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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld


CITEC is a central academic institute of Bielefeld University and belongs to the strategic research focus on "The Socio-Technical World". Participating faculties are the Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science, Faculty of Linguistics and Literature, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Sociology, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and the Medical School OWL.

The Scientific Board is the main decision-making body. Members of the Scientific Board are elected by the Extended Board for four years. Further organizational units are the Graduate School and the Innovation Labs (CoR-Lab, COSY@Home-Lab).


														Prof. Dr.  Philipp Cimiano

Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano

CITEC-Koordinator / Vorstandsmitglied

														Prof. Dr.-Ing.  Stefan Kopp

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kopp

Stellvertretender CITEC-Koordinator / Vorstandsmitglied

Scientific Board

Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano (Coordinator) Faculty of Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kopp (Deputy Coordinator) Faculty of Technology
Dr.-Ing. Marc Hesse Faculty of Technology
Prof. Dr. Christoph Kayser Faculty of Biology
Prof. Dr. Johanna Kißler Faculty of Psychology & Sports Science
Dr. Bogdan Ludusan Faculty of Linguistics & Literary Studies
Dr. Birte Richter Medical School OWL
Dr. Benjamin Strenge Faculty of Psychology & Sports Science
Prof. Dr. Sina Zarrieß Faculty of Linguistics & Literary Studies


Administrative Office

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The financial and administrative tasks of CITEC are managed by the administration team of the Faculty of Technology.

  • Maximilian Preisberg

    Team Leader Project Management and Third-Party Funds
    Dean's Office of the Faculty of Technology


    +49 521 106-12202  

    CITEC 0-223

  • Daniela Isert

    Team Leader Human Resources and Finance
    Dean's Office of the Faculty of Technology


    +49 521 106-12365

    CITEC 0-220


A picture of two hands holding a row of paper figures in the air
Unsplash/Andrew Moca

A complete list of the CITEC Members can be found here.



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