Katharina gave a talk on risk modelling using Markov-switching generalised additive models for location, scale, and shape at the 14th Young Researchers Workshop of the Centre for Statistics at Bielefeld University.
Timo gave a workshop on hidden Markov models for PhD students at the University of Göttingen.
Paper accepted: the manuscript Movement in 3D: novel opportunities for understanding animal behaviour and space use (co-authored by Timo) was accepted for publication at Ethology.
Katharina and Timo attended the 4th Summer school on modern topics in time series analysis in Klagenfurt, Austria, where Timo gave a lecture on hidden Markov models.
Katharina Ammann joined the group as a research associate and PhD student. Welcome Katharina!
Timo gave talks at the Colloquium of the Centre for Statistics at Bielefeld University and the 38th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling in Durham, UK.
Want to do a PhD in statistical modelling? We are currently offering a three-year PhD position (application deadline: April 4, 2024). If you are interested, please have a look at the job posting and get in touch with us!
Timo gave a talk at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Timo gave a talk at the British Ecological Society (BES) annual meeting in Belfast, UK.
New preprint: the manuscript Daily time constraints limit behavioural capacity to cope with thermally increased metabolic demands (co-authored by Timo) was published on bioRxiv.
Paper accepted: the manuscript Markov-switching decision trees (co-authored by Timo) was accepted for publication at AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis.
Paper accepted: the manuscript fHMM: hidden Markov models for financial time series in R (co-authored by Timo) was accepted for publication at the Journal of Statistical Software.
Paper accepted: the manuscript Electronic tagging and tracking aquatic animals to understand a world increasingly shaped by a changing climate and extreme weather events (co-authored by Timo) was accepted for publication at the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Acquatic Sciences.