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Neurocognition and ­Action - Biomechanics

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© Universität Bielefeld

Intelligence and Motion

The Master's degree in "Intelligence and Motion" covers fundamental physical and cognitive aspects of the science of human movement. In combination with modern methodology for the analysis of human motion and for memory analysis, this knowledge can be made fruitful in the development of innovative technical solutions (in fields such as robotics, competitive sport, and rehabilitation). This leads to the generation of novel insights in the areas of intelligence (cognition) and motion. Students may opt to focus on skills development in technology-oriented or sports-oriented career fields. Students specializing in sport focus on intervention strategies geared to optimizing motion patterns in training and rehabilitation. Students specializing in technology learn to develop technical systems which are adapted to the human musculoskeletal system. Over the course of the program, special attention is paid to ensure that students develop skills in group work and in managing teams, learn to appraise market opportunities in the crossover area between sport and technology, and acquire a grasp of strategic entrepreneurial thinking. As the course is solidly science-based, alumni are also ideally placed to continue their scientific studies at national or international research institutions working at the interface of human movement, cognitive science and technology.


© NCA-Group - Universität Bielefeld

The interdisciplinary educational program is given by lecturers of the Technical Faculty (Applied Informatics, Neuro Informatics), the Faculty of Biology (Cognitive Neuroscience) and the Faculty of Psychology and Sports.

Target groups

© NCA-Group - Universität Bielefeld

The Master program "Intelligence and Motion" is addressed to graduates of sport science, computational science (e. g. informatics) and natural sciences (e. g. biology, physics, biophysics), Psychology or cognitive Bachelor study programs. A degree with contents of the fields of movement science, cognitive science, technical sciences, human-/neuro- and behavioural biology, quantitative research methods with the amount of at least 10 LP qualifies for the master program.

Qualification profile

© NCA-Group - Universität Bielefeld

Regarding sport-related occupational fields action-related professional and mediation competencies are imparted which are to be applied in competitive sports. Further application fields are fitness and health sports. In technology-related professional areas graduates should be skilled in matching technical systems with human action capacities. This includes fields such as the development of intelligent prosthetics, intelligent clothes and the advancement of intelligent household technology. Besides a professional occupation in one of the above mentioned fields alumnni of the Master program have additionally the opportunity to continue with an academic career in national and international research institutes dealing with motion analysis with regard to cognitive scientific/ technological perspectives (e. g. Center of Excellence CITEC, research institutes for movement science, psychology, technology, biology).

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