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Neurocognition and ­Action - Biomechanics

Manual Action Laboratory (symbolic foto)
© Universität Bielefeld

Manual Action Lab

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Miguel Cienfuegos

Miguel Cienfuegos

Telefon Sekr.
+49 521 106-6991
UHG N3-127
Experimental area of the laboratory
© NCA-Group - Universität Bielefeld

The focus of the Manual Action Lab is to investigate how humans plan, execute, and control their movements during goal-directed tasks. The research conducted by members of the Manual Action Lab is diverse, ranging from basic research on cognition, perception, and action, to understanding the neural bases of motor planning and control in healthy adults and children, as well as in various patient populations. Our research utilizes a variety of psychological approaches and research techniques in order to gain a more complete understanding of human behavior.

Research Topics

Moving an object according to instructions on a monitor
© NCA-Group - Universität Bielefeld
  • Action Observation
  • Manual Asymmetries
  • Bimanual coordination
  • Social Action
  • Object formation in memory
  • Online corrections to changes in motor plans
  • Higher order motor planning

Lab Equipment

  • 10x Vicon Bonita (max. 240 images per second, 0.3 megapixels) including analog option (64 signal inputs with 16 bit resolution)
  • AMTI Forceplate (90 x 60 cm, DMS-Technique, 3D force and torque measurements, max 3000/9000 N, Vicon-inclusion)
  • Basler Pilot DV camera (VGA, 2 megapixels, 200 Hz GigE, Vicon-Inclusion)
  • Canon SX7 Mark II wide angle projector (4000 lumen, 1400 x 1050 resolution)
  • Panasonic/Smart Board (65-inch display, 1080p Full HD panel plasma display, 1920 x 1080 resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio)


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