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Finance and Corporate Governance

Prof. Dr. Peter Limbach

© Universität Bielefeld

Research area

Peter Limbach and his team conduct research in the area of finance and corporate governance. Other research topics include financial accounting, financial markets and their regulation, social finance, and family firms.

Publications by Peter Limbach

Publications in Englisch

  1. Does Speculative News Hurt Productivity? Evidence from Takeover Rumors (with Christian Andres, Dimitry Bazhutov, Douglas Cumming, and Gerrit Köchling), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming,

  2. The Decline of Trust Across the U.S. Finance Industry (with Raghu Rau and Henrik Schürmann), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 213, 324-344, 2023.

  3. The Supply and Effectiveness of Investor Relations in Insider- vs. Outsider-Oriented Markets (with Dimitry Bazhutov, André Betzer, Francois Brochet, and Markus Doumet), Management Science 69, 660-683, 2023.
  4. Trust and Monitoring (with Marc Goergen and Simon Lesmeister), Journal of Banking and Finance 143, 106587, 2022.
  5. CEO Tenure and Firm Value (with Francois Brochet, Markus Schmid, and Meik Scholz-Daneshgari), The Accounting Review 96, 47-71, 2021. 

  6. Till Death (or Divorce) Do Us Part: Early-life Family Disruption and Investment Behavior (with André Betzer, Raghu Rau, and Henrik Schürmann), Journal of Banking and Finance 124, 2021. 

  7. Are Generalists Beneficial to Corporate Shareholders? Evidence from Exogenous Executive Turnovers (with André Betzer, Grace Lee, and Jesus Salas), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 55, 581-619, 2020.  

  8. Firms’ Rationales for CEO Duality: Evidence from a Mandatory Disclosure Regulation (with Marc Goergen and Meik Scholz-Daneshgari), Journal of Corporate Finance 65, 2020. 
  9. Family Exit in Family Firms: How Network Ties Affect the Owner's Intention to Follow the Private Equity Succession Route (with Malte Brettel, Florian Kreer, and René Mauer), Schmalenbach Business Review 67, 454-488, 2015.  
  10. Mind the Gap: The Age Dissimilarity Between the Chair and the CEO (with Marc Goergen and Meik Scholz), Journal of Corporate Finance 35, 136-158, 2015. 
  11. Underwriter Reputation and the Quality of Certification: Evidence from High-Yield Bonds (with Christian Andres and André Betzer), Journal of Banking and Finance 40, 97-115, 2014. 

Publications in German

  1. Ich bin dann mal weg: Werteffekte von Delistings deutscher Aktiengesellschaften nach dem Frosta-Urteil (with Markus Doumet and Erik Theissen), Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 68, 253-277, 2016. 
  2. Today's or yesterday's news - Eine empirische Analyse von Stimmrechtsmitteilungen gemäß §§ 21 ff. WpHG und Schlussfolgerungen für die Kapitalmarktregulierung (with Markus Doumet, Martin Ruckes, and Rüdiger Veil), Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht 44, 709-753, 2015. 
  3. Ankündigungseffekte der Emission von High-Yield-Bonds in Europa (with André Betzer), Kredit und Kapital (Credit and Capital Markets) 43, 243-270, 2010. 

Solicited Publications

  1. Underwriter Reputation and Certification in the High Yield Bond Market (with Christian Andres and André Betzer), Book chapter in: Martin Fridson (ed.): High Yield Future Tense: Cracking the Code of Speculative Debt, New York Society of Security Analysts, New York, 2015. 
  2. Auswirkungen guter Corporate Governance und Compliance auf den Unternehmenswert (with Christian Andres, André Betzer, and Markus Doumet), Kölner Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht (1/2013), 92-96, 2013. 

Working Papers

  1. Inside the Blackbox of Firm Environmental Efforts: Evidence from Emissions Reduction Initiatives (with Catrina Achilles, Michael Wolff, and Aaron Yoon),

  2. Corporate Income Taxes and Payout Policy: Evidence from U.S. State-Level Tax Changes (with Casimir Carl and Florencio López de Silanes).

  3. Traditional Investment Research and Social Networks: Evidence from Facebook Connections (with Travis Dyer and Gerrit Köchling),

  4. From Big Four to Wall Street: Sell-Side Analysts with Accounting Experience (with Christian Andres, Francois Brochet, and Nicola Schumacher),

  5. Blockholder Representation on the Board: Theory and Evidence (with Samed Krüger and Paul Voss),

  6. Do Financial Advisors Matter for M&A Pre-Announcement Returns? (with André Betzer and Jasmin Gider),

  7. Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Unconsummated Deals and Subsequent M&A Cautiousness (with Robert Campbell and Johannes Reusche).

Permanent Working Papers

  1. Screening Discrimination in Financial Markets: Evidence from CEO-Fund Manager Dyads (with Stefan Jaspersen),
  2. Indexing and the Flow-performance Relation of Actively Managed Mutual Funds (with Simon Lesmeister, Raghu Rau, and Florian Sonnenburg),

Work in progress

  1. The ESG Trade-off (with Fabio Martin and Raghu Rau)

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