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Research Training Group World Politics RTG 2225

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Research Stays & Conference Participations

Winter Term 2022-23

Research Stays:
11 November - 8 December 2022: Isakova. A., Archival Research at the African Union Commission Archives / Research Interviews, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
September 2022 - January 2023: Schulze-Waltrup, R., Visiting Researcher at University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.
08 - 21 September 2022: Isakova, A. Field work/Research Interviews, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

28 June 2023: Cansu Erdogan

‘The Introduction of Long-Term Care Policies in Turkey: How Non-Issues Turned into Policy Issues’. Paper submitted for the 6th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP6), Toronto.

18 February 2023: Frank Meyhöfer

'World Diagnoses. How can and to what end should we historicize a genre of sociology?'. Paper presented at the annual research-workshop of the working group 'Soziologie des Geistes', Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

13-17 February 2023: Alina Isakova (with Paré, M.-H.)

Teaching assistant at ECPR Winter Methods School: ‘Qualitative Data Analysis’ courses (QDA-1, QDA-2), online.

18 January 2023: Robin Schulze Waltrup

'Exploring the Merging of Environmental and Social Policy in the OECD and World Bank'. Presentation at the research group 'Economics and Policy for Sustainability', University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

11 January 2023: Robin Schulze Waltrup

'Exploring the Merging of Environmental and Social Policy in the OECD and World Bank'. Presentation at the research group 'Social and Political Dimensions of Sustainability', University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
26-30 September 2022: 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS): “Polarisierte Welten”, Bielefeld University. Papers and posters presented:

a)‘Einleitung zur Ad-Hoc Gruppe:  Analytische Perspektive(n) auf (nicht-) solidarische Mobilisierungspraktiken in Europa und Amerikas’, Mustafa Aksakal (with P. Wolfesberger), Ad-Hoc Gruppe Bewegung im doppelten Sinn: Migration, Krise, und soziale Mobilisierung (Organisers M. Aksakal & P. Wolfesberger);
b)‘Fremd- und Selbstbilder Japans in den Sozialwissenschaften. Polarisierung und Dialogizität in Modernisierungsdiskursen 1910–1960’, Frank Meyhöfer (with B. Schiffl);
c)‘"Die Polarisierung der “Einflusssphären’’. Zu Wandel und anhaltender Umstrittenheit einer imperialen Semantik seit 1870’, Simon Hecke.
d)‘Urban Renaissance in World Society: Actorness of Global Cities in Global Governance’, Tatiana Saraseko;
f)‘The Rise of Large-Scale Social Field Experiments. A Controversial Idea and its Global Diffusion’, Malte Neuwinger
14-16 September 2022: Cansu Erdogan

ESPAnet conference: “Social Policy Change between Path Dependency and Innovation”, paper presented: ‘Reframing Old Age: (Un)Sustainability and Limits of the Active Ageing Discourse’, Vienna, Austria.

06-07 September 2022: RTG workshop: “Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes”, organised by O. Uraiqat, J. Fritzler and A. Isakova, Bielefeld University. Papers presented:

a)‘Active Ageing, Informal Care, and Intergenerational Solidarity Nexus: International Organizations Acting as Knowledge Actors’, Cansu Erdogan;
b)‘Preserving the R2P-momentum: States’ Continued Framing of Mass Atrocity Crimes’, Jonas Fritzler;
c)‘“Unequal Treaties”: Challenging International Order in the 1920s’, Simon Hecke;
d)‘International Organizations and Construction of Complex Global Security Challenges’, Alina Isakova (with K. Volkov and M. Koch);
e)‘»Japan« and the global challenge of modernity. Constellations of social-scientific discourses on modernity in the 20th century’, Frank Meyhöfer (with B. Schiffl);
f)‘Talking the challenges talk: Do international actors increasingly talk about ‘global challenges? Does that matter? And if so, why?’, Malte Neuwinger;
g)‘Urban Actors in World Politics: How Do Cities Become Drivers of Global Climate Politics?’, Tatiana Saraseko;
h)‘The OECD, Global Challenges, and Contestation of the Economic Growth Paradigm’, Robin Schulze Waltrup;
i)‘Global Challenges and the Unity of the Scientific System: A Sociological Inquiry’, Oday Uraiqat;
j)‘International Organizations and the Construction of Complex Global Security Challenges’ Katerina Volkov (with A. Isakova and M. Koch).
01–04 September 2022: Jonas Fritzler

15th Pan-European Conference on International Relations: “Norm Entrepreneurs and Spoilers”, paper presented: ‘Small State Norm Engagement in Times of World Order Crisis -Mapping Support of Human Security Norms by Denmark and Sweden at the UN’, Athens, Greece.

Summer Term 2022

Research Stays:
June - September 2022: Erdogan, C. Guest researcher at Bremen University, SOCIUM, CRC1342: Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Project A07 “Global Dynamics of Long-term Care Policies”, Bremen, Germany.
17 - 19 May 2022: Isakova, A. Archival/documentary research, Reading Room of the European Commission’s Historical Archives Service, Brussels, Belgium.
04 - 14 May 2022: Saraseko, T. Research stay at Malmö University and field research at the World ICLEI Summit, Malmö, Sweden.
04 - 08 April 2022: Saraseko, T. Field research at the San Diego Climate Action Network, San Diego, California, USA.
February - June 2022: Fritzler, J. Visiting researcher at the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY), New York, USA.

24-26 August 2022: International Sociological Association RC19 Annual Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania. Papers presented:

a)‘Health Care Responses of Thailand and Turkey to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Explaining Different Pathways’, Cansu Erdogan (with R. Sukhampha and A. Kaasch);
b)‘A Discursive Eco-Social Policy Typology: From Systemic Reproduction to Transformation’, Robin Schulze Waltrup.

22-26 August 2022: ECPR General Conference, University of Innsbruck, Austria. Papers presented:

a)‘Inter-Organizational Cooperation in Conflict Early Warning and Response: Qualitative Study of Heavyweights in Horn of Africa and Central Asia’, Alina Isakova;
b)‘Urban Governance of Climate Change within the United Nations: Orchestration or Competition?’, Tatiana Saraseko.

24-31 July 2022: Malte Neuwinger

Workshop “Science and Democracy Network Meeting and STS Summer School” conference participation, Harvard University, United States.

25-29 July 2022: Alina Isakova

ECPR Summer Methods School: ‘Qualitative Data Analysis and Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis courses’, teaching assistant, (with M.-H. Paré), ECPR Summer Methods School, online.

06-09 July 2022: 9th European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. Papers presented:

a)‘Norms vs. Practices of Cooperation: Inter-Organizational Relationships in Conflict Early Warning and Response’, Alina Isakova;
b)‘Global City Networks in Climate Change Regime: Universal Archives or Unilateral Instruments?’, Tatiana Saraseko.

17-19 June 2022: Alina Isakova

ISA Interdisciplinary Studies Section (IDSS) conference, paper presented: ‘Constructing Conflict Early Warning in International Organizations’, University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece.

14 June 2022: Cansu Erdoğan

Online lecture 'Long-term care in Turkey: A complex story of a young policy field', Bremen University.

08-10 June 2022: Alina Isakova

11th Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, paper presented: ‘EU in Early Warning and Response to Violent Conflicts’, Luiss University, Rome, Italy.

07 June 2022: Alina Isakova

Pre-conference workshop on research outreach for early career researchers: “OpenEUdebate”, participation, Luiss University, Rome, Italy.

02-03 June 2022: Tatiana Saraseko

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Tagung der Sektion Politische Soziologie, paper presented: ‘Universalism and Particularism of Global City Networks in Climate Change Governance’, Bielefeld University.

21-22 April 2022: Simon Hecke (with L. Gertenbach)

Founding Conference of the Working Group ‘Historical Sociology’ within the Section ‘Cultural Sociology’ of the German Sociological Association (DGS), organised by Simon Hecke (with L. Gertenbach, M. Leansa, D. Russ and J. Schubert), paper presented: ‘Welcome Address and Introduction’ Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University, Germany.

20-21 April 2022: Frank Meyhöfer

Participation in the conference 'Aufgaben Historischer Soziologie', Gründungstagung des AK Historische Soziologie, Bielefeld University.

20-22 April 2022: Jonas Fritzler

Preserving the Global Challenge-Momentum: Norm Entrepreneurs’ Framing of Challenges in Support of Norms’. Paper presented on the panel ‘Atrocity Crimes and Human Rights Tools‘ at CCNY’s Second Critical Perspectives on Human Rights Conference. New York, USA.

28 March-02 April 2022: International Studies Association(ISA) 63d Annual Convention “A Wider Discipline For A Smaller World”, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Papers presented:

a)‘Active Ageing, Informal Care, and Intergenerational Solidarity Nexus: International Organizations Acting as Knowledge Actors’, Cansu Erdogan.
b)‘Preserving the Global Challenge-Momentum: Norm Entrepreneurs’ Framing of Challenges in Support of Norms’, Jonas Fritzler;
c)‘Small State Norm Engagement in Times of “World Order Crisis” -- Mapping Support of Human Security Norms by Denmark and Sweden at the UN’, Jonas Fritzler;
d)‘International Organizations and Construction of Complex Global Security Challenges’, Alina Isakova (with K. Volkov and M. Koch);
e)‘Urban Actors in World Politics: How Do Cities Become Drivers of Global Environmental Politics?’, Tatiana Saraseko;
f)‘The Problematisation of “Global Challenges” in the OECD’s Policy Discourse: Shifting from Green Growth to Going Beyond Growth’, Robin Schulze Waltrup.

Winter Term 2021/2022

03-04 March 2022

Malte Neuwinger
Participation in the virtual conference ‘Freedom, Justice and Esteem: Perspectives from an Unconditional Basic Income’, Technischen Universität Braunschweig.

03 March 2022 Mustafa Aksakal
‘Warum verlassen Menschen ihre Lebensorte? Ein Überblick über Erklärungsansätze der Initiierung von internationaler Migration’, Türkisch Deutsche Universität.

Istanbul, Turkey

17-18 February 2022 Malte Neuwinger
Participation in the virtual workshop ‘Methodologien der quantitativen Sozialwissenschaft: Wechselverhältnisse von Theorie, Methodologie und Quantifizierung’, Technischen Universität Berlin.
14-18 February 2022 Alina Isakova
Participation in the ECPR Winter Methods School 2022 course 'Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis'.
13 January 2022 Alina Isakova
'Preventing conflicts together? Inter-Organizational Cooperation in Early Warning and Response to Violent Conflicts'. Paper presented at the 10th Eurasian Peace Science Conference 'Peace Science in Times of a Pandemic'.
15 December 2021 Tatiana Saraseko
‘Urban actors in world politics: How do cities become drivers of global environmental politics?’. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, Bielefeld University.
14 December 2021 Oday Uraiqat
‘Global Conflict and the Semantics of “Global Challenges”’. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, Bielefeld University.
14 December 2021 Robin Schulze Waltrup
‘The Problematisation of “Global Challenges” in the OECD’s Policy Discourse: Shifting from Green Growth to Going Beyond Growth’. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, Bielefeld University.
14 December 2021 Malte Neuwinger
‘Talking the Challenges Talk: How do Social Actors Vary in their Rhetoric of Addressing “Grand Challenges”?’. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, Bielefeld University.
14 December 2021

Alina Isakova and Katerina Volkov (with M. Koch)
'International Organizations and Construction of Complex "Global Security Challenges"'. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop 'Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes', Bielefeld University.

14 December 2021 Simon Hecke (with J. Stafford)
‘“Unequal Treaties”: A Challenge for World Politics in the 1920s?’. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, Bielefeld University.
14 December 2021 Jonas Fritzler
‘Preserving the “Global Challenge”-Momentum: Norm Entrepreneurs’ Framing of “Challenges” in Support of Norms’. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, Bielefeld University.
13 December 2021

Frank Meyhöfer (with B. Schiffl)
‘»Japan« and the Challenge of Global Modernity Constellations of social-scientific discourses on modernity in the 20th century’. Paper presentation at the RTG workshop 'Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes', Bielefeld University.

13 December 2021

Cansu Erdoğan
’The Rise of Long-Term Care in Response to Ageing and Disability as Global Challenges’. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, Bielefeld University.

13-15 December 2021 Cansu Erdoğan, Oday Uraiqat and Robin Schulze Waltrup
Organisation of the workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, Bielefeld University.
23 November 2021

Mustafa Aksakal (with M. G. Trompetero)
‘¿De lo global a lo local? El rol del Pacto Mundial en las   políticas colombianas hacia la migración venezolana’. Lecture given at the conference ‘Platforma de Diálogo: Fronteras, migraciones y crisis: Miradas desde América Latina y Europa’, Universidad de Guadalajara.

Guadalajara, Mexico
22 November 2021

Mustafa Aksakal
‘De la Crisis Migratoria al Enfoque del Nexo: La Perspectiva de los Migrantes como   Pieza Crucial’. Lecture given at the conference ‘Platforma de Diálogo: Fronteras, migraciones y crisis: Miradas desde América Latina y Europa’, Universidad de Guadalajara.

Guadalajara, Mexico
22-24 November 2021

Mustafa Aksakal
Organisation of the conference ‘Platforma de Diálogo: Fronteras, migraciones y crisis: Miradas desde América Latina y Europa’, Universidad de Guadalajara.

Guadalajara, Mexico
15 November 2021

Mustafa Aksakal (with L. Conti und L. Nejamkis)
Book presentation ‘(Re)pensando el vínculo entre migración y crisis: Perspectivas desde América Latina y Europa’, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas.

Zacatecas, Mexico
10 November 2021 Jonas Fritzler
Participation in the virtual research seminar on Nordic security policy. Paper presented ‘Small State Norm Entrepreneurship in Times of “World Order Crisis”’, co-hosted by the Centre for Advanced Security Theory (CAST), University of Copenhagen, and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI).
02-30 November 2021 Alina Isakova
Archival research and participation in the OSCE 'Researcher-in-Residence Programme', OSCE Documentation Centre.
Prague, Czech Republic
21 October 2021

Cansu Erdoğan
Presentation of dissertation chapter at the A04-Projekt workshop ‘Globale Entwicklungen in den Gesundheitssystemen und Langzeitpflege als neues soziales Risiko’, SOCIUM, Bremen.

Bremen, Germany
18-27 October 2021 Malte Neuwinger
Participation in the virtual conferene 'Evidence for Development: What Works Global Summit 2021'.
Winter Semester 2021/22

Cansu Erdoğan (with A. Kaasch)
Co-instructors of the BA course ‘Einführung in die Sozialpolitik Deutschlands’ during the winter semester 2021/22.


Summer Term 2021

23-24 September 2021 Simon Hecke
Participation in the workshop of the International Working Group 'Methods and Practices of Theorizing', Universität der Bundeswehr München.
Munich, Germany

23 September 2021

Frank Meyhöfer (with T. Werron)
‘Die soziale Produktion von Gegenwartsdiagnosen - ein soziologischer Blick auf ein soziologisches Publikationsgenre’. Paper presented at the workshop ‘Theoretisieren’, Universität der Bundeswehr München.

Munich, Germany
31 August - 03 September 2021

Alina Isakova
‘Normative influence of international bureaucracies on conflict prevention policies’. Paper presentation at the virtual ECPR General Conference 2021, Section: ‘21st Century International Organizations: Power, Politics, and Global Policy Making’.



31 August – 03 September 2021 Robin Schulze Waltrup (with H. Brown)
‘Eco-social policy ideas in the food policy of the European Union’. Paper presentation at the ESPAnet 2021 virtual conference ‘Up for the Future? Social policies in challenged societies’, KU Leuven.
25-27 August 2021

Cansu Erdoğan (with R. Sukhampha and A. Kaasch)
'A Comparative Perspective on Healthcare Policy Responses of Thailand and Turkey to COVID-19 Pandemic'. Paper submitted for the RC19 Annual Conference, University of Fribourg.

Fribourg, Switzerland
25-27 August 2021 Robin Schulze Waltrup
‘The Emergence of Eco-Social Policy Discourses in the World Bank’. Paper presentation at the ISA (International Sociological Association) conference ‘Drivers and challenges of social policy: Global, regional, national and local perspectives’, University of Fribourg.
Fribourg, Switzerland
23-25 August 2021

Frank Meyhöfer
Participation in the conference 'Post-Corona-Gesellschaft? Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen’, held by the Collaborative Congress of the German (DGS) and Austrian (ÖGS) Association for Sociology, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.

16-25 August 2021

Tatiana Saraseko
Participation in the virtual ECPR Summer Methods School course 'Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis’. Received ECPR 2021 Summer School Participation Grant.

09-13 August 2021

Tatiana Saraseko
Participation in the virtual ECPR Summer Methods School course 'Interviews for Qualitative Data Generation’. Received ECPR 2021 Summer School Participation Grant.

02-03 August 2021

Tatiana Saraseko
Participation in the virtual ECPR Summer Methods School course 'Case Study Research: Method and Practice’. Received ECPR 2021 Summer School Participation Grant.

24-26 June 2021

Cansu Erdoğan (with A. Kaasch)
'Transforming Care Policies in Light of Global COVID-19 Pandemic: Different Welfare Regimes, Different Paths?' Panel Organisation at the Transforming Care Conference, Venice, Italy.


24-26 June 2021 Cansu Erdoğan
Participation in the virtual conference ‘Time in Care: the Temporality of Care Policy and Practice’ held at the 5th Transforming Care Conference, Venice, Italy.


16 June 2021

Sandra Holtgreve
'Semantic landscapes of "decolonization" in the Global Agenda 2020-2030'. Paper presented at the European Conference for Social Work Education, Tallinn University.

Tallinn, Estonia
24 May 2021 Aziz Elmuradov
Presentation of webinar 'Russia-European relations: history, culture and politics', University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 
17-23 May 2021 Jonas Fritzler
Participation in the virtual ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops ‘European Small States in International Organisations – Strategies, Preferences and Adaptation’. Paper presented ‘Small State Norm Entrepreneurship in Times of “World Order Crisis”’.
22 April 2021 Alina Isakova
‘The European Union and its Partnerships in the sphere of Early Warning and Response to Violent Conflicts: Successful Cooperation?’. Paper presented at the Doctoral Researcher Workshop ‘Security and the European Union’. FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Europa Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Winter Term 2020/2021

22-26 March
Malte Neuwinger
Participation in the ECPR Virtual Winter School in Methods and Techniques course ‘Social Network Analysis’.
22-26 March
Tatiana Saraseko
Participation in the online ECPR Winter Methods School course 'Qualitative Data Analysis'.
15-26 March
Alina Isakova
Participation in the ECPR Virtual Winter School in Methods and Techniques (in association with KU Leven) course ‘Qualitative Data Analysis’. Received ECPR 2021 Winter School Participation Grant.
15-26 March


Katerina Volkov
Participation in the ECPR Virtual Winter School in Methods and Techniques course ‘Qualitative Data Analysis’.

March 2021

Frank Meyhöfer
Participation in the annual research workshops of the 'Arbeitsgruppe Soziologie des Geistes', Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main.
18 February 2021 Tatiana Saraseko
Participation in the conference 'Interinstitutional Cooperation in Global Governance: Why Do Intergovernmental Organizations Participate in Transnational Public-Private Governance Initiatives', ECPR.

16 February 2021

Tatiana Saraseko
Participation in the conference '"World on the Edge": the crisis of the western liberal order', Department of International Relations, LSE.
16 February 2021 Simon Hecke
Participation in the workshop of the International Working Group 'Methods and Practices of Theorizing'.
09 February 2021 Tatiana Saraseko
Participation in the seminar 'Non-state actors as a formative factor in World Politics', Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series, University of Leiden.
29-30 January
Tatiana Saraseko
Participation in the virtual conference 'International Perspectives on the Future of Architecture and Urbanism in the Post-COVID Age', Epidemic Urbanism Initiative.
11-15th January

Jonas Fritzler
Participation in the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam  virtual Graduate Winter School course 'Qualitative Analysis: from Interviews to Results'.

10-11 December 2020 Jonas Fritzler
Participation in the online workshop 'Planning, Thinking and Writing', by Dr. Vera Leberecht.
03 December 2020 Cansu Erdoğan (with A.Kaasch)
'Care Crisis during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Different Welfare Regimes, Different Policy Responses?'. Presentation held at Annual RC19 Conference 2020 'Globalization in Retreat? Welfare States amid Regional Turbulence'.
18 November 2020 Aziz Elmuradov
'Decoloniality: Webinar with W.M. Mignolo'. Presentation as part of the online lecture series 'Theory from the Margins and CoFutures'.
17-20 November 2020 Alina Isakova
Participation in the webinar '(Dis)functional international security institutions? The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) today'. Organized by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in the framework of the 'Virtual Stockholm Security Conference'.
17-20 November 2020 Katerina Volkov
'International Cooperation: Navigating the Way Ahead'. Paper presented at the 'Stockholm Security Conference'.
09 November 2020 Tatiana Saraseko
Participation in the virtual conference 'The Race to Zero Coalition: From COVID-19 to COP26'. Hosted in partnership with the 'UNFCCC and C40 Group'.
30 October
Tatiana Saraseko
Participation in the webinar 'Implementation of SDGs in Global Cities: Cases of New York, Moscow and Buenos Aires'. Led by Mr. Nikolai Bobylev, Ph. D., UN-Habitat Expert, Associate Professor at the Saint Petersburg State University.
29 October
James Stafford
'The Reform of Empire: Rethinking the British-Irish Union of 1801'. Seminar held in 'Modern British History', Cambridge University.
12 October
Cansu Erdoğan
'Introduction of Long-Term Care Policies in Turkey in Light of the EU Accession Process: Do Policy Problems Really Chase Policy Solutions?'. Paper presented at the virtual PhD Workshop 'Europeanisation and Policy Learning', Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Europa Institute at the University of Edinburgh.

Summer Term 2020

04 September 2020 Cansu Erdoğan
'Development of Long-Term Care Policies in Turkey: Integration of World-Cultural Values'. Paper presented at the 'ESPAnet PhD Workshop'.
14 May
Madeleine Myatt
'Modes of Organizing Cybersecurity between the Public/ Private Sphere - A differentiated View from the European Variety of Organized Forms of Network and Partnership Relations'. Paper presented at the international workshop 'Security in Cyberspace: dynamics, limits and opportunities', Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.
Berlin, Germany
Summer semester 2020 Anatoly Boyashov
Organisation of the seminar 'Social Rights and International Organisations', Bielefeld University.

Winter Term 2019/2020

17-19 February 2020 Anatoly Boyashov
'Industry 4.0 and Emerging Human Rights Niches'. Paper presented at the session 'Future of Education and Academic Mobility in Industry 4.0', Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Moscow, Russia
15 February 2020 Johannes Nagel
'U.S. army and navy reform in the context of an emerging global military modernity, 1865-1915, Reform Movements in U.S.-History'. Paper presented at the conference 'Annual Conference of the Historians in the German Association of American Studies'.
Bad Bevensen, Germany
12-14 February 2020 Madeleine Myatt
'The Datafication of World Politics: Advanced Modes of Observing International Relations and Security Affairs through Innovations in Big Data Analytics'. Paper presented at 'Hybrid CoE Expert Pool Meeting (AEP Cyber)'.
Helsinki, Finland
12 February 2020 Mustafa Aksakal
'Wie passen wir uns an den Klimawandel an? Eine kritische Reflexion über Formen und Herausforderungen'.
Bielefeld, VHS, Germany
22 January 2020 Mustafa Aksakal
'Temporary Migration and Border-Crossing Inequalities: The Role of Social Capital in Career Development among Chinese and Indian'. Part of the BGHS Workshop 'Is the State of Welfare of Migrant Workers Good Enough?'.
Bielefeld, Germany
17-18 January 2020 Karlson Preuß
'Disziplinäre Abgrenzungsstreitigkeiten: Rechtswissenschaft und Soziologie Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts'. Workshop organised by Erfurt University.
Erfurt, Germany
29-30 November 2019 Madeleine Myatt
'Cybersecurity, Public Private Partnerships and the Competition for Power and Authority in World Politics'. Paper presented at the international workshop 'Cyber Warfare: Strategic Challenges and Ethical Perspectives', Institute für Theologie und Frieden (ITHF).
Hamburg, Germany
28-29 November 2019 Sandra Holtgreve
Organisation of the conference 'Universities in Crisis or Crisis of the University? Modes of Organizing Knowledge Production in the 21st Century', Bielefeld University (jointly funded by the RTG and the Center for InterAmerican Studies).
Bielefeld, Germany
28-29   November 2019

Johannes Nagel
'Military Politics as an Object of Global History’. Paper presented at the 'Doctoral Military History Colloquium', Potsdam University.

Potsdam, Germany
22-25 November 2019 Anatoly Boyashov
'How to Write a Successful Application for Research Financing'. Workshop organised at the 'Centre for German and European Studies', Saint Petersburg State University.
Saint Petersberg, Russia
22 November 2019 Madeleine Myatt
'Politische Kommunikation im und via Cyberspace: Technologiehoheit, Macht, Kontrolle und der Wettstreit von Sicherheits- und Unsicherheitsnarrativen'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Re-Tweeting Trump? Annäherung an das neue Forschungsfeld der "Twitter-Diplomatie"', ProjektZentrum Stiftung Mercator.
Berlin, Germany
21-22 November 2019 Aziz Elmuradov
'Russia and EU in a Multipolar World: Invoking the Global in Russian Terms'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Envisioning the Global, Engendering Agency: Perspectives, Positions, Communities'.
Bielefeld, Germany
21-22 November 2019 Sandra Holtgreve
'Observing the Global from below: Perspectives from Social Work'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Envisioning the Global: Perspectives, Positions, Communities'.
Bielefeld, Germany
21-22 November 2019 Marc Jacobsen
'The World of Anti-Semitism'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Envisioning the Global: Perspectives, Positions, Communities', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
21-22 November 2019 Johannes Nagel
Discussant at RTG workshop 'Envisioning the Global, Engendering Agency: Perspectives, Positions, Communities', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
21-22 November 2019 Karlson Preuß
'Envisioning a World Law. Reflections on the Congrès international de droit comparé (1900) and the functionalist underpinnings of comparative legal practice'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Envisioning the Global: Perspectives, Positions, Communities', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
21-22 November 2019 Yasin Sunca
'The Revolution in Rojava and the International'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Envisioning the Global: Perspectives, Positions, Communities', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
21-22 November 2019 Gladys Vásquez
'From Region to World, and Back Again: How Latin Americans Envisioned the Global, (1810s-1930s)'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Envisioning the Global: Perspectives, Positions, Communities', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
21-22 November 2019 James Stafford
Discussant at the RTG workshop 'Envisioning the Global: Perspectives, Positions, Communities', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
25 October 2019 Anatoly Boyashov
'Networks of Prevention at the UN Human Rights Council'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Organising Competition & Contestation in World Politics', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
25 October 2019 Madeleine Myatt
'Small, Smart, Powerful? Small States and the Competition for Cybertech Superiority in the Digital Age - Insights from the Nordic Countries'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Competition in World Politics', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
24 October 2019 Johannes Nagel (with T. Werron)
'Nationalism in the World: U.S. Nationalist Reasoning in the mid-to-late 19th Century'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Organising Competition & Competition in World Politics', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
24 October 2019 Daniela Russ (with T. Turnbull)
'Comparisons of Energetic Productivity in the Early Twentieth Century'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Organising Competition & Competition in World Politics', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany

Summer Term 2019

24-25 September 2019 Madeleine Myatt
International Workshop 'Hybrid Warfare: a challenge for security and peace, legality and ethics'. Jointly organized by the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (University of Hamburg), the Institute for Theology and Peace, and the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats. Note: Responsible for the Workshop documentation & presenter in the panel 'Hybrid Warfare a Challenge for Peace: an input from a cybersecurity perspective'.
Hamburg, Germany
23-27 September 2019 Daniela Russ
'Stasis als Experiment. Zur Ermöglichung nicht-wachsender Energiesystem'. Presentation held at the Conference 'Great Transformation: Die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften'.
Jena, Germany
03-06 September 2019 Gladys Vásquez
'8th London Summer School in Intellectual History', UCL.
London, UK
28-30 August
Anatoly Boyashov (with A. Kaasch)
'Transnationalization of Social Rights at the UN Human Rights Council'. Paper presented at 'International Sociological Association RC19 Annual Meeting'.
Mannheim, Germany
20-23 August
Mustafa Aksakal
'Studying World Politics on Migration from a Civil Society Perspective: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations for developing a research programme', European Sociological Association Conference.
Manchester, UK
31 May - 01 June 2019 Daniela Russ
'Towards a Rural Universal in Energy Development Politics (1975-1985)'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Energy, Culture, and Society in the Global South'.
Cambridge, UK
25-26 May
Yasin Sunca
'Global Movement for (Radical) Democracy: The PKK and the new internationalism'. Paper presented at the conference 'Third International Kurdish Studies Conference', Middlesex University.
London, UK
24-27 May
Gladys Vásquez
'Conflicto Armado Interno: nuevas perspectivas desde la historia militar'. Presentation held at the Latin American Studies Association International Congress.
Boston, USA
23-27 May 2019

Sandra Holtgreve
'Colonizando al giro decolonial: Ética, patrones de violencia epistémica, y pensamiento decolonial en la academia alemana'. Presentation at the Latin American Studies Association Congress.

Boston, USA
16-17 May
Madeleine Myatt (with D. Fracchiolla)
'GIG-ARTS 2019: Europe as a Global Player in Internet Governance'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Cyber Security and the constitutive Role of Security Cultures: A Framework of Global Cyber Security Cultures'.
Salerno, Italy
15 May
Daniela Russ
'Energie & denken?'. Presentation held at the 'Dies Academicus'.
Bonn, Germany
09 May
Madeleine Myatt
Event series 'Kontroversen'. Panel discussion 'Parteiensysteme im Umbruch: Wie umgehen mit Rechtspopulismus'. Participation based on previous research work in the FES (Nordic Countries) research project 'Reclaiming Action - Progressive strategies in times of right-wing populism'. University of Gießen. Final Report available online: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/stockholm/14617-20180920.pdf
Gießen, Germany
05-10 May
Gladys Vásquez
'Sovereignty and representation of space after Hispano-American independence: The Congress of Panama (1826)'. Presentation held at the '10th International PhD Student Exchange Workshop Notre Dame/Bielefeld', Notre Dame.
Indiana, USA
26-27 April 2019

Sandra Holtgreve
'Dekolonisierung als Thema der Sozialen Arbeit im Vergleich: Ecuador, Mexiko und Deutschland'. Presentation at the Yearly conference of the German Social Work Association.

Stuttgart, Germany
26 April
James Stafford
'International Law and the Invention of the "Modern" Commercial Treaty'. Presentation to the 'Kolloquium Sozialgeschichte (19-20th Centuries)', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
04 April
Yasin Sunca
'Rethinking internationalist solidarity: A new internationalism beyond the dichotomies of capitalist modernity'. Paper presented at the Conference 'Autonomy Beyond the Nation-State: Theory, History, Practice', University of Sussex.
Brighton, UK

Winter Term 2018/2019

28-29 March
James Stafford
'Empire, Democracy and the Invention of the "Modern" Commercial Treaty, 1815-191'. Paper presented at the workshop 'What is a Treaty?', Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
Berlin, Germany
22 March
James Stafford
'The Kaiserreich, "Tariff Autonomy" and the "System of Commercial Treaties",' at 'Sovereignty and Globalism in Modern Germany', German Historical Institute.
Washington D.C., USA
14 March 2019

Mustafa Aksakal
'Mezcal and rural development: Comparative inquiry on social transformation and migration'. Presentation held at Universidad de Guadalajara.

Guadalajara, Mexico
14 March
James Stafford
'"Free Trade" and Legal Positivism.' Paper presented at the workshop series 'Historical Capitalisms', University of Chicago.
Berlin, Germany
13-14 March
Yasin Sunca
'Eurocentrism, the Left and the New Internationalism'. Talk given at a workshop organized by the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation.
Berlin, Germany
12-14 March
Aziz Elmuradov
'Mutual Perceptions and Norms Promotion'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Communicating EU Foreign Policy: the Power of Political Dialogue?' in the framework of COST research network 'EU Foreign Policy Facing New Realities'.
Darmstadt, Germany
11 March
James Stafford
'The Transformation of Free Trade: From Cosmopolitan Right to the Law of Treaties, c.1750-1875'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Modern European History', Columbia University.
New York, USA
09 March
James Stafford
'The Enclosure of the World: The Making of Modern Trade Politics'. Paper presented ta the workshop 'World Society and its Histories', Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
25 February - 22 March
Anatoly Boyashov
40th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
Geneva, Switzerland
21 February
Johannes Nagel
Presentation of the PhD project at the German Historical Institution
Washington D.C., USA
12-14 February
Anatoly Boyashov
'Potential of the Union State of Belarus and Russia at the UN Human Rights Council'. Presentation held at the Expert Session 'Future of the Union State of Belarus and Russia: economy, security and humanitarian sphere', MGIMO-University.
Moscow, Russia
07 February 2019 Mustafa Aksakal
'A multi-scalar approach to Migration and Inequality'. Presentation held at Scientific Exchange.
Bielefeld University, Germany
30 January - 02 February 2019
Yasin Sunca (with T. Reinhardt)
'Global Movement for (Radical) Democracy: The PKK and the New Internationalism'. Paper presented at the 'SeSaMO Conference' (Italian Middle East Studies Association).
Turin, Italy
16-18 January 2019

Mustafa Aksakal
'Youth Mobility and Territorial Outcomes in the EU'. Presentation held at the ‘Seminario internacional de desarrollo territorial y sociedad’.

Quito, Mexico
21-22 December 2018 James Stafford
'"The Granary of Great Britain": Farming and Manpower in Ireland, 1780-1820'. Paper presented at the conference 'Economic Development and Environmental Transformations in Europe's Extractive Peripheries (16th-21st centuries)'.
Paris, France
11-12 December 2018 Daniela Russ
'Energo-Materialist Economics in the Early Soviet Union'. Presentation held at the workshop 'Tracking Contemporary Metabolisms - Historicizing Ecological Epistemologies', University of Erfurt.
Erfurt, Germany
05-07 December 2019

Mustafa Aksakal
Attendance at the 11th Global Forum on Migration and Development 'Honoring International Commitments to Unlock the Potential of all Migrants for Development'.

Marrakesh, Morocco
23 November 2018 James Stafford
Presentation at History Colloquium, Goethe University.
Frankfurt a.M., Germany
10 November 2018

Anatoly Boyashov
'Actors and Networks of the UN Human Rights Council'. Paper presented at the RTG workshop 'Balance & Competition in World Politics', Bielefeld University.

Bielefeld, Germany
04-08 October
Aziz Elmuradov
'Russlands europäische Schatten: Historisches Erbe und zeitgenössische politische Einstellungen'. Paper presented at the DAAD Center's doctoral conference 'Herausforderungen der neuen Welt Imaginationen der neuen Generation: 1968-2018', Centre for German and European Studies, Chung-Ang University.
Seoul, South Korea
01 October 2018

Sandra Holtgreve
'Modes of theorizing and forms of belonging in world politics'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Imagining Belonging in World Politics: Concepts, Practices and Struggles', Bielefeld University.

Bielefeld, Germany

Summer Term 2018

24-28 September 2018 Karlson Preuß
'Gesellschaftstheoretische Anmerkungen zur Kultursoziologisierung der Rechtswissenschaft im frühen 20. Jahrhundert'. Paper presented the DGS conference 'Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen', Universität Göttingen.
Göttingen, Germany
24-28 September 2018 Daniela Russ
'Warenform und Energiebegriff: Historisch-soziologische Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Kommodifizierung, Mathematisierung und Technisierung'. Paper presented at the 'Annual Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS)', Universität Göttingen.
Göttingen, Germany
14-15 September 2018 Karlson Preuß
'Was ist neu an der heutigen "Krise des Rechts" Radikale Rechtskritik zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts'. Paper presented the conference 'Abschaffung des Rechts?', 4.Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssozilogischen Vereinigungen.
Basel, Switzerland
14 September 2018 James Stafford
'Empire, Revolution and the British-Irish Union of 1801'. Paper presented at the Cambridge Forum on Geopolitics/These Islands Conference 'Reframing the Union', University of Cambridge.
Cambridge, UK
11 September 2018 Johannes Nagel
'U.S. military reforms and the observation of world politics, 1865-1910'. Poster presentation at the 59th international conference of the Center for Military History and Social Sciences of the Bundeswehr (ITMGS).
Potsdam, Germany
08 September 2018 James Stafford
'The French Revolution, Peasant Proprietorship and the Origins of the Irish "Land Question"'. Paper presented the 21st Conference of Irish Historians in Britain 2018 'Political Thought in Ireland', University of Northumbria.
Newcastle, UK
05-07 September 2018 Sandra Holtgreve (with C. Giebler)
'Dekolonialisierung als Herausforderung für die Sozialarbeitsausbildung im Globalen Norden'. Paper presented at the Bundeskongress für Soziale Arbeit, Fachhochschule Bielefeld.
Bielefeld, Germany
05-06 September 2018 James Stafford
'Desolation and Abundance: The Transformation of Irish Poverty 1720-1820'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Ideas of Poverty in the age of Enlightenment', Kings College.
London, UK
30 August-01 September 2018

Anatoly Boyashov
'EU social policies in the context of multiple crises'. Session organised at the Annual ESPAnet Conference 2018, Vilnius University.

Vilinus, Lithuania
22-25 August
Madeleine Myatt (with F. Zimmermann)
'Cyberspace as Diplomatic Arena: The Role of Data Analytics & OSINT as Resource of Diplomatic Practice in Security Affairs'. Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, University of Hamburg."
Hamburg, Germany
22-26 July 2018

Anatoly Boyashov
'Europe and Eurasia: Foresight 2030'. Paper presented at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Moscow, Russia
16-22 July
Yasin Sunca
'Bifurcated Trajectory of Self-determination in Kurdistan: Two Responses to the Global Political Crisis'. Paper presented at the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies.
Seville, Spain
15-21 July
Anatoly Boyashov
'Global Justice in Establishment of Human Rights Networks'. Paper presented at the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology.
Toronto, Canada
15-21 July
Daniela Russ
'Towards a Rural Universal in Energy Development Politics: UNEP's Rural Energy Centres (1975-1985)'. Presentation at the World Congress of the International Sociological Association.
Toronto, Canada
15-21 July
Daniela Russ
'The Political Institutionalization of Resource-Comparing Practices and the Emergence of a Politics of Energy Development'. Paper presented at the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology.
Toronto, Canada
05-07 July
Aziz Elmuradov
'Inclusion and Exclusion. New Perspectives in History and Sociology'. Chair at the panel 'Revolution and Nation' as part of the 10th Annual Seminar of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS), Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany
04-06 July 2018

Anatoly Boyashov
'Networks of States and Persons in International Institutions'. Session organised and moderated at the conference 'Networks in the Global World', Saint Petersburg State University.

Saint Petersburg, Russia
04-06 July 2018

Anatoly Boyashov
'European Union in Networks at the UN Human Rights Council'. Paper presented at the conference 'Networks in the Global World', Saint Petersburg State University.

Saint Petersburg, Russia
04-06 July
Yasin Sunca
'Two Responses to the Global Political Crisis: Kurdistan in the Age of Uncertainties'. Paper presented at the ASN European Conference 'Nationalism in Times of Uncertainty', Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz.
Graz, Austria
11 June
James Stafford
'Ideology, Fundamental Institutions and Trade Regimes'. Paper presented at the international workshop 'World Society and its History', Institut für Weltgesellschaft.
München, Germany
10-11 June
James Stafford
'Trade and Sovereignty in the Long Twentieth Century'. Paper presented at the international workshop 'World Society and its History', Institut für Weltgesellschaft.
Osterhofen, Germany
10-12 June
Aziz Elmuradov
'The Politics of Otherness: EU in Russia's "Multipolar World"'.
Paper presented at the Third Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, University of Tartu.
Tartu, Estonia
07-09 June
Yasin Sunca
'Democratic Confederalism: Re-imagining Political Space beyond Territorial Nation-State'. Paper presented at the Violence, Space and the Political Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Galway, Ireland
06-08 June
Sandra Holtgreve
Chair at the panel 'Social Work in the Americas: Managing tensions between localization and globalization in the world society', at the International Congress of Interamericanist Students, Bielefeld University.
Bielefeld, Germany

31 May

Madeleine Myatt (with J. Siri)
Expert input and panelist at the workshop 'Reclaiming Action - Progressive Strategies in Times of Growing Right-Wing Populism', Nordic Office, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Berlin, Germany
16-18 May 2018

Anatoly Boyashov
'A Burden Not Felt? EU Actorness in Human Rights Promotion at the UN Human Rights Council and the Council of Europe'. Paper presented at the conference 'The European Union in International Affairs VI', Academy Palace.

Brussels, Belgium
15 May 2018

Anatoly Boyashov
'Shifts in Global Power Relations, the European Union and the United Nations'. Paper presented at the conference 'Comparative Regional Integration Studies', United Nations University Institute.

Bruges, Belgium
11 May
James Stafford
'Commercial Empire, Hierarchy and the Irish Kingdom in the 1780s'. Paper presented at the Second Annual Conference on International Relations and History 'Hierarchies and Empires in International Relations', Queens College.
Cambridge, UK
05-10 May
Johannes Nagel
Active participation in the 10th Bielefeld/Notre Dame PhD exchange workshop at Notre Dame University, Indiana.
Indiana, USA
05 May
James Stafford
'The mart in Europe for the trade of America: Ireland and the British World in the 1780s'. Paper presented at the international conference 'Splendid Isolation? Insularity in British History', Centre for British Studies, Humboldt University.
Berlin, Germany
03-04 May 2018

Anatoly Boyashov
'EU as a Networked Actor at the UN Human Rights Council'. Paper presented at the graduate conference 'A Changing EU in a Changing World', University of Mainz.

Mainz, Germany
26-27 April
Madeleine Myatt (with D. Sack)
'Cyber Security a Shared Responsibility: The Role and Likelihood of Public Private Partnerships in National Cyber-Security Strategies as a Capacity Building Tool of Power Politics'. Paper presented at the Second European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies.
Cardiff, UK
03 April
Daniela Russ
'Electricity, the Load Factor, and the Emergence of Developable Power Systems'.
Paper presented at the workshop 'Money, Markets and Governance', University of Chicago.
Chicago, USA
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