E-Mail: yasin.sunca@uni-bielefeld.de
Start-Up Project: Radical Peace: Historicising Conflict and Decolonizing Peace-Formation in the Kurdish Political Space
Doctoral Project (completed): The International Constitution of Democratic Confederalism: Lineages of Hegemony and Resistence in the Kurdish Political Space
Since 10/2020 | Post-Doctoral Researcher (under DFG start-up funding scheme) Bielefeld University, RTG-2225 'World Politics', Faculty of Sociology, Germany |
10/2017 - 09/2020 | Joint Ph.D. Degree in Political Science and Sociology Bielefeld University, RTG-2225 'World Politics', Faculty of Sociology, Germany Ghent University, Department of Conflict and Development Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Belgium |
03/2018 - 04/2018 | Visiting Researcher EHESS - École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, France (In coordination with Prof. Dr. Hamit Bozarslan) |
09/2012 - 06/2013 | Master's degree in Political Science Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Belgium |
The research aims at analyzing the processes and ways in which the Kurdish movement led by the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq has worked to build space for its ideological and political claims to be intelligible, operational and effective in local and international realms over the past four decades. This research engages with the PKK sociologically, historically and internationally in order to reveal the causal mechanisms that conditioned the building of such a transnational political space. The term "building political space" is understood as the international relations of the PKK in the making of democratic confederalism, which implies the radical decentralization of neighboring nation-states where the Kurds live and attempts to establish a self-governance model based on direct democracy to ultimately render the nation-state borders meaningless. As an ideological stance and every-day political practice particularly in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq and Syria, democratic confederalism constitutes a space where the PKK and in/organically related structures are operational. This practice radically challenges both mainstream IR theories and the states-system in the Middle East. By taking up an approach based on the co-constituent role of "global" and "local" in development, this research seeks to understand the role of agency in social and political transformations at global, regional and local levels. The research ultimately aims to contribute in the redefinition of IR beyond state-centrism and it is grounded upon an inter-societal conceptualization of IR over longue durée - international historical sociology.