The Visual AI for Extended Reality research group was established at Bielefeld University on March 1, 2024, under the supervision of Helge Rhodin. As part of the Faculty of Technology, the group's focus is on making Extended Reality (XR) practical for various applications, ranging from entertainment to healthcare, industrial use, and casual telepresence. To achieve this, the group is advancing the fields of 3D computer vision, machine learning, and computer graphics, with a particular focus on real-time reconstruction. The team is dedicated to developing algorithms that enhance the human experience and ensure privacy-preserving solutions, especially in sensitive areas such as smart home applications. These advances are essential to enable XR technologies to truly understand and respond to user intent and interaction in both virtual and real environments.
The international research group Visual AI for Extended Reality, led by Prof. Helge Rhodin, advances 3D computer vision, machine learning, and computer graphics to enable new levels of non-intrusive computer-human interaction.
The latest AR devices offer incredible display capabilities; we make them truly useful by complementing the display capabilities with algorithms for high-quality dynamic reconstruction. From just a video, we reconstruct the user's avatar and their environment. The goal is immersion through a tight coupling of the real and virtual worlds, enabled by a bidirectional information flow both in the device-to-user (display) and the user-to-device (reconstruction) direction.
The research is human-centric and aims at doing good. The three core research directions are privacy-preserving sensors, self-supervised learning, and how to add control to personalized human and large-scale generative models.
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The three core research directions are privacy-preserving vision, self-supervised learning, and generative models for human modeling (click links for details). The group collaborates with industry and international researchers to make these algorithmic advances practical, e.g. with neuroscientists to relate laboratory animal behavior to neural activation.
All courses taught by the Visual AI for Extended Realities group can be found in the ekVV. The group typically offers courses on the following topics:
Neural and Geometric Modeling
Probabilistic Learning for Visual Computing
Video Game Programming
We always seek highly motivated and talented students to write their thesis in the Visual AI for Extended Realities group. Reach out to the member where you see the best fit, e.g. ask PhDs and Postdocs working in your interest area for possible topics.
It is recommended that you attend at least one lecture of the working group in advance.
The group published source code and models for almost all publications. Check out our most recent publications and follow the link that is typically given in the abstract.
For instance, we provide code and examples for Neural Point Characters (NPC) and for AutoLink: Self-supervised Learning of Human Skeletons.
Reach out to Helge Rhodin.
Leitung AG Visual AI for Extended Reality
Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Helge Rhodin
Publications focus on graphics, vision, and machine learning venues, such as SIGGRAPH, CVPR, and NeurIPS. Visit the publication highlights on for a graphical overview. The bibliography below lists publications in text form.
Leitung AG Visual AI for Extended Reality
Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Helge Rhodin