E-Mail: iris.bartelt@uni-bielefeld.de
Phone: +49 521 106-67632
Office: Gebäude X B2-219, Locations Map
Postbox: Nr. 398 im Gebäude X - Magistrale - Ebene C2
Doctoral Project:
Moral authority and contestation in the International Labour Organization
Since 03/2024 |
Doctoral Researcher at the Research Training Group "World Politics", Bielefeld University |
08/2021-02/2024 | Research associate, in the research project “A Theory of World Entities” (ATOWE, DFG), Bielefeld University, Germany |
01/2021-07/2021 | Desk Officer Board and Regional Chapter, Managerkreis, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung |
09/2018-12/2018 | Project coordinator and seminar assistant, Course and Conference Organisation, German Federal Foreign Office - Training for International Diplomats |
03/2017-03/2018 | Research assistant, Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS), University of Bremen, Germany |
10/2016-01/2020 | MA Professional Public Decision Making (1,48), University of Bremen, Germany |
09/2014-02/2015 | Erasmus exhange semester, University of Ghent, Belgium |
10/2012-10/2016 | BA Political Science and Social Anthropology (1,7), University of Göttingen, Germany |
The dissertation project explores how the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) moral authority affects the organization’s reaction to being challenged and having its norms and institutions contested. Having the constitutional capacity to create legally binding international norms, the ILO needs to perform a balancing act between meeting its purpose, demands by its constituents and adapting to events and changing circumstances in its environment. Against this background, two different examples of contestation of the ILO’s norms and institutions are examined: 1) The right to strike conflict and the deadlock at the 2012 International Labour Conference 2) The gridlock regarding Global Supply Chain governance. The dissertation draws on ideas from sociological neo-institutionalism and organizational learning to argue that the ILO constructs and uses its moral authority as a means of countering contestation to maintain its legitimacy and position in world society. The weight of moral authority and moral communication is used by the ILO constituents to achieve their goals when they cannot refer solely to the ILO’s rational-legal source of authority. The main research question guiding this dissertation project is therefore concerned with how moral authority is constructed and applied by the ILO to counter contestation of its norms and institutions.
Bartelt I. (2024). “Adding a moral perspective – Moral authority in the International Labour Organization’s response to the right to strike debate” Presentation of Paper at Max Planck Research Group “The Multiplication of Authorities in Global Governance Institutions”, Heidelberg, Germany.
Bartelt I. (with N. Tsaritova) (2024). “Engagement Groups and the G7”. Presentation paper at International Studies Association. 65th Annual Convention: Putting Relationality at the Centre of International Studies. San Francisco, USA.
Bartelt, I. (with N. Tsaritova) (2023). “IOs and their environments: Zooming in on the in-between”. Presentation of paper at Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft. Theme Group “Internationale Organisationen” Annual Workshop Jena, Germany.
Bartelt I. (with M. Koch and N. Tsaritova) (2023). “Moral authority in the ILO’s supervisory mechanisms”; “More than meets the eye. Various forms of environments in international relations” Presentation of papers at European International Studies Association. Pan-European Conference.
Bartelt, I. (with M. Koch and N. Tsaritova) (2023). “More than meets the eye. Various forms of environments in international relations”. Presentation of paper at Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft. IB-Sektionstagung. Friedrichshafen.
Bartelt, I. (2023). "Valued cooperation - The International Labour Organization’s relation to G7 and BRICS" at Panel "International Organizations, international Bureaucracies and Bureaucrats in a Changed World". Presentation of paper at International Studies Association. 64th Annual Convention: Real Struggles, High Stakes: Cooperation, Contention, and Creativity. Montréal, Canada.
Bartelt, I. (2022). DGS, ISA RC17 and RG “Organization & Society”. Paper Presentation at Paper Development Workshop and Presentation in Panel. International Conference on Organizational Sociology, “Organizations in a Plural Society”. NTNU Trondheim, Norway
Bartelt, I. (2022). Presentation at Panel “Politische Organisationen – national und international”. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Offene Tagung der DGS Sektion Politische Soziologie. Bielefeld, Germany.
Bartelt, I. (2021). Presentation at Panel “A Theory of World Entities”. Institute for World Society Studies. Annual Retreat 2021 (online). Bielefeld University.
Bartelt, I. (2021). Panel "Sociologist: Education and Professional Trajectories". All-Russian Scientific Conference. XV. Kovalevsky Readings (online). St. Petersburg State University.