The next meeting of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Working Group will take place on the 15th and 16th of March 2018 in Amsterdam, at the University of Amsterdam. Both theoretical scientists and practical users with an interest in SEM are invited to participate and submit an abstract.
The SEM working group was founded in 1986 and since then regular meetings or small conferences have been held across Europe (e.g., Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, and Switzerland). The group has an informal character; there is no affiliation to any research organization. The main goal of the meetings is to exchange and discuss methodological problems and possible solutions in structural equation modeling and related fields. Presentations about ongoing research are explicitly welcomed.
Abstracts should be sent to Mathilde Verdam ( by the 26th of January. Talks will be about 30 minutes including 10 to 15 minutes for discussion. Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Amsterdam.
Kind regards,
Frans Oort and Mathilde Verdam
Department of Child Development and Education, University of Amsterdam
12.30-13.00 Registration
13.00-13.10 Welcome
Mathilde Verdam, University of Amsterdam
13.10-13.35 On the Merits of Parceling
Todd Little, Texas Tech University
13.35-14.00 Nonlinear Structural Equation Modelling Using H-likelihood
Fan Yang Wallentin, Uppsala University
14:00 - 14:25 The Influence of Cross-level Invariance Constraints When Testing Multilevel Mediation Using SEM
Suzanne Jak, University of Amsterdam
14:25 - 14:55 On the Problem of Spurious Non-Linear Effects in Aggregated Scores: Investigating Differentiation of Cognitive Abilities using Item Level Data
Dylan Molenaar, University of Amsterdam
30 min break
15.20-15.45 Makes Religion Happy ? Or Makes Happiness Religious? An Analysis of a Three- wave Panel Using and Comparing Discrete and Continuous Time Techniques.
Heiner Meulemann, University of Cologne
15.45-16.10 Exploratory Mediation Analysis with Many Potential Mediators
Erik-Jan van Kesteren, Utrecht University
16.10-16.35 Why We May Not Need SEM After All
Yves Rosseel, Ghent University
20 min break
16.55-17.20 Understanding the Time Course of Interventions
Charles Driver, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
17.20-17.45 Temptation Island: Do You Need Questionable Research Practices to Survive Academia?
Rens van de Schoot, Utrecht University
17.45-18.15 Meeting of the Working Group
19.00 Conference dinner
09:30-09.55 Confirmatory Composite Analysis
Florian Schuberth, University of Twente
09.55-10.20 Bayesian SEM in Blavaan: Estimation and Model Comparison Results
Ed Merkle, University of Missouri
10.20-10.45 Prior Sensitivity Analysis in Default Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling
Sara van Erp, Tilburg University
10.45-11.10 Discussion over the Effects of Big Data Trend on Structural Equation Modeling
Piotr Tarka, Poznan University of Economics and Business
30 min break
11.40-12.05 On the Use of the Factor Model for the Construction of Tests Aimed at Prediction
Niels Smits, University of Amsterdam
12.05-12.30 Challenging Partial, Approximate and Partial Approximate Measurement Invariance. A Monte Carlo Simulation Study
Artur Pokropek, Polish Academy of Science and EC Joint Research Centre
12.30-12.55 Measurement Invariance Explorer ? Shiny Application
Maksim Rudnev, University Institute of Lisbon
13.55-14.20 Three Applications of Structural Equation Modeling as a Handy Tool: A Network Comparison Test, Testing Moderated Mediation, and a Means to Correct for the Effects of Censoring
Kees Jan Kan, University of Amsterdam
14.20-14.45 Multilevel SEM for Ordinal Data in the 'Wide' Format Approach
Mariska Barendse, Ghent University
14.45-15.10 Global Model Fit Test for Nonlinear SEM
Rebecca Buechner, Goethe-University Frankfurt
20 min break
15.30-15.55 Algebraic Expression for Standard Errors in Structural Equation Modeling
Harry Garst, University of Amsterdam
15.55-16.20 Exploring Multicausal Patterns in Sparse Longitudinal Data With Dynamic Fixed Effects SEM Models and Network Analysis
Alexandru Agache, Ruhr-University Bochum
16.20-16.45 How Different Education and Training Systems Configure Literacy Skills: A Comparative Analysis of Five OECD Countries Using Structural Equation Modelling
Rosario Scandura, Autonomous University of Barcelona