansu and Kerem G. Öktem (2020). Between Welfare State and (State-organised) Charity: How Turkey’s Social Assistance Regime blends two competing Policy Paradigms. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 40 (3&4): 205-219.
  • Flüchter, Antje (2020). Die Vielfalt des Rechts in vormodernen Kontaktzonen Asiens, in: Brauner, Christina and Antje Flüchter (eds.). Recht und Diversität. Lokale Konstellationen und globale Perspektiven von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press, transcript: 293-334.
  • Flüchter, Antje and Giulia Nardini (2020). Threefold Translation of the Body of Christ: Concepts of the Eucharist and the Body Translated in the Early Modern Missionary Context. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 7.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra (2020). Editorial: Revisiting ‘global impact’ and global social governance while worrying about WHO and other global actors struggling with COVID-19. Global Social Policy 20 (3): 281-285.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra, Amanda Shriwise, John Berten, Fabian Besche, Anatoly Boyashov, Timo Brunotte, Sara Cufré, Martin Fritz and Robin Schulze Waltrup (2020). Global Social Policy Digest 20.2. Global Social Policy 20 (2): 254-275.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra, Amanda Shriwise, John Berten, Fabian Besche, Anatoly Boyashov, Timo Brunotte, Sara Cufré, Martin Fritz and Robin Schulze Waltrup (2020). Global Social Policy Digest 20.1. Global Social Policy 20 (1): 117-134.
  • Leisering, Lutz (2020). The Calls for Universal Social Protection by International Organizations: Constructing a New Global Consensus. Social Inclusion 8 (1): 90-102.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula (2020). Introduction to the special theme: theorizing transnational labour markets. Global Networks: glob.12284.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula (2020). Interest representation in transnational labour markets: Campaigning as an alternative to traditional union action? Journal of Industrial Relations 62 (2): 185-209.
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  • Öktem, Kerem Gabriel and Cansu Erdoğan (2020). Between welfare state and (state-organised) charity: How Turkey’s social assistance regime blends two competing policy paradigms. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 40 (3/4): 205-219.
  • Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna (2020). Shaping Asia though Student Mobilities. American Behavioral Scientist: 1-15. doi:10.1177/0002764220947753
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2020). Global Governance, Multi-Actor Cooperation and Civil Society, in: Filho, Walter Leal, Pinar Gökcin Özuyar, Paul J. Pace, Anabela Marisa Azul, Luciana Brandli, and Ulisses Azeiteiro (eds.). Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Cham: Springer.
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2020). Preventing Violent Extremism in Kyrgyzstan: the Role of the International Donor Community. Central Asia Policy Briefs 56. Available at
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2020). Предотвращение насильственного экстремизма в Кыргызстане: роль международного донорского сообщества. OSCE Academy Yearbook 36: 121-135. Available at
  • Rapior, Ralf (2020). Bringing the Empire (Back) In. Zur Überwindung des Eurozentrismus in der Weltgesellschaftsforschung, in: Bennani, Hannah, Martin Bühler, Sophia Cramer and Andrea Glauser (eds.). Beobachtung und Vergleich. Soziologische Untersuchungen zur Weltgesellschaft, Frankfurt a.M.: Campus: 35-78.
  • Ringel, Leopold, Jelena Brankovic and Tobias Werron (2020). The Organizational Engine of Rankings: Connecting ‘new’ and ‘old’ Institutionalism. Politics and Governance, special issue “Quantification in Higher Education” 8 (2): 36-47.
  • Ringel, Leopold and Tobias Werron (2020). Where Do Rankings Come From? A Historical-Sociological Perspective on the History of Modern Rankings, in: Epple Angelika, Walter Erhart, and Johannes Grave (eds.). Practices of Comparing. Towards a New Understanding of a Fundamental Human Practice, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press: 137-170.
  • Rohland, Eleonara (2020). Corona, Klima und weisse Suprematie - Multiple Krisen oder eine? in: Keitel, Christian, Michael Volkmer and Karin Werner (eds.). Die Corona-Gesellschaft. Analysen zur Lage und Perspektiven für die Zukunft, Bielefeld: transcript.
  • Russ, Daniela (2020). Die Wirtschaft, durch Strom gelesen: Elektrizitätssysteme als energiewirtschaftliche Aufschreibesysteme (1880-1930). Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 12 (23): 74-83.
  • Russ, Daniela (2020). Speaking for the “Global Energy Economy”: Electricity, Energo-Materialist Economics and the World Energy Council (1924-1978). Journal for Global History 15 (2): 311-329.
  • Schulze Waltrup, Robin (2020). Comparing Moscow and Lagos: Similarities and Differences in the Pursuit of Neoliberalization. (Web publication).
  • Schwab, Oliver and Holger Straßheim (2020) (eds.). Politikevaluation und Evaluationspolitik. Der Moderne Staat. Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management 13 (1): 3-23.
  • Shriwise, Amanda, John Berten, Fabian Besche-Truthe, Anatoly Boyashov, Sara Cufré, Martin Fritz, Alexandra Kaasch, Cailin Crockett, Meghan Laws and Robin Schulze Waltrup (2020). Global Social Policy Digest 20.3 and COVID-19: Global social or “corona” policies and governance? Global Social Policy 20 (3): 412-449.
  • Siri, Jasmin, Frederik Zimmermann, Martin Koch, Madeleine Myatt and Tanja Jaschkowitz (2020). Twitterpolitik II: Twitter Diplomacy: Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in Zeiten von Social Media. Eine explorative Studie zur Reaktion von EU-Politikern auf die Twitterkommunikation des 45. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerikas Donald J. Trump. Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationspolitik.
  • Stafford, James (2020). Review: The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century, in: Stapelbroek, Koen and Antonella Alimento (eds.). History of European Ideas 46 (2): 215-217.
  • Straßheim, Holger (2020). The Rise and Spread of Behavioral Public Policy: An Opportunity for Critical Research and Self-Reflection. International Review of Public Policy 2 (1). [Online]
  • Straßheim, Holger (2020). Digitale Verhaltenspolitik, in: Klenk, Tanja, Frank Nullmeier and Göttrik Wewer (eds.). Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Straßheim, Holger (2020). De-biasing Democracy. Behavioural public policy and the post democratic turn. Democratization 27 (3): 461-476.
  • Straßheim, Holger (2020). Digitale Verhaltenspolitik - Herausforderungen und Umsetzungshürden. Wirtschaftsdienst 100 (2): 103-105.
  • Sunca, Yasin (2020). The Bifurcated Trajectory of Nation Formation in Kurdistan: Democratic Confederalism, Nationalism and the Crisis of Capitalist Modernity. Nations and Nationalism.
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  • Wehrmann, Dorothea (2020). Transnational cooperation in times of rapid global changes: the Arctic Council as a success case? Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Discussion Paper 12/2020.
  • Wehrmann, Dorothea and Mirko Petersen (2020). Geopolitics, in: Kaltmeier, Olaf, Anne Tittor, Daniel Hawkins and Eleonora Rohland (eds.). The Routledge handbook to the political economy and governance of the Americas, London: Routledge: 362-370.
  • Werron, Tobias (2020). Global Publics as Catalysts of Global Competition: A Sociological View, in: Huber, Valeska and Jürgen Osterhammel (eds). Global Publics. Their Power and Their Limits, 1870-1990. Studies of the German Historical Institute, London, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 343-366.


  • Mathias Albert and Anthony Lang (eds.) (2019). The Politics of International Political Theory. London: Palgrave.
  • Flüchter, Antje (2019). Die Vielfalt der Bilder und die eine Wahrheit: Die Staatlichkeit Indiens in der deutschsprachigen Wahrnehmung (1500-1700), Affalterbach: Didymos.
  • Leisering, Lutz (2019). The Global Rise of Social Cash Transfers. How States and International Organizations Constructed a New Instrument for Combating Poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Pierobon, Chiara, Ibrahim Natil and Lilian Tauber(eds.) (2019). The Power of Civil Society in the Middle East and North Africa: Peace-Building, Change and Development, Routledge: Abington [ISBN-978-0-367-21006-9].
  • Pitkänen, Pirkko, Tomoko Hayakawa, Kerstin Schmidt, Mustafa Aksakal and Irudaya S. Rajan (eds.) (2019). Temporary Migration, Transformation and Development: Evidence from Europe and Asia, New Dehli: Routledge.
  • Ringel, Leopold and Tobias Werron (eds.) (2019). Rankings - soziologische Fallstudien, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Straßheim, Holger and Silke Beck (2019) (eds.). The Research Handbook of Behavioural Change and Public Policy, Handbook of Research on Public Policy Series, Cheltenham (UK), Northampton (MA): Edward Elgar.


  • Aksakal, Mustafa (2019). International Migration and place-based inequalities: The case of highly-skilled migration and student mobility to eastern Germany, in: Rajan, Irudaya S. (ed.). India Migration Report. Diaspora in Europe, London, New York: Routledge: 106-122.
  • Aksakal Mustafa and Kerstin Schmidt (2019). Integration Needs and Support Offered: The Effects of Support on Young Spaniards in Germany. International Migration 58 (1): 119-135.
  • Aksakal, Mustafa and Kerstin Schmidt (2019). Introduction, in: Pirkko Pitkänen, Tomoko Hayakawa, Kerstin Schmidt, Mustafa Aksakal and Irudaya S. Rajan (eds.). Temporary Migration, Transformation and Development: Evidence from Europe and Asia, New Dehli: Routledge: 1-22.
  • Aksakal, Mustafa and Kerstin Schmidt (2019). The role of cultural capital in life transitions among young intra-EU movers in Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (8): 1848-1865.
  • Aksakal, Mustafa and Kerstin Schmidt (2019). Transformative Characteristics and Development Outcomes of Temporary Asian Migration to Germany, in: Pirkko Pitkänen, Tomoko Hayakawa, Kerstin Schmidt, Mustafa Aksakal and Irudaya S. Rajan (eds.). Temporary Migration, Transformation and Development: Evidence from Europe and Asia, New Dehli: Routledge: 137-154.
  • Albert, Mathias (2019). Beyond Integration and Differentiation? The Holy See and the Pope in the System of World Politics, in: Barbato, Mariano P., Robert J. Joustra and Dennis R. Hoover (eds.). Routledge studies in religion and politics. Modern Papal Diplomacy and Social Teaching in World Affairs. London: Routledge: 178.
  • Albert, Mathias and Thomas Müller (2019). Apples and Oranges and Warheads. Even a Globally Adopted Database will not Resolve the Problem of Ambiguous Military Spending Data. The Security Times February 2019. Special edition of the German Times for the 55th Munich Security Conference 31.
  • Böger, Tobias and Kerem G. Öktem (2019). Levels or worlds of welfare? Assessing social rights and social stratification in Northern and Southern countries. Social Policy and Administration 53: 63-77.
  • Bornemann, Basil and Holger Straßheim (2019). Governing Time for Sustainability. Analyzing the Temporal Implications of Sustainability Governance. Sustainability Science 14 (4): 1001-1013.
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). Schengen for 80 Euros: EU Ready to Increase Prices for Belarusians. Eurasia.Expert, 10 December 2019 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). Support to Opposition: United States and European Union Urge Belarus to Change Law on Elections. Eurasia.Expert, 25 November 2019 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019).Eurasian Machine Tool Industry: Opportunities and Pitfalls of Import Substitution. Eurasia.Expert, 20 August 2019 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). Implementation of Treaty on Union State and Multipolar World Order, in: Dostanko, Elena (ed.). Larger Eurasia: Challenges and Opportunities, Minsk: Belarusian State University: 11-17 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). Coherence of European Union Actions at the UN Human Rights Council and the Council of Europe, MGIMO Review of International Relations 3 (66): 159-175.
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). Sins of Regime: UN Agenda on Political Repressions in Belarus. Eurasia.Expert, 22 July 2019 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). Pentagon’s Think Tank Calls to Regime Change in Belarus. Eurasia.Expert, 10 June 2019 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). Belarus instead of Armenia: Outcomes of Change of Secretary-General of Collective Security Treaty Organization. Eurasia.Expert, 23 May 2019 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). Invisible Frontier: How Belarus and Russia Protect Migration Space. Eurasia.Expert, 14 May 2019 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). OSCE Blaims Russia and Belarus for Incorrect Fighting Against Fakes. Eurasia.Expert, 8 April 2019 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). Modernization of information security in Belarus and international information security. Eurasia.Expert, 23 March 2019 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). What are the human rights priorities of world governments in 2019?. Universal Rights Group, Geneva, 18 March 2019.
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). Will the UN prevent the religious conflict in Ukraine?. Eurasia.Expert, 18 March 2019 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). The Nature of Power and Influence at the Human Rights Council: a membership network analysis. Universal Rights Group, Geneva, 04 March 2019.
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2019). The Potential of the Union State of Russia and Belarus in the UN System. Contemporary Europe - Sovremennaja Europa 1 (1): 138-147.
  • Brauner, Christina (2019). Friede auf Erden? Grenzen des Völkerrechts und Perspektiven einer Globalgeschichte der Vormoderne, in: Althoff, Gerd, Eva-Bettina Krems, Christel Meier-Staubach, and Hans-Ulrich Thamer (eds.). Frieden. Theorien, Bilder und Strategien von der Antike bis heute, Dresden: Sandstein: 293- 313.
  • Brauner, Christina and Sita Steckel (2019). Wie die Heiden- wie die Papisten Religiöse Polemik und Vergleiche vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Konfessionalisierung, in: Pohlig, Matthias (ed.). Christen, Juden und Muslime im Zeitalter der Reformation, Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
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  • Davy, Ulrike (2019). Refugee Crisis in Germany and the Right to a Subsistence Minimum. Differences that ought not be. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 47 (2): 367–450.
  • Epple, Angelika (2019). Comparing Europe and the Americas, in: Steinmetz, Willibald (ed.). The Force of Comparison. A new perspective on modern European history and the contemporary world. New German historical perspectives, Vol. 11, New York, Oxford: Berghan: 137-163.
  • Fast, Luise, Johannes Nagel and Rachel Ramsey (2019). 10th International PhD Student Workshop. Exchange in History, H-Soz-Kult, Bielefeld University.
  • Flüchter, Antje (2019). Frühneuzeitliche Indienwahrnehmung zwischen Empirie, Antike und Antiquarianismus. Die Briefe des Pietro della Valle (1586-1652), in: Schulz, Raimund (ed.). Maritime Entdeckung und Expansion. Kontinuitäten, Parallelen und Brüche von der Antike bis in die Neuzeit. Historische Zeitschrift/Beihefte (Neue Folge) 77, Berlin, Boston: 361-390.
  • Flüchter, Antje (2019). Translating Jesuits - Translation as a Useful Tool to Explore Transculturality, in: Brosius, Christiane Susan Richter and Diamantis Pangiotopoulos (eds.). Engaging Transculturality. Concepts, Key Terms, Case Studies, London: Routledge: 199-215.
  • Haus, Juliane, Rebecca-Lea Korinek and Holger Straßheim (2019). Expertise im Nexus. Von der Verwendungs- zur Vernetzungforschung, in: Henkel, Anna and Nico Lüdtke (eds.). Das Wissen der Nachhaltigkeit, München: Oekom-Verlag: 63-88.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra (2019). Introduction to a special issue in memory of Bob Deacon: Where do we stand in global social policy studies? Global Social Policy 19 (1-2). doi:10.1177/1468018119847336
  • Kaasch, Alexandra, John Berten, Fabian Besche, Anatoly Boyashov, Timo Brunotte, Sara Cufré, Martin Fritz, Branka Marijan and Robin Schulze Waltrup (2019). Global Social Policy Digest 19.3. Global Social Policy 19 (3): 282-299.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra, Martin Koch and Kerstin Martens (2019). Exploring theoretical approaches to global social policy research: Learning from international relations and inter-organisational theory. Global Social Policy 19 (1-2). doi:10.1177/1468018119845570
  • Langer, Kerrin, Johannes Nagel and Niko Rohé (2019). Comparing Militaries in the Long 19th Century, Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift 78 (2): 453-459.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula (2019). Theorizing transnational labour markets. A research heuristic based on the new economic sociology. Global Networks: glob.12260.
  • Meyhöfer, Frank (2019). Intellektuelle Krisenbewältigungspraxis in der Nachkriegsgesellschaft. Die epistemische Produktivität der ‘Krise‘ in Reinhart Kosellecks Studien zur Krise der Moderne, in: Gostmann, Peter and Alexandra Ivanova (eds.). Soziologie des Geistes. Grundlagen und Fallstudien zur Ideengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 237-332.
  • Meyhöfer, Frank and Benjamin Schiffl (2019). Die Transserielle Konstellationsanalyse als soziologische Ergänzung zur Historisierung der Leitbegriffe des 20. Jahrhunderts, in: Gostmann, Peter and Alexandra Ivanova (eds.). Soziologie des Geistes. Grundlagen und Fallstudien zur Ideengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 83-111.
  • Myatt, Madeleine and Jasmin Siri (2019). (Un-)Sicherheitskonstruktionen und rechtspopulistische Mobilisierung: Die ‘Brexit‘-Kampagne, ihre sicherheitspolitischen Implikationen und die Rolle der Medien, in: Adorf, Philipp, Ursula Bitzegeio and Frank Decker (eds.). Ausstieg, Souveränität, Isolation - Der Brexit und seine Folgen für die Zukunft Europas, Bonn: Dietz Verlag: 135-156.
  • Myatt, Madeleine (2019). The Northern Ireland Dimension of Brexit: The Underestimated Border Question and its Implications for Peace in Northern Ireland, in: Adorf, Philipp, Ursula Bitzegeio and Frank Decker (eds.). Ausstieg, Souveränität, Isolation - Der Brexit und seine Folgen für die Zukunft Europas, Bonn: Dietz Verlag: 72-92.
  • Natil, Ibrahim, Chiara Pierobon and Lilian Trauber (2019). Introduction, in: Natil, Ibrahim, Chiara Pierobon and Lilian Trauber (eds.). The Power of Civil Society in the Middle East and North Africa: Peace-Building, Change and Development, Routledge: Abington: 1-12.
  • Natil, Ibrahim, Chiara Pierobon and Lilian Trauber (2019). Conclusion, in: Natil, Ibrahim, Chiara Pierobon and Lilian Trauber (eds.). The Power of Civil Society in the Middle East and North Africa: Peace-Building, Change and Development, Routledge: Abington: 170-176.
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2019). The EU, Civil Society, and Social Capital in Kazakhstan: a pilot evaluation of the EIDHR and NSA/LA. Journal of Evaluation 25 (2): 207-223-
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2019). Introducing Civil Society, in: Natil, Ibrahim, Chiara Pierobon and Lilian Trauber (eds.). The Power of Civil Society in the Middle East and North Africa: Peace-Building, Change and Development, Routledge: Abington: 13-23.
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2019). Promoting sustainable development through civil society: a case study of the EU’s NSA/LA thematic program in Kyrgyzstan. Development Policy Review 37: 179-192.
  • Rapior, Ralf (2019). “There is no country that has not passed through a colonial regime”. Zum Imperium als Grundbegriff historischer Soziologie, in: Burzan, Nicole (ed.). Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen. Verhandlungen des 39. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Göttingen 2018, Essen: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie.
  • Rapior, Ralf (2019). “Eines unter anderen und zugleich das Ganze!“. Zur Generalisierungsfähigkeit des systemtheoretischen Gesellschaftsbegriffs, in: Burzan, Nicole (ed.). Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen. Verhandlungen des 39. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Göttingen 2018, Essen: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie.
  • Russ, Daniela (2019). The World Energy Council as an Archive for Research on Energy History. Journal of Energy History/Revue d’Histoire de l’Énergie [Online] 4.
  • Sack, Detlef and Holger Straßheim (2019). “In der großen Halle des Volkes”. Claus Offe im Gespräch mit Holger Straßheim und Detlef Sack, in: Kieserling, Andre and Tobias Werron (eds.). Die Fakultät für Soziologie in Bielefeld. Eine Oral History. Sozialtheorie, Bielefeld: transcript: 69-80.
  • Stafford, James (2019). Londra contra tutti. Limes- Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica 5.
  • Stafford, James (Winter 2018/19). Labour’s Missing Brexit Strategy. Dissent.
  • Stafford, James (2019). Review: Quinn Slobodian. Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism. Political Quarterly 90 (1): 156-158.
  • Straßheim Holger (2019). Behavioural mechanisms and public policy design. Preventing failures in behavioural public policy. Public Policy and Administration.
  • Straßheim, Holger (2019). Lasswell’s legacy revisited: critical perspectives on psychological and behavioural public policy. Critical Policy Studies 13: 221-225.
  • Straßheim, Holger and Weert Canzler (2019). New Forms of Policy Expertise, in: Weert Canzler, Stefan Kuhlmann and Dagmar Simon (eds.). Handbook of Science and Public Policy, Cheltenham (UK), Northampton (MA): Edward Elgar: 243-267.
  • Straßheim, Holger and Kathrin Loer (2019). Who Are the Policymakers and What Are Their Interests. In: Ewert, Benjamin and Kathrin Loer (eds.). Behavoiral Policies for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Palgrave Studies in Public Health Policy Research, Cham: Palgrave Pivot: 73-92.
  • Tappe, Oliver and Minh Nguyen (2019). Southeast Asian Trajectories of Labour Mobility: Precarity, Translocality, and Resilience. TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia 7(1): 1-18.
  • Vasilache, Andreas (2019). Security in the sovereignty-governmentality continuum. Cambridge Review of International Affairs (CRIA) 32 (6): 681-711.
  • Vasilache, Andeas (2019). Globalisierung und Entfremdung: Ein kurzer Essay. Psychoanalytische Familientherapie: Zeitschrift für Paar-, Familien- und Sozialtherapie 20 (II): 11-22.
  • Werron, Tobias (2019). The Global Construction of National Reputation, in: Ingenhoff, Diana, Candace White, Alexander Buhmann and Spiro Kiousis (eds.). Bridging Disciplinary Perspectives of Country Image, Reputation, Brand, and Identity, London: Routledge: 150-167.
  • Werron, Tobias and Leopold Ringel (2019). Soziologie der Rankings: Neue Perspektiven, in: Ringel, Leopold and Tobias Werron (eds.). Rankings - soziologische Fallstudien, Wiesbaden: Springer VS: V-XXV.


  • Albert, Mathias, Nicole Deitelhoff and Gunther Hellmann (eds.) (2018). Ordnung und Regieren in der Weltgesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Albert Mathias and Anthony F. Lang Jr. (eds.) (2018). The Politics of International Political Theory. Reflections on the Works of Chris Brown. London, Cham: Palgrave; Springer.
  • Jung, Dietrich and Stephan Stetter (eds.) (2018). Modern Subjectivities in World Society: Global Structures and Local Practices, New York: Palgrave, 2018.
  • Wehrmann, Dorothea (2018): Critical geopolitics of the polar regions: an inter-american perspective, Abingdon; New York: Routledge.
  • Werron, Tobias (2018). Der globale Nationalismus, Berlin: Nicolai Publishing & Intelligence.


  • Aksakal, Mustafa, Basak Bilecen and Kerstin Schmidt (2018). Qualitative sampling in research on international student mobility: insights from the field in Germany. Globalisation, Societies and Education 17 (5): 610-621.
  • Aksakal, Mustafa, Thomas Faist and Kerstin Schmidt (2018). Migration and social transformation, in: Vihalemm, Peeter, Anu Masso and Signe Opermann (eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of European Social Transformation, London: Routledge: 283-297.
  • Albert, Mathias, Nicole Deitelhoff and Gunther Hellmann (2018). Ordnung und Regieren in der Weltgesellschaft: Ein Problemaufriss, in: Albert, Mathias, Nicole Deitelhoff and Gunther Hellmann (eds.). Ordnung und Regieren in der Weltgesellschaft, Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 1-20.
  • Albert, Mathias, Nicole Deitelhoff and Lisbeth Zimmermann (2018). Private Regulierung und öffentliche Ordnung in der Weltgesellschaft, in: Albert, Mathias, Nicole Deitelhoff and Gunther Hellmann (eds.). Ordnung und Regieren in der Weltgesellschaft, Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 381-400.
  • Albert, Mathias and Anthony Lang (2018). Introduction: The Politics of International Theory, in: Albert Mathias and Anthony Lang (eds.). The Politics of International Political Theory. Reflections on the Works of Chris Brown, London; Cham: Palgrave; Springer: 1-17.
  • Albert, Mathias and Andreas Vasilache (2018). Governmentality of the Arctic as an International Region. Cooperation & Conflict 53 (1): 3-22.
  • Böger, Tobias and Lutz Leisering (2018). National and International Drivers of the Spread of Social Cash Transfers, in: Leisering, Lutz (ed.). The Global Rise of Social Cash Transfers. How States and International Organizations Constructed a New Instrument for Combating Poverty, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 213-249.
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2018). Union State and the United Nations: From Human Rights to Human Dignity, in: Sutyrin, Vyacheslav (ed.). Papers by Awardees of the Contest among Young Experts in International Relations of Union State of Belarus and Russia, Moscow: GAUGN-Press: 62-82 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly (2018). Prevention of Extremism in Multipolar World and Role of Union State. Social Sciences and National Security. Minsk: Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus 4: 61-64 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Boyashov, Anatoly and Alexander Kuteynikov (2018). Migrant’s Rights at a System of the European Convention on Human Rights. European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences 38: 89-96.
  • Brankovic, Jelena, Leopold Ringel and Tobias Werron (2018). How rankings produce competition. The case of global university rankings. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 47 (4): 270–288.
  • Brock, Lothar (2018). Die Ordnung der Weltgesellschaft. Zwischen Staatenanarchie und Weltstaatlichkeit, in: Albert, Mathias, Nicole Deitelhoff and Gunther Hellmann (eds.). Ordnung und Regieren in der Weltgesellschaft, Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 23-56.
  • Davy, Ben (2018). Thoughts on internationalism and planning. Town Planning Review 89 (4): 323-329.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2018). Sozialleistungen für Nicht-Deutsche: Zugang durch globale Gleichheitsrechte, in: Rolfs, Christian (ed.). Migration und Sozialstaat. Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Sozialrechtsverbandes (SDSRV) 68, Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag: 9-38.
  • Epple, Angelika (2018). Calling for a Practice Turn in Global History: Practices as Drivers of Globalization/s. History and Theory 57 (3): 390-407.
  • Erdoğan, Cansu and Kerem G. Öktem (2018). Between Welfare State and (State-organised) Charity: How Turkey’s Social Assistance Regime blends two competing Policy Paradigms. working paper series How ‘Social’ is Turkey? 2, Bielefeld University.
  • Fast, Luise and Johannes Nagel (2018). Contact, Conquest, Colonization. Practices of Comparing between Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas, from Antiquity to the Present, H-Soz-Kult: Bielefeld University.
  • Flüchter, Antje (2018). Die Nairen der Malabarküste zwischen Adelsstand und Kriegerkaste. Praktiken des Vergleichens und die europäische Weltaneignung, in: Klöber, Rafael and Manju Ludwig (eds.). HerStory. Historical Scholarship between South Asia and Europe. Festschrift für Gita Dharampa-Frick, Heidelberg: CrossAsia E-Publishing: 3-41.
  • Flüchter, Antje (2018). Pater Pierre Martin - ein ‘Brahmane aus dem Norden’: Jesuitische Grenzgänger in Südindien um die Wende zum 18. Jahrhundert, in: Eibach, Joachim and Claudia Opitz-Belakhal (eds.). Zwischen den Kulturen. Mittler und Grenzgänger vom 17. bis 19. Jahrhundert. The Formation of Europe. Historische Formation Europas 8, Hannover: Wehrhahn: 45-70.
  • Flüchter, Antje (2018). Translating Jesuits - Translation as a Usefool Tool to Explore Transculturality, in: Brosius, Christiane, Diamantis Pangiotopoulos and Susan Richter (eds.). Engaging Transculturality: Concepts, Key Terms, Case Studies, London: Routledge: 199-214.
  • Flügel-Martinsen, Oliver, Kirsten Kramer and Andreas Vasilache (2018). Grenzprozesse in der Weltgesellschaft. Theoretische Anmerkungen zum Begriff der Grenze. Berliner Debatte Initial 29 (1): 12-25.
  • Gliszczynski, Moritz von and Lutz Leisering (2018). Models of Social Cash Transfers: Policy Proposals by International Organizations, in: Leisering, Lutz (ed.). The Global Rise of Social Cash Transfers. How States and International Organizations Constructed a New Instrument for Combating Poverty, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 105-138.
  • Isakova, Alina (2018). Integration policy in the European Union: From Multiculturalism towards Social Integration of Migrants. Lessons for the CIS countries. Post-Soviet Studies 1 (6): 556-566 [original text in Russian, translated by the author].
  • Jacobsen, Marc (2018). Review: Grenzsteine. Beiträge zur Kritik der Gewalt, in: Kellermann, Arne (ed.). Kritiknetz - Zeitschrift für Kritische Theorie der Gesellschaft.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra, Mulyadi Sumarto and Brooke Wilmsen (2018). Global Social Policy Actors and Factors in Indonesian Social Policy Making. UNRISD Working Paper 10, Geneve: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra, Mulyadi Sumarto and Brooke Wilmsen (2018). Indonesian Social Policy Development in a Context of Global Social Governance. UNRISD Working Paper 6, Geneve: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
  • Kaldewey, David, Daniela Russ and Julia Schubert (2018). The Politics of Grand Challenges. EnergySecurity and Geoengineering, in: Maasen, Sabine, Sascha Dickel and Christoph Schneider (eds.). TechnoScienceSociety. Technological reconfigurations of science and society, Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Koch, Martin and Martin Geiger (2018). World Organization in Migration Politics. The International Organization for Migration. Journal of International Organizations Studies 9 (1): 23-42.
  • Koloma Beck, Teresa and Tobias Werron (2018). Violent Confliction. Armed Conflicts and Global Competition for Attention and Legitimacy. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 31 (3): 275-296.
  • Meyhöfer, Frank (2018). Towards a common understanding of the desirable functions of higher education centralised support for teaching, learning, research and writing. Report of Short Term Scientific Mission COST Action 15221, Maynooth: COST Action 15221.
  • Neuwinger, Malte (2018). Constructivists Just Wanna Have Fun? Some Reflections on the Use of Humor (and Irony) in the Social Sciences. Sozusagen, winter term 2018/2019: 22-25.
  • Neuwinger, Malte and Theresa Sommer (2018). Echo aus der Vergangenheit. Eine kurze Geschichte der sozinfo, bzw. fachschaftsinfo. Sozusagen, summer term 2018: 60-65.
  • Neuwinger, Malte (2018). Der seltsame Fall des ‘Bitte‘ und ‚Danke‘. Oder: Die “Objektivität” des Monsieur Bourdieu. Sozusagen, summer term 2018: 28-31.
  • Neuwinger, Malte (2018). “Vielleicht ist Soziologie doch für irgendwas gut-?“ Kommentar zu Didier Eribon’s Rückkehr nach Reims. Sozusagen, summer term 2018: 20-23.
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2018). The Development of Civil Society in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan. An Analysis of the National and International Context. Annali di Ca’ Foscari, Serie orientale 54: 107-133.
  • Siri, Jasmin and Madeleine Myatt (2018). Germany – Conditions for the Recent Establishment of Right-Wing Populism and Progressive Responses, in: Krell, Christian, Henri Möllers and Niklas Ferch (eds.). Reclaiming Action – Progressive Strategies in Times of Growing Right-Wing Populism in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany, Berlin: 75-96.
  • Stafford, James (2018). The Scottish enlightenment and the British-Irish Union of 1801, in: Lloyd-Jones, Naomi and Margaret Scull (eds.). Four nations approaches to modern ‘British’ history: A (dis)United Kingdom?, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 111-134.
  • Stafford, James (2018). Review: Michael Brown, The Irish Enlightenment. Journal of British Studies 57 (2): 368-369.
  • Stafford, James and Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite (2018). Work, Autonomy & Community. Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy 26 (1): 5-9.
  • Sumarto, Mulyadi and Alexandra Kaasch (2018). New Directions in Social Policy. Evidence from the Indonesian Health Insurance Programme. UNRISD Working Paper 9, Geneve: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
  • Sunca, Yasin and Nisan Alici (2018). Yerel Elesstirinin Evrenseldeki Iinssasi: Bariss Çalissmalarina Avrupa Merkezciligin Ötesinden Bakmak/Friedensforschungjenseits einer eurozentristischen Perspektive. Off-University conference proceedings [Global Construction of Local Critique: An Approach to Peace Studies beyond Eurocentrism, translated by author].
  • Vasilache, Andreas (2018). Entgrenzung, in: Voigt, Rüdiger (ed.). Handbuch Staat, Wiesbaden: SpringerVS: 1695-1705.


  • Flüchter, Antje and Rouven Wirbser (eds.) (2017). Translating Catechisms: Entangling Christian History, Leiden: Brill.
  • Koch, Martin (2017). Internationale Organisationen in der Weltgesellschaft, Frankfurt: Campus.


  • Albert, Mathias (2017). Beyond Integration and Differentiation? The Holy See and the Pope in the System of World Politics. Review of Faith and International Affairs, Vol. 15, No. 4, 21-30.
  • Albert, Mathias (2017). The globalization of international society. International Affairs, Vol. 93, No. 4, 967-968.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Buzan, Barry (2017): On the subject matter of International Relations. Review of International Studies Vol. 43, No. 5, 898-917.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Mahlert, Bettina (2017): Weltgesellschaft und Kommunikation: Zur Systemtheorie internationaler Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen Vol 24, No. 1, 10-36.
  • Berten, John/ Leisering, Lutz (2017): Social policy by numbers. How international organisations construct global policy proposals. International Journal of Social Welfare Vol. 26, 151-167.
  • Bölükbasi, H. Tolga, and Kerem Gabriel Öktem (2017). Conceptualizing and operationalizing social rights: Towards higher convergent validity in SCIP and CWED. Journal of European Social Policy 28 (1): 86-100.
  • Epple, Angelika (2017). Relationale Geschichtsschreibung: Gegenstand, Erkenntnisinteresse und Methode globaler und weltregionaler Geschichtsschreibung. H-Soz-Kult.
  • Flüchter, Antje (2017). Introduction: Translating Catechisms, Translating Cultures, in: Flüchter, Antje and Rouven Wirbser (eds.). Translating Catechisms, Translating Cultures: The Expansion of Catholicism in the Early Modern World, Leiden: Brill: 3-49.
  • Franke, Ulrich and Martin Koch (2017). Sociological Approaches, in: Biermann, Rafael and Joachim A. Koops (eds.). Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics, London: Palgrave Macmillan: 169-187.
  • Leisering, Lutz/ Tao, Liu/ ten Brink, Tobias (2017): Synthesizing Disparate Ideas: How a Chinese Model of Social Assistance Was Forged. Global Social Policy, Vol. 17, No. 3, 307-327.
  • Nardini, Giulia (2017). Roberto Nobili’s Vivāha dharma: A Case of Cultural Translation, in: Flüchter, Antje and Rouven Wirbser (eds.). Translating Catechisms: Entangling Christian History, Leiden: 223-251.
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2017). Civil Society in the EU development and human rights agenda: The case of DG DEVCO-EIDHR, in: Marchetti, Raffaele (ed.). Partnership in International Policy Making. Civil Society and Public Institutions in Global and European Affairs, International Series on Public Policy, London: Palgrave Macmillan: 195-213.
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2017). The European Union and Sustainable Development in Kyrgyzstan: the Role of Civil Society. Contemporary Global Trends: Challenges and Risks for Central Asia, Kazakh-German University, Almat: 41-52 [ISBN 978-601-80343-0-5].
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2017): Musik und Jugendbewegungen in Russland. Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West, Vol. 1, 17-19.
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2017): German Political Foundations in Central Asia: Promoting Democracy Through Civil Society. European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 80-87.
  • Tao, Liu/ Leisering, Lutz (2017): Protecting injured workers. How global ideas of industrial accident insurance travelled to China. Journal of Chinese Governance Vol. 2, No. 1, 106-123
  • Vasilache, Andreas (2017). Authoritarianism and Security in Central Asia. Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte: International Quarterly Edition 1: 25–29.
  • Vasilache, Andreas (2017). Die europäische Krise als generalisierte Unsicherheitsmaschine, in: Kopke, Christoph and Wolfgang Kühnele (eds.). Demokratie, Freiheit und Sicherheit. Baden-Baden: Nomos: 17–32.
  • Werron, Tobias (2017): Global Publics as Catalysts of Global Competition. In: Huber, Valeska/ Osterhammel, Jürgen (Eds.): The Global Public and Its Limits. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wilmsen, Brooke, Kaasch, Alexandra & Mulyadi Sumarto (2017). The Development of Indonesian Social Policy in the Context of Overseas Development Aid. Vol 5.


Albert, Mathias (2016): A Theory of World Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


  • Albert, Mathias (2016): Theoretischer Quantensprung oder ein Quäntchen IB? Alexander Wendt's 'Quantum Mind and Social Science'. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen Vol 23, No. 2, 177-189.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Lapid, Yosef (2016): IBO, IPS and SIP: Engaging the Sociologies of International Relations. In: Basaran, Tugba/ Bigo, Didier/ Guittet, Emmanuel-Pierre/Walker, RBJ (Eds.): International Political Sociology. Transversal Lines. London: Routledge.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Müller, Thomas (2016): Die Englische Schule in den Internationalen Beziehungen. In: Masala, Carlo/ Sauer, Frank/ Wilhelm, Andreas (Eds.): Handbuch der Internationalen Politik. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Stetter, Stephan (2016): Regional Variations of and Regional Variations within Functional Differentiation ? the Middle East and World Society. In: Stichweh, Rudolf/ Hayoz, Nicolas (Eds.): Variants of Differentiation in the Regions of World Society, Special Issue of Soziale Systeme. Stuttgart: Lucius and Lucius (forthcoming).
  • Canonge, J., Kaasch, Alexandra, Arslan, Derya, Cufré, Sara, Marijan, Branka, Zancajo Silla, Adrián & Zurkuhlen, Alexia (2016). Global Social Policy Digest, Vol. 16, No. 3, 329-341.
  • Epple, Angelika & Kramer, Kirsten (2016). Globalization, Imagination, Social Space. The Making of Geopolitical Imaginaries. Fiar Forum for Inter-American Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 41-63.
  • Gliszczynski, Moritz von/ Leisering, Lutz (2016): Constructing new global models of social security. How international organizations defined the field of social cash transfers in the 2000s. Journal of Social Policy Vol. 45, No. 2, 325-343.
  • Gliszczynski, Moritz von/ Leisering, Lutz (2016): The Politics of Recognition: Changing Understandings of Human Rights, Social Development and Land Rights as Normative Foundation of Global Social Policy. Journal of Social Policy Vol. 45, No.2, 325-343.
  • Hoggenmüller, Sebastian W. (2016): Die Welt im (Außen-)Blick. Überlegungen zu einer ästhetischen Re|Konstruktionsanalyse am Beispiel der Weltraumfotografie 'Blue Marble'. ZQF (Zeitschrift f. Qualitative Forschung), Heft 1+2/2016, 17. Jahrgang (Themenheft Materiale Visuelle Soziologie), 11-40.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra (2016). Conceptualising Transnational Social Rights: Developments and Forms, in: A. Fischer-Lescano & K. Möller (Eds.). Transnationalisation of Social Rights. Intersentia, 67-84.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra (2016). Global Social Policy in the Context of Global Inequality, in: M. Wulfgramm, T. Bieber, & S. Leibfried (Eds.). Welfare State Transformations in the 21st Century. Effects on Social, Economic and Political Inequality in OECD Countries Basingstoke: Palgrave, 247-266.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra (2016). Global social redistribution in the context of the refugee crisis. Global Social Policy, Vol. 16, 325-328.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra & Mahon, R. (2016). Forum Introduction: Global social policy and the "refugee crisis'. Global Social Policy, Vol. 16, 309-310.
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2016): Civil Society in the EU development and human rights agenda: The case of DG DEVCO-EIDHR. In Marchetti, R. (Ed.): Partnership in International Policy Making: Civil Society and Public Institutions in Global and European Affairs. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 195-213.
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2016): The Development of state-civil society relations in Kazakhstan. Eurasiatica Vol. 6, 203-223.
  • Pierobon, Chiara (2016): The European Union and the empowerment of Civil Society in Kazakhstan: an evaluation of the EIDHR and NSA/LA. Central Asian Policy Review Vol. 2, No. 2, 11-15.
  • Razum, Oliver, Kaasch, Alexandra & Bozorgmehr, Kayvan (2016). Commentary: From the primacy of safe passage for refugees to a global social policy. International Journal of Public Health, Vol. 61, No. 5, 523-524.
  • Steinmetz Willibald, Leonhard Jörn (2016): Von der Begriffsgeschichte zur historischen Semantik von 'Arbeit'. In: Steinmetz Willibald, Leonhard Jörn (Eds.): Semantiken von Arbeit: Diachrone und vergleichende Perspektiven. Industrielle Welt. Vol 91, No. 1, Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 9-59.
  • Vasilache, Andreas (2016). Autoritarismus und Sicherheit in Zentralasien. Neue Gesellschaft, Frankfurter Hefte 63 (11): 25–30.
  • Vasilache, Andreas (2016): Globalisierung, in:Voigt, Rüdiger (Eds.):Staatsdenken: Zum Stand der Staatstheorie heute. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 465-472.
  • Werron, Tobias (2016): Universalized Third Parties. The Role of 'Scientized' Observers in the Construction of Global Competition Between Nation-States. In: Jansen, Axel/ Franzmann, Andreas/ Münte, Peter (Eds.): Legitimizing Science. National and Global Public (1800-2010). Frankfurt/ New York: Campus, 307-326.


  • Epple, Angelika/ Erhart, Walter (Eds.) (2015): Die Welt beobachten. Praktiken des Vergleichens. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus Verlag.
  • Heintz, Bettina/ Tyrell, Hartmann (Eds.) (2015): Interaktion – Organisation – Gesellschaft revisited. Anwendungen, Erweiterungen, Alternativen. Sonderband der Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
  • Heintz, Bettina/ Leisering, Britta (Eds.) (2015): Menschenrechte in der Weltgesellschaft. Deutungswandel und Wirkungsweise eines globalen Leitwerts. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.
  • Holzer, Boris/ Kastner, Fatima/ Werron, Tobias (Eds.) (2015): From Globalization to World Society: Neo-Institutional and Systems-Theoretical Perspectives. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra (2015): Shaping Global Health Policy: Global Social Policy Actors and Ideas about Health Care Systems. Houndsmills Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra/ Martens, Kerstin (Eds.) (2015): Actors and Agency in Global Social Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Koch, Martin (2015). World Organizations - (Re-)Conceptualizing International Organizations. World Political Science 11 (1): 97-131.
  • Gliszczynski, Moritz von (2015): Cash Transfers and Basic Social Protection. Houndsmills Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


  • Albert, Mathias (2015): Neu bleibt alt: Außenpolitik, Weltpolitik und das 'Gleichgewicht der Mächte'. Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Vol.8, No. 1, 25-34.
  • Albert, Mathias (2015): The Polar Regions in the System of World Politics: Social Differentiation and Securitization. Geographische Zeitschrift, Vol. 103, No. 4, 217-230.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Gensicke, Thomas (2015): Die Welt und Deutschland - Deutschland und die Welt. In: Jugend 2015. 17. Shell Jugendstudie. Konzeptualisierung und Koordination: Mathias Albert, Klaus Hurrelmann und Gudrun Quenzel in Zusammenarbeit mit TNS Infratest Sozialforschung. Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 201-235.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Stetter, Stephan (2015): Actorhood in World Politics: The Dialects of Agency/Structure within the World Polity. In: Hellmann, Gunther/ Jørgensen, Knud-Erik (Eds.): Theorizing Foreign Policy in a Globalized World. London: Palgrave, 18-100.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Stetter, Stephan (2015): Embedding Regional Integration in the Fabric of a Differentiated World Society and a Differentiated World Political System. In: Holzer, Boris/ Kastner, Fatima/ Werron Tobias (Eds.): From Globalization to World Society: Comparing Neo-Institutional and Systems Theoretical Perspectives. London: Routledge, 61-82.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Wehrmann, Dorothea (2015): Polarpolitik. Ein Bericht zur politikwissenschaftlichen Arktis- und Antarktisliteratur. Neue politische Literatur, Vol. 60, No. 1, 63-89.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2015): `Der Universalismus´ der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte - die Arbeit am Konsens, 1946-1948. In Heintz, Bettina/ Leisering, Britta (Eds.): Menschenrechte in der Weltgesellschaft. Deutungswandel und Wirkungsweise eines globalen Leitwerts. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 198-235.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2015): Für Drittstaatsangehörige weniger Gleichheit? Zum eingeschränkten Zugang zu sozialen Rechten für langfristig Aufenthaltsberechtigte im Unionsrecht. In: Devetzi, Stamatia/ Janda, Constanze (Eds.): Freiheit? Gerechtigkeit? Sozial(es) Recht, FS Eberhard Eichenhofer. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 122-144.
  • Eppert, Kerstin/ Sienknecht, Mitja/ Albert, Mathias (2015): UN-Missionen als Strukturen internationaler Interventionen. Organisationale Autonomisierungsprozesse aus weltgesellschaftstheoretischer Perspektive. In: da Conceição-Heldt, Eugénia/ Koch, Martin /Liese, Andrea (Eds.): Internationale Organisationen: Autonomie, Politisierung, interorganisationale Beziehungen und Wandel, Politische Vierteljahrsschrift, Special Issue 49, 81-104.
  • Epple, Angelika (2015): Globale Machtverhältnisse, lokale Verflechtungen. Die Berliner Kongokonferenz, Solingen und das Hinterland des kolonialen Waffenhandels. In: Dejung, Christof/ Lengwiler, Martin (Eds.): Ränder der Moderne. Neue Perspektiven auf die Europäische Geschichte (1800-1930). Köln: Böhlau-Verlag, 65-91.
  • Epple, Angelika (2015): Doing Comparisons? Ein praxeologischer Zugang zur Geschichte der Globalisierung/en. In: Epple, Angelika/ Erhart, Walter (Eds.): Die Welt beobachten. Praktiken des Vergleichens, Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus Verlag, 161-199.
  • Heintz, Bettina (2015): Die Unverzichtbarkeit von Anwesenheit. Weltgesellschaft und Interaktion. In: Heintz, Bettina/ Tyrell, Hartmann (Eds.): Interaktion – Organisation – Gesellschaft, Sonderband Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
  • Holzer, Boris (2015): The Two Faces of World Society. In: Holzer, Boris/ Kastner, Fatima/ Werron, Tobias (Eds.): From Globalization to World Society. Neo-Institutional and Systems-Theoretical Perspectives. London/New York: Routledge, 37-60.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra, Canonge, J., Marijan, Branka, Pellisery, Sony, Zancajo Silla, Adrián, & Verger, Antoni (2015). Global Social Policy Digest, Vol. 15, No. 3, 355-368.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra, & Martens, Kerstin (2015). Introduction: Actors and Agency in Global Social Governance, in: Kaasch, Alexandra & Kerstin Martens (Eds.), Agency in Global Social Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-17.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra (2015). Conclusions - Complexity in Global Social Governance, in: Kaasch, Alexandra & Kerstin Martens (Eds.), Agency in Global Social Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 233-250.
  • Koch, Martin (2015): World Organizations - (Re-)Conceptualizing International Organizations. In: World Political Science, Vol. 11, No. 1, 97-131.
  • Koch, Martin (2015): From International to World Organizations. In: Holzer, Boris/ Kastner, Fatima/ Werron, Tobias (Eds.): From Globalization to World Society. Neo-Institutional and Systems-Theoretical Perspectives. London/New York: Routledge, 279-300.
  • Leisering, Lutz/ Davy, Benjamin/ Davy, Ulrike (2015): The Politics of Recognition: Changing Understandings of Human Rights, Social Development and Land Rights as Normative Foundation of Global Social Policy. In: Lachenmann, Frauke/ Röder, Tilmann J./ Wolfrum, Rüdiger (Eds.): Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Vol. 18, No. 1, S. 565-600.
  • Mahlert, Bettina (2015): Soziale Ordnungsbildung durch Kollektivität: Luhmanns ‚Ebenenunterscheidung’ und die moderne Weltgesellschaft. In: Heintz, Bettina/ Tyrell, Hartmann (Eds.): Interaktion – Organisation – Gesellschaft, Sonderband Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius, 271-293.
  • Steinmetz, Willibald (2015): "Vergleich" - eine begriffsgeschichtliche Skizze. In: Epple, Angelika/ Ehart, Walter (Eds.): Die Welt beobachten. Praktiken des Vergleichens. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus Verlag, 85-134.
  • Werron, Tobias (2015): Interaktion unter Abwesenden? Zur soziologischen Analyse elektrischer Tele-Kommunikationstechnologien. In: Heintz, Bettina/ Tyrell, Hartmann (Eds.): Interaktion – Organisation – Gesellschaft. Sonderband Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius, 51-70.
  • Werron, Tobias (2015): What Do Nation-States Compete For? A World-Societal Perspective on Competition for ?Soft? Global Goods. In: Holzer, Boris / Kastner, Fatima/ Werron, Tobias (Eds.): From Globalization to World Society: Neo-Institutional and Systems-Theoretical Perspectives. London/ New York: Routledge, 85-106.
  • Werron, Tobias (2015): Why Do We Believe in Competition? A Historical-sociological View of Competition as an Institutionalized Modern Imaginary. Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory Vol. 16, No. 2, 186-210.
  • Werron, Tobias/ Kastner, Fatima/ Holzer, Boris (2015): Introduction: From Globalization to World Society. In: Holzer, Boris /Kastner, Fatima / Werron, Tobias (Eds.): From Globalization to World Society: Neo-Institutional and Systems-Theoretical Perspectives. London/ New York: Routledge, 1-19.


  • Amelina, Anna/ Vasilache, Andreas (Eds.) (2014): Mobile Inequalities in a Mobile Europe. Migration Letters, Volume 11, No. 2 (Special Issue).
  • Davy, Benjamin (guest ed.) (2014): Spatial planning and human rights. Special Issue of Planning Theory, Vol. 13, No. 4.
  • Kaasch, Alexandra/ Stubbs, Paul (Eds.) (2014): Transformations in Global and Regional Social Policies. Houndsmills Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Leisering, Lutz (Ed.) (2014): In Search of the ‘Social’ - European and Global Perspectives on the Idea of the Welfare State. International Journal of Social Quality, Special Issue, Volume 3, Issue 2.
  • Menkhoff, Thomas/ Evers, Hans-Dieter/ Chay, Yue Wah/ Hoon, Chang Yau (Eds.) (2014): Catalysts of Change: Chinese Business in Asia. New Jersey, Singapore, Beijing, London: World Scientific & Imperial College Press.
  • Tittor, Anne/ Simon, Jenny (Eds.) (2014): Financialisation of Food, Land, and Nature. Austrian Journal of Development Studies, Vol. XXX, No. 2-2014 (Special Issue).
  • Toffin, Gerard/ Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna (Eds.) (2014): Facing Globalization in the Himalayas. Belonging and the Politics of the Self. New Delhi: Sage.
  • Vasilache, Andreas (Ed.) (2014): Gouvernementalität, Staat und Weltgesellschaft. Studien zum Regieren im Anschluss an Foucault. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Volkmer, Ingrid (2014) The Global Public Sphere. Public Communication in the Age of Reflective Interdependence. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Welskopp, Thomas (2014): Unternehmen Praxisgeschichte. Historische Perspektiven auf Kapitalismus, Arbeit und Klassengesellschaft. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.


  • Albert, Mathias (2014): World State: Brunkhorst’s ‘cosmopolitan state’ and varieties of differentiation. In: Social & Legal Studies, Vol. 23, No. 4, 517-531.
  • Albert, Mathias (2014): World state or global governance?. In: Stephan Stetter (Ed.): Leben in der Weltgesellschaft – Regieren im Weltstaat. München: Universität der Bundeswehr München, 35-39.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Reuber, Paul/ Wolkersdorfer, Günter (2014): Critical geopolitics. In: Schieder, Siegfried/ Spindler, Manuela (Eds.): Theories of International Relations. London: Routledge, 321-335.
  • Davy, Benjamin (2014): Raumplanung und die Politik der Würde. In: Blaas, Wolfgang/ Bröthaler, Johann/ Getzner, Michael/ Gutheil-Knopp-Kirchwald, Gerlinde (Eds.): Perspektiven der staatlichen Aufgabenerfüllung. Zwischen budgetärer Knappheit und integrativem Anspruch. Wien: Verlag Österreich, 51-76.
  • Davy, Benjamin (2014): Polyrational property: rules for the many uses of land. International Journal of the Commons, Vol. 8, No. 2, 472-492.
  • Davy, Benjamin (2014): Non-humiliating plans! A human rights approach, FLOOR Working Paper No. 20.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2014): How Human Rights Shape Social Citizenship. On Citizenship and the Understanding of Economic and Social Rights. Washington University Global Studies Law Review, Vol.13, No. 2, 201-263.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2014): Sozialpolitik der Union. In: Matthias Niedobitek (Eds.): Die Politiken der Union. Berlin: de Gruyter, 775-916.
  • Davy, Benjamin/ Davy, Ulrike (2014): Haltung in finsteren Zeiten. Die Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht zwischen 1933 und 1945. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht Neue Folge, Vol. 69, 715-804.
  • Dingman, Erica/ Jabs, Linda/ Niemisalo, Niko/ Ramesh, Dayanita/ Wehrmann, Dorothea (2014): Effects of Global Ecological Change on Arctic Council Permanent Participants. Ecologic Institute:
  • Epple, Angelika (2014): The Vertigo of Historical Analyses in a Globalizing World. Reading Joan Wallach Scott. History & Theory, Vol. 53, No. 2, 235-344.
  • Evers, Hans-Dieter (2014): Understanding the South China Sea: An Explorative Cultural Analysis. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1, 80-95.
  • Faist, Thomas (2014): Brokerage in Cross-Border Mobility: Social Mechanisms and the (Re)Production of Social Inequalities. Social Inclusion, Vol. 2, No. 4, 38-52.
  • Faist, Thomas (2014): “We are all Transnationals now”: The Relevance of Transnationality for Understanding Social Inequalities. In: Fauri, Francesca (Ed.): The History of Migration in Europe: Perspectives from Economics, Politics and Sociology. London: Routledge, 69-87.
  • Faist, Thomas (2014): On the transnational social question: How social inequalities are re-produced in Europe. Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 24, No.3, 207-222.
  • Freistein, Katja (2014): Die ASEAN-Sicherheitsgemeinschaft. Dekonstruktion und Rekonstruktion institutionellen Wandels. In: Herschinger, Eva/ Renner, Judith (Eds.): Diskursforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen und der Europaforschung. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 97-129.
  • Freistein, Katja/ Koch, Martin (2014): The effects of measuring poverty – indicators of the World Bank. SFB 882 Working Paper Series 27. DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities, Bielefeld.
  • Gerharz, Eva (2014): Recognising Indigenous People, the Bangladeshi Way: The United Nations Declaration for Indigenous People’s Rights, Transnational Activism and the Constitutional Amendment Affair of 2011. Indigenous Policy Journal, Vol. 24, No. 4, 64-79.
  • Heintz, Bettina/ Werron, Tobias (2014): Fehlinterpretationen der Weltgesellschaftstheorie. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Vol. 66, No. 2, 291-302.
  • Koch, Martin (2014): International Organizations in World Society. In: Academic Foresights 12 (
  • Koch, Martin (2014): Weltorganisationen. Eine Re-Konzeptualisierung internationaler Organisationen. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Vol. 21, No. 1, 5-38.
  • Koch, Martin/ da Conceição-Heldt, Eugénia/ Liese, Andrea (Eds.) (2014): Internationale Organisationen: Autonomie, Politisierung, interorganisationale Beziehungen und Wandel. Politische Vierteljahresschrift Vol. 49 (Special Issue).
  • Linnemann, Kirsten (2014): Im Feld der Worte - Eine Reflexion quantitativ-lexikometrischer Methoden der Diskursanalyse. Berichte - Geographie und Landeskunde, Vol. 88, No. 1, 5-20.
  • Marshall Park, Kathleen/ Mense-Petermann Ursula (2014): Managing across Borders - Global Integration and Knowledge Exchange in MNCS. Competition & Change Vol. 18 (Special Issue: Multinationals, social agency and institutional change: Variation by sector), 265–279.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula (2014): 'Bridging the Differences' - Die Arbeit des 'boundary spanning' und ihre Regulierung in transnationalen Unternehmen. In: Löw, Martina (Ed.): Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt. Verhandlungen des 36. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesell-schaft für Soziologie in Bochum und Dortmund 2012. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 298-311.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula/ Spiegel, Anna/ Park, Kathleen (2014): Global mobility policies, social positioning and boundary spanning work of expatriate managers. Research paper presented at the EGOS Standing Working Group 11 (Sub-theme 11): What's Up in the Contemporary MNC: New Research Perspectives, 30th EGOS Colloquium, 3.–5. Juli 2014, Rotterdam.
  • Müller, Marion (2014): ‚The evils of racism and the wealth of diversity‘ - Zum Bedeutungswandel der Rassenkategorie in den UN-Weltkonferenzen gegen Rassismus. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 43, No. 6, 402?420.
  • Sack, Detlef (2014): Borderland on the Inside – The Momentum of Contestation. Airports as Borderlands on the Inside. In: Russ, Sabine/ Schwenken, Helen (Eds.): New Border and Citizenship Politics. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 73-89.
  • Starke, Peter/ Kaasch, Alexandra/ van Hooren, Franca (2014): Political parties and social pol-icy responses to global economic crisis: Constrained partisanship in mature welfare states. Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 47, No. 2, 225-246.
  • van Hooren, Franca/ Kaasch, Alexandra/ Starke, Peter (2014): The Shock Routine: Economic Crisis and the Nature of Social Policy Responses. Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 21, No. 4, 605-623.
  • Vasilache, Andreas (2014): Great Power Governmentality? Coincidence and Parallel within the New Strategic Guidance for the U.S. Department of Defense. Security Dialogue, Vol. 45, No. 6, 582-600.
  • Vasilache, Andreas (2014): The State, its Boundaries, and Internationalization: Considerations on the Domestic-Foreign and the Private-Public Boundary. Journal of New Frontiers, Vol. 6, 28-40.
  • Volkmer, Ingrid/ Lee, Carolyne (2014) Shifting the Politics of Memory: Mnemonic Trajectories in a Global Public Terrain. Zelizer, Barbie/ Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Keren (Eds.): Journalism and Memory. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 50-65.


  • Albert, Mathias/ Buzan, Barry/ Zürn, Michael (Eds.) (2013): Bringing sociology to IR. World politics as differentiation theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Buschmann, Luise (2013): Das Menschenrecht auf soziale Grundsicherung aus Art. 9 und Art. 11 ICESCR. Münster: Agenda Verlag.
  • Davy, Benjamin/ Davy, Ulrike/ Leisering, Lutz (Eds.) (2013): Exploring global social citizenship: human rights perspectives. International Journal of Social Welfare, Volume 22, Supplement 1.
  • Faist, Thomas/ Fauser, Margit/ Reisenauer, Eveline (2013): Transnational Migration. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Kaltmeier, Olaf (Ed.) (2013): Transnational Americas. Envisioning Inter-American Area Studies in Globalization Processes. Trier, Tempe: WVT/ Bilingual Press.
  • Koch, Martin/ Stetter, Stephan (Eds.) (2013): Sociological Perspectives on International Organizations and the Construction of Global Order. Journal of International Organizations Studies. Special Issue: Sociological Perspectives on International Organizations and the Construction of Global Order 4.
  • Leisering, Lutz (Ed.) (2013): German Social Policy, 5 vols. Heidelberg/ Dordrecht/ London/ New York: Springer.
  • Leisering, Lutz (guest ed.) (2013): In Search of the ‘Social’ - European and Global Perspectives on the Idea of the Welfare State. International Journal of Social Quality, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Special Issue).
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula/ Hyll, Melanie/ Minssen, Heiner (Eds.) (2013): Schwerpunktheft ‚Transnationale Mobilität‘. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Vol. 22, No. 4.


  • Abelshauser, Werner (2013): E pluribus unum? Eine alternative Strategie für Europa. Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, Vol. 11, No. 4, 466-483.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Buzan, Barry (2013): International relations theory and the ‘social whole’: Encounters and gaps between IR and Sociology. International Political Sociology, Vol. 7, No. 2, 117-135.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Kessler, Oliver (2013): Die Transformation von Recht und Politik globaler Sicherheit. In: Fischer-Lescano, Andreas/ Mayer, Peter (Eds.): Recht und Politik globaler Sicherheit. Frankfurt/M.: Campus, 335–362.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Mahlert, Bettina (2013): Internationale Beziehungen und Soziologie: das ‘Scharnier’ der Differenzierung. In: Stetter, Stephan (Eds.): Ordnung und Wandel in der Weltpolitik: Grundzüge einer Soziologie der internationalen Beziehungen (Special Issue of Leviathan), 59-77.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2013): Social Citizenship Going International: Changes in the Reading of UN-Sponsored Economic and Social Rights. International Journal of Social Welfare Vol. 22, No.1, 15-31.
  • Davy, Benjamin/ Davy, Ulrike/ Leisering, Lutz (2013): The global, the social and rights. New perspectives on social citizenship. In: Davy, Benjamin/ Davy, Ulrike/ Leisering, Lutz (Eds.): Exploring global social citizenship: human rights perspectives. International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol. 22, 1-14.
  • Davy, Benjamin/ Pellissery, Sony (2013): The citizenship promise (un)fulfilled: The right to housing in informal settings. In: Davy, Benjamin/ Davy, Ulrike/ Leisering, Lutz (Eds.): Ex-ploring global social citizenship: human rights perspectives. International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol. 22, 68-84.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2013): Social citizenship going international: Changes in the reading of UN-sponsored economic and social rights. International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol. 22, No. 1, 15-31.
  • Davy, Ulrike (2013): The Rise of the ‘Global Social’: Origins and Transformations of Social Rights under UN Human Rights Law. International Journal of Social Quality, Vol. 3, No. 2, 41-59.
  • Epple, Angelika (2013): Lokalität und die Dimensionen des Globalen. Eine Frage der Relationen. Historische Anthropologie, Vol. 21, No. 1, 4-25.
  • Freistein, Katja (2013): "A Living Document": Promises of the ASEAN Charter. The Pacific Review, Vol. 26, No. 4, 407-429.
  • Freistein, Katja (2013): Gouvernementalität und Regionales Regieren: Konkurrierende Ordnungsvorstellungen in der ASEAN. In: Vasilache, Andreas (Ed.): Gouvernementalität, Staat und Weltgesellschaft. Studien zum Regieren im Anschluss an Foucault. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 225-258.
  • Himpe, Nina-Claire (2013): “Das Soziale” in der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte. Ein Kompromiss zwischen Staaten der Welt. FLOOR Working Paper No.17.
  • Holzer, Boris (2013): Inadvertent citizens: corporate citizenship and moral actorhood. In: Helgesson, Karin Svedberg/ Mörth, Ulrika (Eds.): The Political Role of Corporate Citizens. An Interdisciplinary Approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 65-83.
  • Koch, Martin/ Lindenthal, Alexandra (2013): The Bretton Woods Institutions and the Environment: Organizational learning within the IMF and the World Bank. Administrative Science, Vol. 3, No. 4, 166-201.
  • Kolocek, Michael (2013): The Human Right to Housing in the 27 Member States of the European Union. European Journal of Homelessness, Vol. 7, No. 1, 135-154.
  • Leisering, Lutz (2013): Nation State and Social Policy: An Ideational and Political History. In: Leisering, Lutz (Ed.): German Social Policy, Vol. 1. Berlin/ Heidelberg: Springer, 1-22.
  • Leisering, Lutz (2013): The ‘Social’: The Global Career of an Idea. In: Leisering, Lutz (Ed.): In Search of the ‘Social’ - European and Global Perspectives on the Idea of the Welfare State. International Journal of Social Quality, Special Issue, Volume 3, Issue 2, 1-15.
  • Leisering, Lutz/ Barrientos, Armando (2013): Social assistance in developing countries: citizenship in the margins? In: Davy, Benjamin/ Davy, Ulrike/ Leisering, Lutz (Eds.): Exploring global social citizenship: human rights perspectives. International Journal of Social Welfare, Volume 22, Supplement 1, 1-14.
  • Leisering, Lutz/ Barrientos, Armando (2013): Social citizenship for the global poor? The worldwide spread of social assistance. In: Davy, Benjamin/ Davy, Ulrike/ Leisering, Lutz (Eds.): Exploring global social citizenship: human rights perspectives. International Journal of Social Welfare, Volume 22, 50-67.
  • Mayer-Ahuja, Nicole/ Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen/ Eckert, Andreas/ Leisering, Lutz (2013): Globale Perspektiven. In: Busemeyer, Marius et al. (Eds.): Wohlfahrtspolitik im 21. Jahrhundert. Neue Wege der Forschung. Frankfurt a.M./ New York: Campus, 177-187.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula/ Minssen, Heiner/ Hyll, Melanie (2013): Arbeit in der Weltgesellschaft - Transnationale Arbeitsmobilität in arbeitssoziologischer Perspektive. In: Arbeit: Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Vol. 22, No. 4, Schwerpunktheft Transnationale Mobilität, 249-254.
  • Sack, Detlef/ Wirsbinna, Julia Nadine (2013): Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Vergleich – Zur Kommunikation über politische Gewalt durch numerische Differenz. In: Flügel-Martinsen, Oliver/ Martinsen, Franziska (Eds.): Gewaltbefragungen. Beiträge zur Theorie von Politik und Gewalt. Bielefeld: Transcript, 117-142.
  • Steinmetz, Willibald/ Haupt, Heinz-Gerhard (2013): The Political as Communicative Space in History: The Bielefeld Approach. In: Steinmetz, Willibald/ Gilcher-Holtey, Ingrid/ Haupt, Heinz-Gerhard (Eds.): Writing Political History Today. Frankfurt: Campus, 11-33.
  • Tittor, Anne (2013): Geschlechterregime und Sozialpolitik in Argentinien und Bolivien. In: Tuider, Elisabeth/ Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen/ Öhlschläger, Rainer (Eds.): Frauen (und) Macht in Lateinamerika. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 165-182.
  • Abelshauser, Werner/ Gilgen, David/ Flume, Gunnar/ Leutzsch, Andreas (Eds.) (2012). Wirtschaftskulturen - Kulturen der Weltwirtschaft. Sonderband Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
  • Albert, Mathias/ Harste, Gorm/ Patomäki, Heikki/ Jørgensen, Knud-Erik (Eds.) (2012). Special Issue: World state futures. Journal of the Nordic International Studies Association 47 (2).
  • Albert, Mathias/ Harste, Gorm/ Patomäki, Heikki/ Jørgensen, Knud-Erik (Eds.) (2012): World State Futures. Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 47, No. 2.
  • Amelina, Anna/ Faist, Thomas/ Nirgez, Devrimsel D. (Eds.) (2012). Special Issue: Methodologies on the move. Transnational turn in empirical migration research. Ethnic and Racial Studies 35 (10).
  • Amelina, Anna/ Nirgez, Devrimsel D./ Faist, Thomas/ Glick-Schiller, Nina (Eds.) (2012): Be-yond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Cross-Border Studies. London: Routledge.
  • Davy, Benjamin (2012): Land policy. Planning and the spatial consequences of property. Farnham, Surrey & Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing.
  • Epple, Angelika (2012): Global- und Geschlechtergeschichte. Eine Beziehung mit großer Zu-kunft. L’Homme - Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft, Vol. 23, No. 2, 87-100.
  • Epple, Angelika (2012): Globale Mikrogeschichte. Auf dem Weg zu einer Geschichte der Relationen“. In: Hieb, Ewald/ Langthaler, Ernst (Eds.): Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländli-chen Raumes, Themenheft: Im Kleinen das Große suchen. Mikrogeschichte in Theorie und Praxis. Innsbruck: Studien-Verlag, 37-47.
  • Epple, Angelika (2012): The Global, the Transnational and the Subaltern: The Limits of History beyond the National Paradigm. In: Amelina, Anna/ Nergiz, Devrimsel D./ Faist, Thom-as/ Glick Schiller, Nina (Eds.): Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodol-ogies for Transnational Studies. London: Routledge, 155-175.
  • Freistein, Katja (2012): Institutioneller Wandel im (Kon)Text. Sicherheitsgemeinschaft und Charta im Diskurs der ASEAN. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Freistein, Katja/ Koch, Martin (2012): Global Inequality and Development: Textual Represen-tations of the World Bank and UNDP. SFB 882 Working Paper Series 12. DFG Re-search Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities, Bielefeld.
  • Freistein, Katja/ Liste, Philip (2012): Organisation-im-Kommen. Intertextueller Institutionalismus in der Analyse von Weltorganisationen. In: Koch, Martin (Ed.): Weltorganisationen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 66-92.
  • Heintz, Bettina (2012): Welterzeugung durch Zahlen. Modelle politischer Differenzierung in internationalen Statistiken, 1948-2009. In: Bohn, Cornelia/ Schubbach, Arno/ Wansleben, Leon (Eds.): Welterzeugung durch Bilder. Soziale Systeme, Vol. 18 (Special Issue), 7-39.
  • Holzer, Boris (2012): Protest. In: Jahraus, Oliver et al. (Eds.): Luhmann-Handbuch. Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Stuttgart/Weimar: J.B. Metzler, 193-196.
  • Koch, Martin (2012): International Organizations in Development and Global Inequality: The example of the World Bank’s pension policy. UNU-WIDER Working Paper 2012/103, 1-28.
  • Koch, Martin (2012): Weltorganisationen - der "andere Blick" auf internationale Organisatio-nen. In: Koch, Martin (Ed.): Weltorganisationen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwis-senschaften, 259–268.
  • Koch, Martin (Ed.) (2012). Weltorganisationen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
  • Leisering, Lutz (2012): Jenseits von Bismarck und Beveridge. Pluralisierung und Hybridisie-rung der Alterssicherungsarrangements im Europa der Nachkriegszeit. In: Buhr, Petra/ Feldhaus, Michael (Eds.): Die notwendige Vielfalt von Familie und Partnerschaft. Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag GmbH, 111-146.
  • Leisering, Lutz (2012): Pension privatization in a welfare state environment. Socializing pri-vate pensions in Germany and the UK. Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, Vol. 28, 139–151.
  • Meier, Ulrich/ Papenheim, Martin/ Steinmetz, Willibald (2012): Semantiken des Politischen. Vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
  • Mense-Petermann, Ursula (2012): Multinationals, Transnationals, Global Players - Zur Be-sonderheit grenzüberschreitend operierender Organisationen. In: Apelt, Maja/ Tacke, Veronika (Eds.): Handbuch Organisationstypen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 43-61.
  • Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna (2012): Zugehörigkeit in der mobilen Welt: Politiken der Verortung. Göttingen: Wallstein.
  • Sack, Detlef/ Kessler, Oliver, (2012): Weltorganisationen und Menschenrechtsmonitoring. Rechtfertigungspflicht in der Weltgesellschaft und inverse Effekte. In: Koch, Martin (Ed.): Weltorganisationen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 93-116.
  • Tittor, Anne (2012): Gesundheitspolitik in Lateinamerika. Konflikte um Privatisierungen in Argentinien und El Salvador. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.
  • Tittor, Anne/ Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen/ Weinmann, Nico (Eds.) (2012): Globale Perspektiven auf Sozialpolitik. Afrika, Asien, Lateinamerika. Frankfurt/ New York: Campus Verlag.
  • Vasilache, Andreas (2012): The Rise of Executive Sovereignty in the Era of Globalization. In: Telò, Mario (Ed.): State, Globalization and Multilateralism: The Challenges of Institution-alizing Regionalism. Dordrecht/ New York et al.: Springer, 137-157.
  • Volkmer, Ingrid/ Slade, Christina (2012): Media research and satellite cultures: Comparative research among Arab communities in Europe. In: Volkmer, Ingrid (Ed.): Handbook of Global Media Research. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  • Volkmer, Ingrid (2012) ‘Deconstructing the ‘Methodological Paradox:’ Comparative Research between National Centrality and Networked Spaces,’ in Volkmer, Ingrid (ed.) The Handbook of Global Media Research. Malden, Ma, USA: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Walter, Jochen (2012): Organisation der Welt und Weltorganisation – ein begriffsgeschicht-licher Abriss. In: Koch, Martin (Ed.): Weltorganisationen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 28-51.
  • Weible, Katrin/ Leisering, Lutz (2012): South Africa´s system of social cash transfers. Assessing its social quality. In: Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen/ Tittor, Anne/ Weinmann, Nico (Eds.): Globale Perspektiven auf Sozialpolitik – Befunde aus Asien, Afrika und Lateiname-rika. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 247-270.
  • Welskopp, Thomas/ Lessoff, Alan (Ed.) (2012): Fractured Modernity. America Confronts Modern Times, 1890s to 1940s. München: Oldenbourg.
  • Werron, Tobias (2012): Worum konkurrieren Nationalstaaten? Zu Begriff und Geschichte der Konkurrenz um „weiche“ globale Güter. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 41, No. 5, 338-355.
  • Werron, Tobias (2012): Schlüsselprobleme der Globalisierungs- und Weltgesellschaftstheo-rie. Soziologische Revue, Vol. 35, No. 2, 99–118.
  • Faist, Thomas (2011). Unravelling Migrants as Transnational Agents of Development - Social Spaces in between Ghana and Germany. Münster: Lit Verlag.
  • Faist, Thomas, Margit Fauser, Peter Kivisto (Eds.) (2011). The Migration-Development Nexus: Transnational Perspectives. Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Leisering, Lutz (Ed.) (2011). Die Alten der Welt. Neue Wege der Alterssicherung im globalen Norden und Süden. Frankfurt/ New York: Campus.
  • Leisering, Lutz (Ed.) (2011). The New Regulatory State. Regulating Pensions in Germany and the UK. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lindner, Ulrike (Ed.) (2011). Koloniale Begegnungen. Deutschland und Großbritannien als Imperialmächte in Afrika 1880-1914. Frankfurt/ New York: Campus
  • Pfaff-Czarnecka, Joanna, Gerard Toffin (Eds.) (2011). The Politics of Belonging in the Himalayas: Local Attachments ans Boundary Dynamics. New Delhi: Sage.
  • Albert, Mathias, Lars Cederman, Alexander Wendt (Eds.) (2010). New Systems Theories of World Politics. London: Palgrave.
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  • Epple, Angelika (2010). Das Unternehmen Stollwerck. Eine Mikrogeschichte der Globalisierung (1839-1932). Frankfurt/ New York: Campus.
  • Faist, Thomas, Peter Kivisto (2010). Beyond a Border: The Causes and Consequences of Contemporary Migration. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
  • Faist, Thomas, Rainer Bauböck (Eds.) (2010). Diaspora and Transnationalism: Concepts, Theories and Methods. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • Gilgen, David, Christopher Kopper, Andreas Leutzsch (Eds.) (2010). Deutschland als Modell? Rheinischer Kapitalismus und Globalisierung seit dem 19. Jahrhundert. Festschrift Werner Abelshauser. Berlin: Dietz.
  • Leisering, Lutz (Ed.) (2010). Globale Sozialpolitik. Schwerpunktheft der Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 55, Heft 2.
  • Albert, Mathias, Gesa Bluhm, Jan Helmig, Andreas Leutzsch and Jochen Walter (Eds.) (2009). Transnational Political Spaces. Agents - Structures - Encounters. Frankfurt/ New York: Campus.
  • Berner, Frank (2009). Der hybride Sozialstaat. Die Neuordnung von öffentlich und privat in der sozialen Sicherung. Frankfurt: Campus.
  • Faist, Thomas (2009). Beyond a Border: The Causes and Consequences of Contemporary Immigration. Co-authored with Peter Kivisto. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
  • Kopp-Malek, Tanja, Martin Koch und Alexandra Lindenthal (2009). Die Europäische Kommission als lernende Organisation? Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
  • Leutzsch, Andreas (2009). Die Geschichte der Globalisierung als globalisierte Geschichte. Die historische Konstruktion der Weltgesellschaft bei Rossenstock-Hussey und Braudel. Frankfurt/ New York: Campus.
  • Albert, Mathias, Thomas Diez und Stephan Stetter (Eds.) (2008). The European Union and Border Conflicts. Assessing the Impact of Integration and Association. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Anghel, Remus Gabriel, Eva Gerharz, Gilberto Rescher and Monika Salzbrunn (Eds.) (2008). The Making of World Society. Perspectives from Transnational Research. Bielefeld: transcript.
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