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RESEARCH GROUP Biodata Mining > Team

IFeaLiD Tool
© Martin Zurowietz

Head of Group

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tim Wilhelm Nattkemper

Telefon Sekr.
+49 521 106-6882
UHG V10-111

Tim W. Nattkemper studied Computer Science, Mathematics and Chemistry and finished with a diploma in Computer Science. In 2001 he was awarded a PhD in Computer Science for his pioneering work on machine learning methods for the analysis of high dimensional fluorescence micrographs. Since 2002 Tim Nattkemper leads his own Biodata Mining Group at the Faculty of Technology of the Bielefeld University, Germany. In his research TWN develops new approaches to overcome bottleneck problems in nowadays life science and biology research, which is caused by growing data volume and complexity. In particular, the group has proposed early solutions to problems of micrograph segmentation, high dimensional biodata visualization, web-based bioimage analysis and next generation sequencing data classification (so called metagenomics). Recently the group opened up a new field of bioimage analysis, referred to as underwater informatics, to address the pressing Big Data problems in marine imaging.

Team Members

Dr. Daniel Langenkämper

UHG V10-112

Dipl.-Math. Torben Möller

UHG V10-112

M.Sc. Mingkun Tan

UHG V10-112

M.Sc. Robin van Kevelaer

M.Sc. Karsten Wüllems

														Dr. Martin Zurowietz

Dr. Martin Zurowietz

UHG U10-144

Student assistants

Anna Lena Bergander

Jonas Bicker

Lukas Schulte

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