Everyday Activity Science and Engineering (EASE) (07/2017-06/2025) [DFG]
it's OWL (2020-2025) [BMBF]
Empower citizeNs to join Forces with public authOrities in proteCting the Envronment (ENFORCE) (2024-2028) [EU]
Performance in Robots Interaction via Mental Imagery (PRIMI) (2023-2027) [EU]
European Open Compute Architecture for Powerful Edge (CAPE) (2024-2027) [EU]
Smart Water Futures: designing the next generation of urban drinking water systems (Water-Futures) (2021-2027) [EU]
Learning with Multiple Representations (LEMUR ) (2023-2026) [EU; Horizon 2020]
Prêt-à-LLOD (2019-) [EU]
Cognitive modeling of the predictive active self in situated action (COMPAS) (COMPAS) (2022-2024) [DFG]
Laughter in Conversation: Form, Function and Multimodality (LAUGH) (2021-2024) [DFG]
Deep speech representation learning for research in phonetics (2021-2024) [DFG]
TACT-HAND: Improving control of prosthetic hands using tactile sensors and realistic machine learning (04/2016-03/2019) [DFG]
Hybrid Living (AP3-5 MMI) (2023-2027) [BMBF]
Trustworthy AI for spatialtemporal data analysis and its applocation for human's grand challenges (TrustAI) (2023-2027) [Land NRW]
Hybrid eXperience Platform for Human-Centered Automation (EFRE EXPLORE) (2024-2027) [EFRE]
Optimized Software-defined Car Architectures (OSxCAR) (2024-2027) [EFRE]
Measuring children´s wellbeing and mental health with social robots (BattOut) (2024-2027) [BMWK]
Digitaler Bahnhof Minden (DiBaMi) (2024-2027) [EFRE]
AuToRail OWL – Automated Transport of Road and Rail Goods OWL (AuToRail) (2024-2026) [Land NRW]
Verbundprojekt: enableATO - Automatisierter Bahnverkehr als Backbone für eine nachhaltige, vernetzte Mobilität im ländlichen Raum, Minden; Teilvorhaben: Universität Bielefeld (enableATO) (2024-2026) [BMDV]
Verbundprojekt: Modulare, heterogene Edge-to-HPCMicroserverplattform mit leiterplattenintegrierter Entwärmung (CoolEdgeHPC) (2023-2026) [BMBF]
Verbund SAIL: SustAInable Life-cycle of Intelligent SocioTechnical Systems – Teilvorhaben Universität Bielefeld (SAIL) (2022-2026) [Land NRW]
Energy-Efficient Large-Scale Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Data Centers; Teilvorhaben: Effiziente Algorithmen (ESCADE) (2023-2026) [BMWK]
I4.0AutoServ (I4.0AutoServ) (2022-2025) [Land NRW]
Standortübergreifendes Graduiertenkolleg Trustworthy Al for Seamless Problem Solving: Next Generation Intelligence Joins (GRK Data-NInJA) (2020-2025) [Land NRW]
Verbundprojekt: Energiesparende verteilte Sensorsysteme für maschinelles Sehen (EVENTS) (2025-2025) [BMBF]
Forschungs- und Transferaktivitäten zur Stärkung der Motivation und Kompetenz durch den Einsatz von KI-basierten Technol (KIAM) (2020-2025) [Bund]
Verbundprojekt_Edge-Computing-Module für eine resiliente Elektronikfertigung mit adaptiver Prozessoptimierung - AdaPEdge- (AdaPEdge) (2022-2025) [Bund]
Climate neutral business in OWL (Climate bOWL) (2022-2025) [Land NRW]
Evaluation for Text Generation (Metrics4NLG) (09/2022-08/2025) [BMBF]
PPP-Indien - Planning Human-Robot interactions with learnable DNN modules (PPP-Indien) (2023-2024) [Bund]
PPP-USA - Open-ended learning by autonomous agents in complex environments - (PPP-USA) (2023-2024) [Bund]
Out-of-distribution detection via generative modeling of deep latent representations (KI-St-Chan) (2022-2024) [Land NRW]
Learning to plan with Deep Neural Networks (L2PWDNN) (2021-2024) [Land NRW]
FPGA-Integration in die "Chain-of-Trust" für sichere Elektronikkomponenten (VE-ASCOT) (2021-2024) [Bund]
NEO-MILK: Muttermilchbanken: Implementierung und Förderung der Laktation auf deutschen neonatologischen Intensivstation (NICUs) mit Muttermilch/humaner Spendermilch (NEO-MILK) (2021-2024) [Bund]
Empathic Artificial Intelligence (EKI) (12/2020-11/2024) [BMBF]
Neuartige Designmethoden für vertrauenswürdige Elektronikschaltungen (DIVA-IC) (2021-2024) [Bund]
KI-on-the-edge für eine sichere und autonome Verteilnetzsteuerung mit einem hohen Anteil an erneuerbaren Energien (AI4DG) (2021-2024) [Bund]
Scalable hybrid Avatar-Agent-Technologies for everyday social interaction in XR (HiAva) (09/2021-08/2024) [BMBF]
Intelligent Assistance Systems for Technical Apprenticeships / Training (iAtA) (2021-2024) [MKW NRW]
Transfer: Square (T2) Neue Transferpfade erschließen und Interaktionen stärken (TransferSquare) (2022-2024) [NRW]
LeRntVAD - Interpretierbares Generatives Maschinelles Lernen zur intelligenten Reglung von Vetricular Assist Devices (LeRntVAD) (2021-2024) [Bund]
AI-based decision support for antibiotic therapy (KINBIOTICS) (10/2020-09/2023) [BMG]
Multimodal Physics and Sensor Simulation for Synthesizing Training Data for Robot Manipulation (Sim4Dexterity) (10/2021-09/2023) [BMBF]
AI Marketplace (KI-Marktplatz) (01/2020-12/2022) [BMWi]