Date: May 2-3, 2024
Venue: ZiF / Bielefeld University
We kindly invite you to participate in the 18th Kosmologietag!
The workshop consists of mainly contributed talks, complemented by two invited overview talks and dinner on Thursday night.
You are welcome to submit a title for a contributed talk about any aspect of cosmology, astroparticle physics and gravity including theory, observation and experiment.
Invited Talks: tba
General registration is 50 EUR including coffee and dinner.
Submission of talks by April 11, 2024
Registration by April 29, 2024
Date: Monday, 18 December - Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Venue: ZiF / Bielefeld University
We kindly invite you to participate in the XIX Brunel-Bielefeld Workshop!
This workshop marks the continuation of an annual series that began in 2005 at Brunel University in London. Since 2011, it has been alternating between Bielefeld and Brunel.
Random matrices serve as a powerful tool for the statistical analysis of spectral data in various fields, such as physics, mathematics, and beyond. This year's event will explore several applications, including fundamental properties in quantum systems, neural networks, high-dimensional random landscapes, as well as more traditional applications in statistical physics and Coulomb gases.
Deadline for requesting participation is 31 October 2023.
Gernot Akemann, Igor Krasovsky, Dmiry Savin and Igor Smolyarenko
Date: June 1-2, 2023
Venue: ZiF / Bielefeld University
We kindly invite you to participate in the 17th Kosmologietag!
The workshop consists of mainly contributed talks, complemented by two invited overview talks and dinner on Thursday night.
You are welcome to submit a title for a contributed talk about any aspect of cosmology, astroparticle physics and gravity including theory, observation and experiment.
Invited Talks:
Fabian Schmidt (MPA, Garching) New Approaches to Cosmology Inference from Galaxy Clustering
Jessica Turner (Durham) Leptogenesis: An Overview from the Low to the High
General registration is 50 EUR including coffee and dinner.
Submission of talks by May 1, 2023
Datum: 15.02.23 - Uhrzeit: 18:00
Vortragender: Dr. Matthias Schmidt-Rubart
Thema: Dunkle Materie und Dunkle Energie. Woraus besteht das Universum?
Ort: Kunsthalle Bielefeld
Eintritt: 5 Euro
Unser Universum besteht zu einem Großteil aus Dunkler Materie und Dunkler Energie, zwei Phänomenen, die wir nicht sehen und bisher auch nicht verstehen können. Der Bielefelder Kosmologe Matthias Schmidt-Rubart erklärt in seinem Vortrag allgemein verständlich, was sich hinter diesen rätselhaften Begriffen verbirgt, warum die Wissenschaft überhaupt zu dem Schluss kommt, dass es Dunkle Materie und Dunkle Energie gibt, und was das Ganze mit einer köchelnden Suppe zu tun hat.
Bei Verbesserungsvorschlägen oder Fehlern auf dieser Seite bitte an: wenden.