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Neurocognition and ­Action - Biomechanics

Memory laboratory (symbolic photo)
© Universität Bielefeld

Memory Lab

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Ludwig Vogel

Telefon Sekr.
+49 521 106-6991
UHG N3-127

The focus of the Memory Lab is to investigate human movements and their mental representations. Our main research interests are the adaptivity and representation of movements in long-term memory. To investigate these topics, we apply methods such as SDM-A and RT experiments.

Research Topics

  • The representation of complex movements (e.g. sports, dance) in long-term memory and how they are influenced by expertise
  • Movement and object representations in manual action and the design and adaptation of grasping movements

Lab Equipment

  • Two PCs with touch screens and special software (e.g. Split SDA-M) to analyze human memory structures
  • Several response panels for reaction time experiments
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